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Ex. 4. Rewrite the following passages in the passive. In some sentences there is no need to do it. Make up 5 types of questions

2016-09-16 528 Обсуждений (0)
Ex. 4. Rewrite the following passages in the passive. In some sentences there is no need to do it. Make up 5 types of questions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Topic: The Aims of Education

Section 1

Target Patterns


1. a) Such criticism, when well-founded and constructive, is in no way demeaning for the willingness to accept it and learn from it is one mark of a mature individual. - Та критика, которая хорошо обоснована и конструктивна, никоим образом не унизительна, поскольку желание признать ее и извлечь из этого урок – признак зрелой личности. b) A democracy, however, cannot afford to transform its educational system into a Causus-race, for the success of a democracy depends in great part upon the understanding and capability of its citizens. - В демократическом обществе нельзя позволить себе превращать систему образования в объект предвыборной гонки, поскольку успех демократии в большей степени зависит от самосознания и способностей его граждан.


2. Never have so many spent so long learning so little. - Никогда не было столь много затрат на то, чтобы выучить так мало.


3. It is painful to have one’s ignorance exposed and frustrating to be baffled by intellectual subtleties. - Всегда болезненно воспринимается интеллектуальное невежество и бывает унизительно, когда вас загоняют в тупик.


4. a) And that he means well is no reason why he should not be criticized for an inadequate performance. - И даже если он понимает все правильно, почему его не следует критиковать за плохое выполнение. b) But in both cases the joy is a result of overcoming genuine chellengers and cannot be experienced without toil. - И в обоих случаях радость является результатом преодоления настоящих трудностей, и не может быть достигнута без тяжелого труда.


Ex.1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian, using the patterns above.

1. The teacher ought to have been told about making arrangements in advance.

2. Only when they had criticized her report did she start working hard.

3. He didn’t yield to their demand, for they had to provide more arguments.

4. Why shouldn’t they be provided with additional translation?

5. She can’t make an arrangement with you now, for she has had her report translated.

6. No sooner had we turned in our papers than he asked us to evaluate the thesis.

7. Yesterday she got her review heavily criticized.

8. Did you have your laboratory report checked yesterday?

9. Such a mature individual was he that he was offered carrying out an experiment.

10. He used to like having his students prepared when he taught at the university.

11. They can’t be given such a task for they must be taught how to do it beforehand.

12. Hardly ever had they performed the work when the professor suggested to arrange a discussion.


Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into English, using the patterns above:

1. Выступая перед большой аудиторией, он был настолько внимательным, что ни разу не ошибся.

2. Вам следует пройти интервью после психологического тестирования.

3. Пока все работы не были проверены, нам не сообщили результаты.

4. Студенту разрешили сдавать экзамен заранее, так как у него были все тесты зачтены.

5. Не успели мы войти в класс, как прозвенел звонок на урок.

6. Наконец, они получили свои отчеты напечатанными.

7. Возможно, об этом методе забыли, поскольку требовалось решить проблему в кратчайшие сроки.

8. Как только они решили одну проблему, сразу же появилась другая.

9. Нет смысла рассказывать об этом подробно, так как здесь у нас другая задача.

10. Я уверен, что она подготовила доклад.

11. Вопрос следует обсудить на собрании сегодня, поскольку решение необходимо представить на следующей неделе.

12. У него должны быть все курсовые работы зачтенными.


Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb.

The courses which ….. by a college or university are called its curriculum (give). The complete curriculum ….. in the prospectus of the institution (outline). It gives the requirements for entry to each course, as well as the credits which ….. for the course (give). Each course ….. as giving a specified number of credits (designate). For graduation usually about 120 credits …… for schools using the semester calendar (require).

In selecting their courses students …… freedom by schools (give). Almost all schools have a certain number of required subjects. Nonrequired courses called electives can also ……..by students (choose). Usually students ……. more opportunity to choose by liberal-arts colleges than do technical schools (give).

Ex. 4. Rewrite the following passages in the passive. In some sentences there is no need to do it. Make up 5 types of questions.

Grading is a method used in schools to record students achievements. Almost every school keeps a record of each student’s achievements in order to have some basis for measuring his progress. The record supplies information for reports to parents. Universities and colleges often use this information to help determine whether they should admit a student.

For a long time, the most common method of recording achievement was by percentage, with a mark, or grade, of 100 per cent representing perfect achievement. The minimum mark for a pass as usually 70 per cent, and for average work, about 80 per cent. Today, the letters A,B,C,D,E, and occasionally F, are much more commonly used. The mark A stands for exceptional achievement, and E or F means failure.

A few schools use no marking system at all. Instead, each teacher writes a detailed letter to the parents. Such letters report the student’s progress, attitude, activities, and social adjustment.


2016-09-16 528 Обсуждений (0)
Ex. 4. Rewrite the following passages in the passive. In some sentences there is no need to do it. Make up 5 types of questions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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