Упр. 38. Закончите предложения в соответствующем времени
A. 1. Last night… 2. One of these days … 3. If you call me … 4. Every week … 5. I shall come if …
B. 1. The other day … 2. Two days ago … 3. In two days … 4. As a rule … 5. Sometimes …
C. 1. After the lessons are over … 2. Never … 3. Last week … 4. Next month … 5. He will come if …
Упр. 39. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1. The train leaves at 3. 2. We have supper at 8 p.m. 3. He will buy this interesting book. 4. He worked at a plant last year. 5. Old ladies like to sit by fire. 6. Her brother made three mistakes in the test. 7. They will remember this day for ever. 8. She has a headache, so she will not go to school. 9. He visits his grandparents very often. 10. It rained yesterday. 11. There were three apples on the table. 12. It takes him an hour to have dinner. 13. He is busy today. 14. There will be a lecture tomorrow. 15. It snows often in winter.
Упр. 40. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную временную форму глагола. A. 1. He (to be) a doctor and (to work) at the hospital. 2. Usually she (to cook) a big dinner, but last afternoon she (to be) busy and (not to cook) anything. 3. In a month we (to have) holidays and (to go) to the sea-side. 4. There (to be) many books on the table. 5. If you (to invite) her to the party tonight she (not to agree). 6. The other day he (to buy) a new car but he (not to like) it and (to sell) it soon. 7. They (to be) always at home after 6, but one of these days they (to go) to the theatre and (to return) later. 8. Next Sunday I (to go) to Michael and (to ask) him when he (to return) me that book. 9. Last week it (to snow) much and there (to be) a lot of snow in the streets. 10. Ann, you (to be) very busy. I (to help) you with your work when I (to finish) mine, and we (to be able) to go to the cinema tonight. B. 1. Nurses (to look) after patients at hospitals. 2. Ann (to play) the piano, but she (not to play) it very well. 3. If it (to rain), we (to stay) at home. 4. Last night when it (to get dark), they (to turn on) the radio and (to listen) to music. 5. In Britain most shops (to close) at 5.30 p.m. 6. He (to cross) the street and (to go) towards the city park. 7. If you (to pass) the exams your parents (to be) happy. 8. I (to learn) to drive a car a few years ago. 9. As soon as I (to come) home, I (to phone) him. 10. When I (to be) a boy we (to live) in a village. Then we (to move) to a big city where we (to live) now. In a few months my brother (to move) back to the village. C. 1. You (to go) to the party with me next Saturday? – No, I … 2. He (not to like) fish. 3. They (to be) in the library the other day? – Yes, they … 4. She (to play) tennis well? – Yes, she … 5. Why you (not to come) to the Institute yesterday? – I (to feel) not quite well. 6. When she usually (to do) her homework? – She (to do) it when she (to come) home. 7. Who (to sing) best of all in your group? 8. Where they (to go) when they (to pass) all the exams next summer? 9. I (not to eat) butter. 10. What you (to say) if they (to ask) you about it?
Времена группы Continuous обозначают действие, длящееся в определенный момент или период времени. Группа Continuous имеет три времени – настоящее (The Present Continuous), прошедшее (The Past Continuous) и будущее (The Future Continuous). Все формы группы Continuous образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и причастия I смыслового глагол (смысловой глагол + -ing).
Например: I am working. Я работаю. I was working. Я работал. I shall be working. Я буду работать.
У п о т р е б л е н и е. Настоящее продолженное время употребляется: 1) Для обозначения действия, которое происходит в данный момент речи, что подразумевается из контекста или выражается такими словами, как now, at (the) present, at this moment. Eg.: I am listening to the teacher now. Я сейчас слушаю учителя. He is sleeping. Он спит. They are working . Они работают. 2) Для выражения продолженного действия, которое происходит не обязательно в момент разговора, но носит постоянный характер.
Eg.: He is learning English at the Institute. Он изучает английский в институте.
3) Для выражения заранее намеченного, запланированного действия, которое совершится в ближайшем будущем. Eg.: We are going to the country on Sunday. В воскресенье мы едем за город. 4) Для выражения постоянного действия, которое у говорящего вызывает раздражение, осуждение или возмущение. В этом случае обычно используются слова always, constantly.
Eg.: He is always doing such things. И он всегда так поступает.
О б р а з о в а н и е. Утвердительная форма. Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в настоящем времени (am, is are) и смыслового глагола с окончанием –ing (Participle I).
I am speaking. He (she, it) is speaking. We (you, they) are speaking. Отрицательная форма. Отрицание в Present Continuous образуется при помощи добавления отрицания not к вспомогательному глаголу to be. Eg.: I am not reading. He is not reading. Вопросительная форма. Она образуется путем перестановки вспомогательного глагола to be и подлежащего – вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим на первое место.
! Вопрос к подлежащему задается в 3-м лице единственном числе. Eg.: They are dancing. Who is dancing? – They are. Present Continuous как правилон е у п о т р е б л я е т с я : 1) С глаголами, выражающими физическое восприятие: to see, tohear. 2) С глаголами, выражающими чувства, эмоции: to feel, to love, to like, to dislike, to prefer, to hate. 3) С глаголами, выражающими желание\нежелание: to want, to wish, to desire, to refuse. 4) С глаголами, обозначающими умственную деятельность: to know, to believe, to think, to doubt, to guess, to imagine, to mean, to realize, to recognize, to remember, to suppose, to understand, to expect, to trust. 5) С глаголами, обозначающими абстрактные отношения (а не действия): to have, to contain, to depend, to belong, to concern, to consist of, to deserve, to fit, to include, to involve, to lack, to matter, to need, to owe, to resemble, to appear, to seem, to keep и др. 6) С глаголами, характеризующими физические свойства объектов: to measure, to weigh, to taste, to smell, to sound. 7) С глаголами, обозначающими воздействие на другое лицо: to astonish, to impress, to please, to satisfy, to surprise.
Упр. 41. Ответьте на вопросы, используя настоящее продолженное время. 1. Are you sitting? 2. Where are you sitting? 3. Who are you sitting with? 4. Is your friend standing? 5. Are you having a History lesson? What lesson are you having? 6. What lesson is Group 1(2) having now? 7. Are you having dinner? 8. What are you doing? 9. What is your friend doing? 10.What language are you speaking? 11.Are you asking and answering questions? 12.Is your mother sleeping now? 13.Is it raining or snowing? 14.Is the sun shining? 15.What is your father (sister, brother, etc.) doing now?
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