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2019-08-13 261 Обсуждений (0)
UNIT 2.  ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕКСТЫ 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Т е к с т  1. Discount Air Tickets


Airlines and airfare discounts are in very popular demand among people, who would like to save money on their traveling expenses, as the expenses have soared to a great extent due to the rise in fuel prices. Discounts offered on air tickets depend on the economy and the availability of the air tickets. If the economy is fair enough, discounted airlines and airfares are available along with the offers on hotel stay, transportation in the destination as a package itself. Also discounts are offered on the airfares, if tickets are purchased for groups or families. This accounts for greater savings for the travelers.

Due to fierce competitions among airlines, discounts on the airfares are announced to make maximum profit by filling all the seats in the air flight, rather than making them fly empty. But then care needs to be taken in selecting the airlines with better facility and reputation to get a deal on the discounted airfares. Discounted airfares and airlines are put up all over the Internet.

Nowadays the travelers are less worried in finding the best deal, as they just need to type the date of travel, destination they wish to travel to, the date of departure and arrival online, where he will be supplied with the flight details and the discount, offered by all the airlines, which reach the destination on the particular date and time. The browser can compare the prices among different airlines and can choose the one, which fits his budget and comfort.

Normally discount fares are available on the flight, which is scheduled on the weekdays, on early morning timings and late night timings. Informed and knowledgeable travelers buy air tickets from airfare consolidators, who buy tickets in bulks and sell them at a lower rate of up to 60 percent cheaper, than the regular airfare price. Certain clubs and associations too offer discounted airfare to certain destinations. However, seasonal variations and flight schedules can affect the travel prices to certain extent. The travelers should be well informed and cautious, while purchasing discounted air tickets through reservation, as they need to consider the following:

· Many of the discount and cheap airfare reservations are non transferable, non-exchangeable and non refundable.

· There are additional fees and taxes, applicable on the airfares. Some sites disclose all the details, while others wait till the customer buys the tickets and adds the above said fees and taxes.

· The terms and conditions on the ticket should be read properly. Even the fine print should be read with an eye for detail and then compared with other airlines and airfares before purchasing the ticket.

· Some deals are too good to be true as they offer discount on airfare reservations only for a round trip ticket. Researching as much as possible will get the best deal. Some of the discounted tickets are made available only two weeks before the flight date. So the person should always be on the prowl to grab the opportunity.

· While buying discounted air fares and airlines, the traveler should be aware of the possible dangers and pick the fight with maximum benefit accordingly by keeping the above guidelines in mind.



airfare – авиаперелет, цена авиабилета

demand – спрос

traveling expenses – дорожные расходы

soar – резко взлететь, подскочить

to a great extent – в огромной степени

along with – наряду с

account for – объяснять, быть причиной

fierce – жесткий, жестокий

put up – размещать, выставлять

particular – тот или иной, конкретный

knowledgeable – знающий, опытный

in bulk – в большом количестве

cautious – осторожный

transferable – допускающий передачу (кому-то)

refundable – возмещаемый

round trip ticket – билет в две стороны

be on the prowl – быть в поиске, быть наготове


1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты для следующих фраз и словосочетаний:

получить максимальный доход, скидки на авиабилеты, запол-нение всех мест, график полетов, из-за жесткой конкуренции, размещать в Интернете, сократить дорожные расходы, знаю-щий/опытный путешественник, цены на авиабилет резко подско-чили, пункт назначения, информация/детали о полете, на этом можно очень сэкономить, скупать в большом количестве, кон-кретная дата, их нельзя никому передавать, деньги за этот билет не возмещаются, купить билет в обе стороны, до определенной степени.

2. Выполните лингво-переводческий анализ текста.

3. Выявите систему языковых средств, оформляющих энцикло-педический текст.

4. Определите, есть ли в тексте:

1. термины,

2. клише,

3. прецизионная лексика.

5. Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык, соблюдая специфику данного жанра.


Т е к с т 2. Diplomacy




Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace-making, trade, war, economics and culture. International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians.

2019-08-13 261 Обсуждений (0)
UNIT 2.  ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕКСТЫ 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


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