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2015-11-08 1842 Обсуждений (0)


Когда прямая речь представляет собой повелительное предложение, то при обращении ее в косвенную речь производятся следующие изменения:

1. Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say сказать заменяется глаголом to tell велеть, сказать. Если же прямая речь выражает просьбу, то глагол to say заменяется глаголом to askпросить.

2. Повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфинитивом. Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения заменяется инфинитивом с частицей to.

3. Местоимения и наречия времени и места заменяются по смыслу.


Прямая речь   She saidto him: “Come at five o’clock.” Она сказала ему: «Приходите в пять часов». I said to her: “Please, bring me a glass of water.” Я сказал ей: «Пожалуйста, принесите мне стакан воды». He said to me “Don’t go there.” Он сказал мне: «Не ходите туда». Косвенная речь   She told him to come at five o’clock. Она велела ему придти в пять часов. I asked her to bring me a glass of water. Я попросил её принести мне стакан воды. He told me not to go there. Он велел мне не ходить туда.

Ex. 167. Report what Mrs Lane told her babysitter to do.

1. Mrs Lane told her babysitter not to answer the door to anyone._____________

2. ___________

3. ___________

4. ___________

5. ___________

6. ___________

7. ___________

8. ___________

Ex. 168. Put the following sentences into reported speech.


1. “Sit down and tell me what is worrying you,” he said to her.

__He told me to sit down and tell him what was worrying me.__

2. “Don’t forget your sandwiches,” said his mother.

3. “Write to me as often as you can,” said his wife.

4. “Don’t go near the water, children,” she said.

5. “Wait for at the bridge,” said the young man.

6. “Don’t forget to put your name at the top of the page,” he said.

7. “Read the question twice,” said the teacher “and don’t write in the margin.”

8. “Be very careful crossing the road,” she said “and remember to drive on the right.”

9. “Don’t forget to thank Mrs Jones when you are saying good-bye to her,” said his mother.

10. “Go and get me a paper, and come straight back,” he said to me.

11. “Remember to switch off the light when you’re finished,” he said.

12. “Don’t smoke near the petrol pump,” said the mechanic.

Oral Activity1

The teacher divides the class into two teams. S1 Team A whispers an untrue statement into S2’s ear. S2 reports the statement to the class then he/she whispers another statement into S3’s ear. When a student can’t report a statement or think of a new one the team loses its turn. The team with the most correct sentences is the winner.


Team A S1: (whispers) I’m going on holiday next week.

Team A S2: He said he was going on holiday the next week.

(whispers) I have never eaten cheese.

Team A S3: She said she had never eaten cheese.

Oral Activity 2


The teacher chooses two students. One pretends to be a famous pop singer and the other a reporter who is hard of hearing. The rest of the class pretend to be reporters. The teacher gives the reporters word flashcards. They start asking the famous pop-singer questions and he/she answers. The deaf reporter asks, “What did he/she ask and what sis he/she say. The student who asked the questions reports his/her question and the answer he/she got.


Word flashcards: How old are you?, Where do you live?, Are you married?, Have you ever been to Madrid before?, Do you like Spanish food?, Are you staying here long?, Have you visited Toledo?, Who’s your favourite actor?, Do you like sports cars?, Do you earn lots of money?, When did you start singing”, Do you write your own songs?, Are you going to try acting?, Do you work hard?, Can you fly a jet?, Do you play squash?, What’s your favourite food?, Are you happy with your life?


e.g. S1: How old are you? S2: Where do you live?

PS: I’m 25. PS: I live in New York.

DR: What did you ask? DR: What did you ask?

What did she say? What did she say?

S1: I asked how old she was S2: I asked where she lived and she said

and she said she was 25. she lived in New York. etc.


Ex. 169. The following sentences are direct speech:


1. Don’t wait for me if I’m late.

2. Mind your own business.

3. Please slow down!

4. Can you open your bag, please?



5. Could you get a newspaper?

6. Hurry up!

7. Will you marry me?

8. Do you think you could give me a hand,


2015-11-08 1842 Обсуждений (0)


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