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Saturday Jobs: Memories of Weekend Working

2018-07-06 1074 Обсуждений (0)
Saturday Jobs: Memories of Weekend Working 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Research has shown a sharp fall in the number of teenagers who do Saturday jobs. It seems such a shame – my Saturday job as a kitchen porter was something of a rite of passage. I'll never forget long hours 1_____________, scouring grease off huge saucepans and griddles. Working atmosphere there helped me grow a thicker skin, develop quicker banter and, most importantly, taught me the value of hard work. It also resulted in a steady supply of cash, 2_____________. I'm not the only one who has strong memories of weekend work. DJ Trevor Nelson said everyone should be able to have a Saturday job: "It taught me a lot, 3_________________."

The 4_______________ the type of Saturday job a celebrity performed and their later career is sometimes obvious. Dragon's Den star and businessman Peter Jones, for example, showed early promise by starting his own business. "I passed my Lawn Tennis Association coaching exam, 5______________," he explains. "At the start I was coaching other kids, 6_______________, for which I could charge £25–30 an hour. While my friends on milk rounds were getting £35 a week, I was doing five hours on a Saturday and earning four times as much."

Skier Chemmy Alcott got a job working for the Good Ski Guide, on the advertising side. "It became clear to me what my personal value to companies could be. It led directly to me finding my head sponsor … and it offered me an eight-year contract. That gave me the financial backing 7____________."

As part of its response to the Saturday job statistics, the UK Commission for Employment and Skills said a lack of early work opportunities makes it harder for young people to acquire experience for their CVs.


A)but soon I got adults wanting to book lessons

B)which I would happily spend as I liked

C)which let me know he approved of me

D)and things would be different if everyone was given the chance

E)which I needed to become a professional skier

F)that I spent in the kitchen of a busy country pub in East Sussex

G)and I persuaded my local club to let me use a court on Saturdays

H)link between




Задание 2. Напишите 5 вопросов разных типов к тексту задания 1. Перенесите готовые вопросы в Бланк для ответов.


Задание 3. Лексико–грамматический тест.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1–7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1–7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (A, B, C, D) .Выберите правильную букву подстановки. Занесите ваши варианты ответа в таблицу.

Перенесите ответы в Бланк для ответов.

Looking for a Job

My new home was a long way from the center of London but it was becoming essential to find a job, so 1_________ I spent a whole morning getting to town and applying to London Transport for a job on the tube. It turned out that they were looking for guards, not drivers. This 2________ me. I couldn’t drive a car but I could probably guard a train and perhaps continue to write poems between stations. “Yes, I would be a tube guard,” I thought. I could see myself being cheerful, useful, a good man in a crisis.

The next day I sat down, with almost a hundred other 3_______, for the intelligence test. I must have done all right because after half an hour’s wait I was sent into another room for a psychological test. The examiner sat at a desk. You were signaled forward to occupy the seat opposite him when the previous occupant had been 4_____________.

Sometimes the person was rejected quickly and sometimes after quite a while. Obviously the longer interviews were the most successful ones. Mine was the only one that lasted a minute and a half. I can remember the questions now: “Why did you leave your last job, “Why did you leave your job before that? “And the one before?”

I can’t 5__________ my answers, except they were short at first and grew shorter as we continued. His closing statement 6___________ a lack of sensitivity, which helped to explain why as a psychologist he had risen no higher than the underground railway. “You have failed this test and we are unable to offer you a position.” Failing to get that job was my low point. Or so I thought, believing that the work was easy. Actually, such a job 7__________ exactly this sort of elementary responsibility a dreamer like me is unlikely to have. But, I was still far short of self-understanding as well as short of cash.



1. A) finally B) at the end C) lastly D) in conclusion
2. A) comforted B) matched C) fitted D) suited
3. A) friends B) members C) candidates D) nominees
4. A) declined B) dismissed C) accepted D) abandoned
5. A) recall B) memorize C) forget D) remind
6. A) discovered B) revealed C) disguised D) opened
7. A) expects B) offers C) demands D) asks




Задание 4. Письменное высказывание: напишите короткую заметку в школьную газету.

Перенесите готовое задание в Бланк для ответов.

Comment on the following statement.

Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 100–140 words.

Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position.

Вариант ХХХХ

Задание 1. Чтение.

Установите соответствие между темами A–Н и текстами 1–7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

Перенесите ответы в Бланк для ответов.

A. Personal style in a uniform

B. Old but dear

C. Get a holiday spirit

D. Dance competition

E. A hobby that carries away

F. Meaning without words

G. The number is not guilty

H. Yes to school uniform


1. Dance is in my heart, in my blood and in my mind. I dance daily. The seldom-used dining room of my house is now an often-used ballroom. The CD-changer has five discs at the ready: waltz, rock-and-roll, swing, salsa, and tango. Tango is a complex and difficult dance. I take three dancing lessons a week, and I am off to Buenos Aires for three months to feel the culture of tango.

2. Clothes play an important role in my life. My passion for fashion began when I was in elementary school. I attended a private school with uniformed dress code. At first I felt bad that I could not wear what I wanted, but soon I learned to display my creativity and style through shoes and accessories. They can make each of us each of us unique, in a uniform or not.

3. I believe that music has a bigger place in our society than it is given credit for. The single word ‘music’ covers so many styles. Rock bands and classical musicians make listeners get the meaning from the music. Music tells stories about life and death, expresses feelings of love, sadness, anger, guilt, and pain without using words.

4. Even as an eighteen year old young adult, I still feel the magic of Christmas. I believe in a real Christmas tree. My family has had a real Christmas tree every year of my life. When you get home and smell the sweet pine needles, something magical goes into your soul, raises your spirits. Every year we buy a real tree to fully embrace the spirit of Christmas.

5. People often try to get rid of the number thirteen. Many hotels and office buildings across the world do not have a 13th floor! I believe that the number thirteen is not an unlucky number. I was born on January, 13 and do not consider myself unlucky in any way at all! I believe that this number should have all the rights and respect we give the rest of the numbers.

6. Many kids that go to public schools don’t wear a uniform. They like to show off the new expensive clothes and often have trouble picking out outfits for school in the morning. They are more worried about whether their shirt matches the belt, rather than if the homework is completed. I believe that this is a fault of our school system and only causes problems.

7. They say that the music of your youth is the soundtrack of your life. I am 50; I enjoy new artists and new music, but I still find words of wisdom in singles of sixties and seventies, still believe that "you can't always get what you want, but sometimes, you get what you need," that "all you need is love." I like to listen to the songs I grew up with.




Задание 2. Напишите 5 вопросов разных типов к тексту/мини-тексту задания 1.

Перенесите готовые вопросы в Бланк для ответов.


Задание 3. Лексико–грамматический тест.

Заполните пропуски, обозначенные номерами 1–7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1–7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (A,B,C,D).Выберите букву правильной подстановки. Перенесите ответы в таблицу.

Перенесите ответы в Бланк для ответов.


It wasn’t unusual for Amos to go to Deravenels on Saturday, even though the offices were closed over the weekend. He 1_____________ to go to tidy up his paperwork and do other small jobs he couldn’t attend to during the week.

But on this Saturday morning he had a specific purpose when he arrived at the grand old building on the Strand. The uniformed doorman 2_____________ Amos close his umbrella and take off his raincoat. Then he touched his cap and said, “Good morning, Mr. Finnister”.

Amos had come to the office to 3____________ a few telephone calls. His first call was to the Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, where he quickly discovered the records office was not open on weekends. He then dialed Ravenscar and was put through to Edward Deravenel.

“Good morning, Amos,” Edward said. “I’m assuming you have some news for me.” Amos then relayed all the information he had gathered the night before.

“Well done, Amos!” Edward exclaimed. “Thank you for going into all this 4______________ . I knew I could depend 5__________ you. My wife will be happy as I am to know everything; it’s been such a mystery all these years. To 6 ______________ the truth, I think that Grace Rose should also know what happened to her mother. It will finally put her mind at rest.”

“I agree, sir. I will telephone you on Monday”. Amos walked home, 7_________ no attention to the heavy rain. He felt happy.


1. A) took B) kept C) held D) used

2. A) looked B) watched C) stared D) gazed

3. A) do B) give C) make D) take

4. A) worry B) bother C) mess D) trouble

5. A) in B) at C) on D) of

6. A) tell B) say C) speak D) talk

7. A) bringing B) paying C) drawing D) turning




Задание 4. Письменное высказывание: напишите краткую статью в школьную газету.

Перенесите готовое задание в Бланк для ответов.


Comment on the following statement.

A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter.

2018-07-06 1074 Обсуждений (0)
Saturday Jobs: Memories of Weekend Working 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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