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Answer the following questions.

2019-08-13 611 Обсуждений (0)
Answer the following questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. What kind of houses is most typical of Great Britain?

2. What is a) a detached house? b) a semi-detached house? c) a terraced house? d) a Council house?

3. Why do you think the right to privacy and personal freedom is unquestioned by the British? What does the saying ‘My home is my castle’ mean?

4. Why do you think Englishmen prefer to live in the suburbs?

5. What does a typical American house look like?

6. What is a) a ranch-house? b) a ‘mobile home’? c) a condominium?

7. What is the most practical way to set a house exchange in the U.K. and the USA?

8. What is a mortgage?

9. What is a neighbourhood? What are the types of neighbourhoods defined by?

10. What things about a house are taken into account while judging about a person’s success?




Types of Dwelling Parts of the House Types of Rooms People in the House
  block of flats bungalow   detached (semi-detached) house   mansion terraced house weekend house attic/garret/loft balcony basement canopy ceiling floor landing porch roof staircase bathroom bedroom dining-room kitchen living-room lounge nursery pantry sitting-room study host (hostess) householder  housekeeper landlord (landlady) lodger      


Types of Furniture and Things to Furnish the Room Modern Conveniences And Fittings Things People Do
armchair bookshelf built-in furniture carpet chest of drawers china-cabinet cupboard curtains cushion fireplace mantelpiece  rocking-chair standard-lamp wall-units wardrobe   burglar alarm electricity heating lift meter pipe rubbish-chute running–water tiles   advertise for a flat build / put up a house exchange a house let a house (a room) rent a house (a room)   do the flat (the house) do repairs / fix redecorate / refurbish /renovate   destroy / demolish reconstruct restore


Additional Vocabulary: to answer the door; to climb up the stairs; to feel home-sick; to live next door; to paper the walls; to overlook the sea (river, park, etc); to own a house; to ring the bell; to share a room; to whitewash the ceiling;

home appliances; a house-warming party; the inside of the house; a multistoreyed house; a separate room; a temporary dwelling; upholstered furniture.

Mind the preposition: to be located in; to be in a mess; to live in the suburbs; to make oneself at home; to move to a new flat; to be short of light;

at the seaside; in good condition; in the middle of the room; on the ground floor; on the left; on the right; on the top floor; out of town.  


Underline the correct word (word-combination) after checking with a dictionary.

1. A large building divided into separate units is – a block of flats - a one-family house – a weekend house.

2. A one-storey house with a low-pitched roof is – a bungalow – a greenhouse - a tent.

3. A room for the special use of small children is – a classroom   – a lounge – a nursery.

4. A covered entrance with a separate roof is – an attic – a canopy   – a porch.

5. One who rents from a landlord is - a guest – an inhabitant – a lodger.

6. A man who allows you to live or stay in a room in his house, or in a flat or house he owns, in return to payment of rent is –  a dweller – a host - a landlord.

7. A room or suite of rooms rented as a dwelling place is a guest room - lodgings – a spare room.

8. A room used for reading, writing, etc is – a pantry – a sitting-rooma study.       

9. Someone employed to take care of a house is – a door keeper – a housekeeper – an owner.

10. To use or enjoy with others is – to divide – to lend – to share.

11. Area at the top of stairs to which doors can open is – basement – entrance - landing.

12.  A case or cupboard for holding or displaying articles is – a bookshelf a box – a cabinet.

13.  To let the house means – to allow your friends to use it – to give the use of the house in return for regular payment to leave the house.

14. A device to give warning of burglars is – a burglar alarman electric bell - a meter.

Say what we call

- 1 a chair that is built of two pieces of wood so that you can rock yourself backwards and forwards when you are sitting in it. 

- 2 a heavy crosspiece that forms the bottom member of a window frame;

- 3 a party to celebrate the taking possession of a house;

- 4 a pipe which goes up from a fireplace so that smoke escapes into the air; 

- 5 the space or room in a building immediately below the roof;

- 6 very thin clay from which cups, sauces, plates, etc. are made;

- 7 a tall lamp with its base on the floor. 


3. Analyse the structure of the following words. State what parts of speech they are. Give their Russian equivalents. 


air-conditioner; comfortable; convenient; cooker; cosy; decorating; exchange; freezer; furniture; hair-drier; heater; hostess; householder; independently; inhabitant; location; lodger; ownership; papered; property; rearrange; reconstruction; redecoration; remodelling; renovate; semi-detached; spacious; stranger; tiled; useful; vacuum-cleaner; ventilation; wooden.


Make up compound nouns by means of word-composition.

A) written as one word              b) hyphenated    

arm                  board              alarm            chute

bed                  case                gas                clock

book                case                rubbish         cloth

book                chair               standard        lamp

cup                   piece              table             paper

house                plant              wall              sill

mantel              robe               wall              stove

sea                    room             window        table

stair                  shelf              writing         units       

    ward               side


2019-08-13 611 Обсуждений (0)
Answer the following questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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