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Передача эмоциональной составляющей личного письма

2019-12-29 414 Обсуждений (0)
Передача эмоциональной составляющей личного письма 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Как было отмечено в первой главе, письмо начинается с этикетных инициальных фраз, которые имеют клишированную форму в языке. Поэтому обращение Dear President Clinton лучше перевести как Уважаемый Президент, а Dear Juliet Дорогая Джульетта. Сказуемые первых предложений текста часто являются эмотивными (like , hope , was deeply distress и т. п.), то есть предполагают субъективное отношение автора: I ' d like to share with you my understanding of Russia … – Мне бы хотелось рассказать Вам о своем понимании России…Эмотивность часто подчеркивает эмфатическая конструкция I do hope …– например, для усиления эмоциональной окраски вспомогательный глагол do помещен перед смысловым глаголом в инфинитиве: Я очень надеюсь…При переводе пришлось прибегнуть к лексико-грамматической замене do – очень.

Эпистолярный текст может приобретать черты разговорной речи, публицистического или художественного стиля. Сложной задачей становится перевод образных выражений, фразеологизмов.

Теория перевода предлагает несколько способов перевода образной фразеологии, при выборе адекватного варианта определяющим становится характер образной единицы языка и контекст. К некоторым образным выражениям может быть подобран эквивалент – единица языка перевода, полностью соответствующая по смыслу английскому фразеологизму, основанная на одном с ним образе. Так, не вызывает трудностей при передаче фразелогизм It keeps cooking in its own juices / варится в собственном соку, употребленный в письме Елены Тонетти.

К фразеологизму, использованному в предложении They are easy to find if there is a person on your side who would put his or her heart into it может быть подобран неполный эквивалент, имеющий лексическое расхождение с оригинальной единицей: to put heart (сердце) – вложить душу.

Это просто, если найдется человек, готовый вложить в это свою душу. При переводе этого предложения пришлось прибегнуть к следующим трансформациям: замена личного местоимения they указательным это, замена придаточного предложения причастным оборотом, замена притяжательных местоимений his or her, имеющих гендерные различия и указывающих в контексте на охват всего населения, местоимением свою.

Подбор образного аналога требует от переводчика свободного владения всеми ресурсами русского языка, а также тщательного соблюдения стилистической и жанровой однородности аналога и оригинала. В предложении I met him at the foot of mountains made of cream that at sunset turn the color of roses and where fairies live , hidden from view актуализирован признак сказочности, чудесной атмосферы встречи, который может быть передан фразеологизмом молочные реки, кисельные берега: Я встретила его там, где розовые отблески заката отражает гладь молочной реки с кисельными берегами.

Слово grassroots в американском английскомобозначает простых людей, народ, при этом слово не только выполняет номинативную функцию, оно создает образ людей, связанных с землей, подобно корням травы. Нередко, чтобы выявить внутреннюю форму слова, для передачи данного существительного в русском языке используют кальку «корни травы». Способ дословного перевода – калькирования – позволит передать смысловые связи слов grassroots и underground («корни травы» и «подземелье»):

These grassroots movements all over Russia are the real force behind the true progressive changes in the country. They started about 20 years ago during the Breznev era, and were brewing and boiling until Mr. Gorbachev allowed them to come out from the underground.

Эти движения «корней травы» по всей России являются реальной силой, ведущей к изменению ситуации в стране в лучшую сторону. Они начались около двадцати лет назад, в брежневскую эпоху, и рыхлили землю до тех пор, пока Горбачев не вывел их из-под земли.


В данном случае использованы трансформации: замена словосочетаний behind the true progressive changes in the country причастным оборотом; замена парных синонимов, менее характерных для русского языка – were brewing and boiling глаголом, развивающим метафору корней; опущение в переводе конструкции allowed them to come out from the underground; опущение формального мистер перед фамилией русского президента.

Описательный перевод словосочетания grassroots movements – народные объединения приводит к утрате образности и экспрессивной выразительности оригинала.

В следующем предложении эмотивным средством стало слово all, помещенное между связочным глаголом и именной частью сказуемого:

…he was all alone in that conflict of speeds, too slow for one side and too fast for the other.

…он был совершенно один в этом конфликте скоростей, слишком медленный для одних и слишком быстрый для других.

Словосочетание one side (досл. одна слорона) переведено одним словом.

В предложении I can help you, for goodness sake эмоциональный фон создает восклицание for goodness sake (ради бога), которое в русском переводе адекватно передает слово пожалуйста, указывающее на скрытую в нем просьбу воспользоваться предложенной помощью: Я могу помочь вам, пожалуйста…

Заключительные формулы письма традиционны, являются вербализаторами субъективно-оценочного, благожелательного отношения автора письма к своему собеседнику-адресату и указывают на исчерпанность темы письма. При их передаче средствами другого языка необходимо, учитывая лингвокультурологические особенности, использовать замены. Так, письмо Елены Тонетти к президенту завершают слова Sincerely, Elena Tonetti, которые целесообразно перевести как С уважением, Елена Тонетти. Very sincerely yours в конце письма Элеоноры Рузвельт к обучающемуся в летной школе Петерсону может быть передано как Искренне Ваша…Петерсон подписывается Respectfully yours…, что в русском переводе может выглядеть как С огромным к Вам уважением…

Свое послание Джульетте Валерия Де Перини завершает словом Affectionately и подписью – Любящая Валерия Де Перини.

Таким образом, выбор той или иной этикетной формулы определяется возрастом, точнее разницей в возрасте адресанта и адресата, социальным статусом, характером и целью самого письма, то есть неразрывной связью дискурса и текста. Вводные и заключительные элементы письма отличаются семантической емкостью и содержат значительную долю эмоционально-оценочного заряда послания. Их обусловленность национальными традициями и культурой требует особого внимания к ним при переводе.


В личной переписки адресант ставит своей целью передачу не только своих мыслей, но и чувств, субъективной оценки событий, явлений действительности. Все уровни языковой структуры участвуют в экспликации эмоций, выражении чувств. Средства всех уровней языка участвуют в создании эмоционально-оценочной составляющей текста.

Перевод языковых средств передачи эмоций и оценки представляет особую проблему в силу высокой национальной специфичности данных единиц. Для адекватной передачи смыслового и экспрессивного, эмоционально-оценочного компонентов текста переводчик должен умело производить различные трансформации, поскольку текст перевода должен как можно более точно передавать всю информацию, заключённую в тексте оригинала, при соблюдении соответствующих норм переводящего языка.

Преобразования, с помощью которых осуществляется переход от единиц оригинала к их аналогам в языке перевода, могут быть стилистическими, то есть изменять стилистическую окраску переводимой единицы; морфологическими, то есть заключаться в замене одной части речи другой или несколькими; синтаксическими, то есть менять синтаксические функции слов и словосочетаний. Синтаксические трансформации предполагают перестройку синтаксических конструкций. Грамматические трансформации заключаются в преобразовании структуры предложения в процессе перевода в соответствии с нормами языка перевода. Семантические трансформации меняют семантику единиц, а лексические представляют собой отклонения от прямых словарных соответствий. Соответственно, при переводе эмоционально-оценочной лексике приходится использовать различные лексико-семантические трансформации.

Внимательного отношения к своей семантике и эмоциональному содержанию требуют и клишированные зачины и концовки писем. Они культуроспецифичны, их замена иноязычными аналогами предполагает учет экстралингвистических факторов.


Письмо обнаруживает себя в рамках всех функциональных стилей. Личное письмо представляет сложное сочетание черт устной и письменной форм коммуникации. Стихия разговорной речи обнаруживает себя в синтаксических особенностях письма. Укажем хотя бы на диссонирующее соотношение длины предложений And so I tell myself that two possibilities exist: I can live between the ruins pretending it’s the beautiful building I remember, or arm myself with all possible strength and rebuild elsewhere и With him в письме к Джульетте (открытом уже по своему замыслу). Письмо может быть тематически неоднородным, представлять собой нанизывание важных для автора элементов.

Текст письма объективирует эмоции адресанта, окрашивающие семантику языковых единиц. Предметно-логические и эмоциональные значения слов создают смысловую глубину и экспрессивность слова, например метафора поиска бури, стремления к борьбе, поэтически выраженное представление о себе как одиноком воине: But he reminds me that I am different , that I am brave because I follow the storm , because I want to fight it and tame it in order to defend all that I believe in . Because I, in the end, am a solitary warrior.

Искренность, внутренняя близость и дружелюбный настрой – необходимое условие дистантного диалога, обмена личными письмами. Посредством языковых знаков автор письма эксплицирует себя как личность, структура письма, его форма и содержание определяются направленностью на адресата. Непринужденность отношений участников диалога становится важнейшим условием длительной переписки.

Традиционные, берущие свое начало в глубине веков «формулы» приветствия и прощания можно рассматривать как формальное выражение прагматического условия солидарности, согласия как конституирующего параметра в жанре личного письма.

Список использованной литературы

1. Александрова, З. Е. Словарь синонимов русского языка: Ок 9.000 синонимических рядов / под ред. Л. Л. Чешко . – 5-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Рус. яз. 1978 – 543с.

2. Англо-русский словарь / Сост. В. К. Мюллер Гос. изд-во Иностранных и национальных словарей. – М.: 1956. – 699с.

3. Балли, Ш. Французская стилистика / Ш. Балли. – М.: Изд. иностр. лит., 1961. – 394 с.; Винокур, Г.О. Избранные работы по русскому языку / Г. О.Винокур. – М., 1959.

4. Бархударов, Л. С. Язык и перевод / Л. С. Бархударов. – М.: Международные отношения, 1975. – 240 с.

5. Бахтин, М. М. Эстетика словесного творчества / М. М. Бахтин. – М., 1986.

6. Вежбицка, А. Речевые жанры / А. Вежбицка. – Жанры речи. Саратов: Колледж, 1997.

7. Виноградов, В. В. Проблемы русской стилистики / В. В. Виноградов. – М., 1981.

8. Виноградов, В. С. Введение в переводоведение / В. С. Виноградов. – М.: Изд-во ИОСО РАО, 2001. – 221 с.

9. Вишнякова, Е. А. Электронное письмо в составе сетевого текста на английском языке. Автореф. дис... канд. филол. наук: 10.02.04. / Е. А. Вишнякова. – М., 2007. – 28 с.

10. Влахов, С. Непереводимое в переводе. / С. Влахов, С. Флорин. – М.: 1986. – 348 с.

11. Гарбовский, Н. К. Теория перевода. / Н. К. Гарбовский. – М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 2004. – 544 с.

12. Комиссаров, В. Н. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский Ч. 2. Грамматические и жанрово-стилистические основы перевода / Комиссаров, В. Н., Рецкер, Я. И., Тархов, В. Н. – М.: Высшая школа. – 287 с.

13. Культура русской речи / Под ред. Л. К. Граудиной и Е. Н. Ширяева. – М.: НОРМА–ИНФА-М, 1999. – 560 с.

14. Миньяр–Белоручев, Р. К. Теория и методы перевода / Р. К. Миньяр-Белоручев. – М.: Моск. лицей, 1996. – 208 с.

15. Новый англо-русский словарь / В. К. Мюллер, В. Л. Дашевская, В. А. Каплан и др. – М.: Рус. яз., 1995. – 880 с

16. Рецкер, Я. И. Теория перевода и переводческая практика / Я. И. Рецкер. – М.: Международные отношения, 1974.

17. Шмелева, Т. В. Модель речевого жанра / Т. В. Шмелева. – Жанры речи. Саратов: Колледж, 1997.

18. Strevens P. Functional Englishes (ESP) “A British view”//A Conference on Functional Englishes – Illinois, 1978.

Приложение 1

Письма с сайта «Ромео и Джульетта»

Dear Juliet,

Where does love live? I was alone, and took a trip. I met him at the foot of mountains made of cream that at sunset turn the color of roses and where fairies live, hidden from view. I fell in love. I, obtuse and round, he acute and angular. In the sultan’s harem, seated on the grass, he read love poems; when we said goodbye, he gave me one. I, a girl from Lombardy, with plain-filled horizons; he, Tuscan, with the restless glance of one who chases after the curved profile of the hills. I loved writing him long letters, while dreaming of a borderline between the hills and the flatlands, where I could embrace him again. He never answered me. Now I write to you, dear Juliet, and I ask you: where does love live? Where does love hide? For me, it was there, on the borderline between hill and plain, that line that confounded my back against his, the line of his face that I no longer know how to draw and that I confuse in my mind with the profile of his beloved hills.

This letter is dedicated to Paolino, whom I met during a trip through Turkey, from Istanbul to Cappadocia, and who is now for me a fond memory, only a fond memory.

Dear Juliet,

Now I know what confusion is, because of him. He, who knows how to dry the tears of my makeup and, at the same time, drink from the goblet of my joy… I have dreams of velvet that slip from my hands like silk garments when he appears as I sleep. But when I am with him, I pretend that’s not important. Sometimes, I imagine him at work, on the other side of a single wall. So I go out of my office, and understand that he is in his, simply because the atrium is filled with his scent. It is in the air, in the breath and smiles of the people who walk in these corridors, in his errors, in his forgetfulness, in his absent-mindedness, a bit funny and sometimes even awkward, but terribly tender. Sweet and kind, generous to the point of self-sacrifice, but at times melancholy on his “no” days. And those are the days that I want to spend with him. He bears the weight of my past with me without my asking him to do so. And so I tell myself that two possibilities exist: I can live between the ruins pretending it’s the beautiful building I remember, or arm myself with all possible strength and rebuild elsewhere. With him. But he reminds me that I am different, that I am brave because I follow the storm, because I want to fight it and tame it in order to defend all that I believe in. Because I, in the end, am a solitary warrior. But inside me, I tell him that he is wrong, because I want to fight with him, because not all of life’s battles are meant to be fought alone. But above all, with him I want to share all of the little things that make up our daily existence. I want him to hold me at night when my nightmares suddenly wake me. I would refuge by burying my nose in his cheek while the soft down of his face tickles mine. Now I know that hands exist that were invented to caress, and they are his. Sadly, there are others invented to push away, and those are mine. Too many times with him I acted first as an angel and then a cat, because I too, in my way, wanted to communicate something to him. In truth, for years I was forced to hide and defend my heart. And now, I am afraid to free it again, to let it fly, breathe, tremble. I never want to forget how it feels when he looks at me. Every time I’m near him, I return a child. I feel a tremendous shyness that is stronger than my huge desire to have contact with him. I don’t want to discover that it could be only another broken dream. I’ve learned that one can’t hate all flowers just because roses have thorns, that we must not stop dreaming because one didn’t come true, or stop believing in love because one betrayed me. But the thing that I most desire to share with him is laughter. I want to laugh at him, with him, for him. Above all, I want us to laugh and smile together. And to be together in this way, one day, beyond my dreams.


Valeria De Perini, aged 29, Chioggia (Venice), Italy, 2006

Приложение 2

Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Cecil Peterson, May 28, 1942

May 28, 1942

Dear Mr. Peterson:

Miss Ilma has given me your name because I am a member of the board of the Young Men's Vocational Foundation and she suggested that you might like to have an occasional letter and packages sent you.

I am so much interested that you are at the flying school in Tuskegee, because I have seen it. I also understand that you were at Quoddy and because I have seen that, too, I can tell a little bit what your background of training has been.

I am sending you some hard candy and a book which I thought might interest you, and if you will write me what kind of things you are interested in, what you would like to have sent you, and keep me in touch a little bit with what you are doing, I hope I can be a more intelligent correspondent.

I hope you get on well in the Army and that you will write me.

With all good wishes, I am

Very sincerely yours,

[Eleanor Roosevelt]

Mr. Cecil Peterson Recruit Detachment Air Corps Advanced Flying School Tuskegee, Alabama

Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Cecil Peterson, June 9, 1942

June 9, 1942

Dear Mr. Peterson:

I remember you very well now that you have reminded me. I am glad to send you a pair of track shoes. I hope by now you have received the candy and the book which I sent to you.

Very sincerely yours,

[Eleanor Roosevelt]

Mr. Cecil Peterson 100 Pursuit Squadron Tuskegee Army Flying School Tuskegee, Alabama

Letter from F.D. Patterson to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 26, 1941

Tuskegee Institute Office of the President Tuskegee Institute, Alabama

Washington, D.C. July 26, 1941

Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt The White House Washington, D.C.

My dear Mrs. Roosevelt:

I am deeply grateful for the conference you were kind enough to grant me at the White House on Wednesday, July 23rd.

I was pleased to have the opportunity to report to you the progress made to date in aviation, and phases of the defense program in which you have such a warm interest. Likewise I was happy to talk over the possibility of increasing the usefulness of Tuskegee Institute in connection with National Defense, as well as bring to your attention the need in Florida which, I feel, should be met for the best interest of Negro soldiers. I have followed up contacts in connection with both of these matters, and feel that satisfactory progress is being made.

Those concerned in the programs under consideration will, I am sure, be greatly heartened to know of your sympathetic interest.

Respectfully yours,

F.D. Patterson President

Letter from Cecil Peterson to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 7, 1942

Southeast Air Corps Training Center Tuskegee Army Flying School Tuskegee, Alabama

July 7, 1942

Dear Mrs. Roosevelt,

Since you last wrote, I have been lucky in three ways. My transfer to the new squadron was effected, secondly, I was promoted to Private First Class and since then given charge of a squad and am now an acting corporal.

Your letters and gifts have been very inspiring and have prompted me to try to be a better soldier.

My work is very interesting. Information regarding the squadron functions is restricted otherwise you would be interested to know some of its operations. I hope I could be able to tell you personally after this war.

Soon this short radio course will be over and I'll be of some service to Uncle Sam.

I wish that you would do one thing for me. Just tell the President that there's a private down here rooting for him by the name of C.P. and that I do wish him very much luck.

Hoping you and he both are well, I am,

Very Sincerely yours

Cecil Peterson

Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Cecil Peterson, July 16, 1942

July 16, 1942

Dear Private [Cecil] Peterson:

I was glad to have your letter and to hear of your successive promotions. My congratulations to you. I am sure your work is most interesting and I shall look forward to hearing more about it when the war is over.

I will give your message to the President and know how very much he will appreciate it.

We are having a rather quiet summer here at Hyde Park, though I have not yet had many continuous days here, as I seem to have made a good many engagements which take me to New York and Washington and other places that I can reach by train or plane, every few days. Later in the summer I hope to be here for longer periods.

When the President is here we live at the big house, his old home. During these times, however, he seldom gets away from Washington and when I am here alone we live at my cottage, several miles away from the big house. It is in a beautiful location in the woods by a large stream, the Val Kill. The stream has been widened into a lake of about three or four acres in size, just by the cottage, and we have, therefore, a very pleasant view from every angle.

This is beautiful country and we all enjoy being here whenever we can. My children are all far away and none of my grandchildren can be with me this summer. There are, however, two little girls staying with me, who make life interesting and gay for all of us. They ride every day, and swim in the pool. I do not ride, as in former years, as my horse is old and I have not had the time to get accustomed to another. My old horse just enjoys herself grazing in the fields, and this is little enough "old age pension" for her long years of faithful service.

Like everyone else, we are trying to conserve gas and tires. I have a bicycle which one of my boys gave me several years ago, and I have taken to bicycle-riding again and find that I enjoy it very much. I find it very convenient for trips to the big house and running errands in the neighborhood.

I am always pleased to hear from you and I hope that things will continue to go well for you.

With all good wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

[Eleanor Roosevelt]

Private Cecil Peterson 83d Interceptor Control Squadron Tuskegee Army Flying School Tuskegee, Alabama

Letter from Cecil Peterson to Eleanor Roosevelt, May 23, 1943

Esler Field 928th Air Base Security Battalion Esler Field, Louisiana

May 23, 1943

Dear Mrs. Roosevelt,

Thank you for the advice which I shall be glad to follow.

Last week it looked as though we would have gone by this time but an epidemic of mumps apparently caused us to remain. It is also evident that the 928th will be here for another two to three weeks since unpacking is going on. But, in the Army, anything can happen, anywhere and anytime.

Three days ago I hiked with the organization for 25 mile from 1030 PM to 0400 in the morning and we bivouaced (pitched tents) until 0600 in the morning when we broke camp and returned to the field.

I look forward for another long one this week beginning Monday when the outfit will camp off the ground for a whole week.

I am happy about the news of the final defeat in North Africa. Believe my, there will be more good news soon when we establish out initial bridge heads on the European continent. Once again please convey my most sincere and best wishes to the President in whatever steps he might make to bring closer the end of this war. Thank you.

I hope you are well and that you stay well, God Willing.


Cecil Peterson

Приложение 3

Письмо Елены Тонетти http://www.birthintobeing.com/

Dear President Clinton
Elena Tonetti 1998

I'd like to share with you my understanding of Russia and what kind of support Russia needs at this time.

My name is Elena Tonetti. I am a Russian woman who has been living in California for eight years now, happily married and raising a child.

In Russia I was involved in a few grassroots movements which evolved spontaneously among ordinary people to enhance the quality of our everyday life. These grassroots movements all over Russia are the real force behind the true progressive changes in the country. They started about 20 years ago during the Breznev era, and were brewing and boiling until Mr. Gorbachev allowed them to come out from the underground. He was not the one who was making changes. He was intelligent enough to recognize them and to join them to some extent. He found himself in a buffer zone between the rushing avalanche of urgent changes that went out of his control because they were too fast for him, and the power of the conservative government that was resisting the process and doing everything possible to slow things down. Mr. Gorbachev was too fast for them; he was all alone in that conflict of speeds, too slow for one side and too fast for the other.

The reason I'm writing this is that I realized that you have probably underestimated the importance and real power of people's grassroots movements in Russia. The U.S. and European communities have been supporting the Russian government very generously, sending millions and millions of dollars. But the Russian government is absolutely disconnected from the problems of the common people. It keeps cooking in its own juices on slow, and it is not edible yet. There is little hope it ever will be, because it never was. Helping Russian government does not equal helping Russian people.

If there really is an intention to help, the way to do it is through support of grassroots movements and their leaders, who still are giving common Russian people hope, satisfaction, and many ways to survive in spite of everything the Russian government and Mafia do together to make it impossible. There is a very strong network of informal leaders whom people love and trust, throughout the eleven Russian time zones. They work long hours, practically for nothing, running all kinds of seminars, courses, classes, developing new educational and social skills, designing the future of their country. There are maybe a couple hundred of them, - devoted, humble, charismatic, selfless servants of their people. It is through their tireless effort that common peoples' sanity is sustained nowadays. They are the people who urgently need support, because they operate in total poverty. Please remember, I'm not trying to get you into any new expenses; just redirecting the existing flow of money will do.

Since you have already made a decision to support Russia financially, and already are sending millions of dollars overseas, it would make sense to give it to the right people, who really make a difference over there. They are easy to find if there is a person on your side who would put his or her heart into it. I can help you, for goodness sake. I was part of that network before I retired into motherhood and family life. I know many of them personally.

All these years in California I have stayed in touch with my friends in Russia and watched closely what is going on over there. The money that was meant to help to build the Russian economy immediately disappeared into a very few private bank accounts. It would be nice if the recipients at least spent this money in Russia, but no!, they are reputed to be buying castles in France, whorehouses in Asia, real estate in America, and going to dinners in the Bahamas.

Russian bureaucrats have 70 years of schooling on fabricating fake reports. They can show you all the papers on how well they have distributed your money among the underprivileged. It has happened many times already. Maybe it is hard to understand if you never lived there, but Russia doesn't function in the same civilized manner as you expect. Whole airplanes and trainloads of humanitarian aid have disappeared without a trace into the black market. So, please, stop wasting American taxpayers' money to feed the Russian Mafia. There are better ways to use it.

Being a Russian woman, and watching Russia from a distance has helped me to develop a deep understanding of Russian reality. I realize that there is no such thing as an average Russian - there are three average Russians. In dealing with Russia, it is important to know this. The entire population of Russia is divided into three categories:

1)The first are poorly educated, greedy, self-centered power holders (political, criminal and economic) - it' approximately 30%. They hardly know how to speak Russian. I know that Gorbachev looked very intelligent to you, but you couldn't understand what he was saying! All you heard were well-trained translators. His use of the beautiful Russian language was feeding stand-up comedians in Russia for years! What he was saying and how he was speaking was a rich source of jokes; it would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.

2) The second category is the intelligentsia - very well educated, hard working, cultured, kind, honest, smart, romantic, powerless, vulnerable and unprotected. They comprise about another 30%.

3) The third group are the drunk low-lifers. If they are not drunk, they are on a search to become so. They make up about another 30%.

These three categories of people rarely mix; maybe 10% of the population could be described as combinations of the main three groups. Normally, they don't know each other. Mutual disrespect and dislike aggressively keeps them away from each other. There are no common social grounds where they can meet. So, whenever you look at a Russian, he or she almost always belongs to one of these three categories. Each category has its own mentality, language, dress code, etc.

Now I'll describe the first group in more detail. . If somebody were to be paid to design the total chaos and destruction over the vast territory of Russia, they wouldn't be able to do a better job than the Russian government did during the last 70 years. And if I could use a stronger statement I would. It is common knowledge that during the entire 1,000 year history of Russia, its rulers have never been concerned about the welfare of the people. No matter what they say or what mask they put on, their only concern is their own power. Russia has never had a built-in mechanism of protection against this. Even if a person started climbing to the top of the hierarchical ladder thinking of social reforms, by the time he gets up there his character has been transformed into the opposite. The price of success is high. They have to pay with their own hearts and souls to make it to the top in Russia, and they have nothing left of their own humanity by the time the fight is over. It takes a very specific personality for an individual to start that race in the first place. The rulers of Russia never were loved or respected by common people, - only feared, ignored, ridiculed and barely tolerated. So, when an individual decides at an early age to start making his way into the company of political leaders, it is a decision to part with many human values for the sake of social and financial conveniences. As the archives were opened it was revealed that on the higher steps of the political pyramid there exists hazing rituals. They are unnecessarily cruel, designed to check out how genuinely heartless the person is becoming. At this point in Russian history, it is not required to kill your own children as it sometimes had been in the past, but it still comes pretty close to that. Since the revolution of 1917, especially cruel, greedy, power hungry people have been ruling Russia.

Now, I'll tell you a little about the second group - the intelligentsia. During the Breznev era, when every single aspect of social function was in deep crisis, but nobody was allowed to openly discuss it, in an atmosphere of a total shortage of everything, many teams of intelligent, genuine, very well educated, bright people spontaneously formed all over the country to design their own local solutions to the problems that were piling up. Sometimes these teams managed to manifest fulfilling, creative realities in their communities, with the main emphasis on education, health care, cultural and spiritual development. This all evolved in spite of the governments' efforts to prevent it.

Living in Russia now is like walking on quicksand. Everything falls apart faster than most people can adjust to.

Former scientists, engineers, teachers, all sorts of professionals - talented, hard-working, honest people find themselves living in an economic chaos delivered by a social system that doesn't care to use its main treasure and resource, people's ingenuity, and that makes them feel useless and worthless. Their living conditions now are absolutely critical and desperate. Among them, for example, is one of my friends, Larisa Leonova, a profound leader of a non-profit family-oriented 10 year old organization which serves about 30,000 families. Last week she was casually telling me on the phone that they don't even have a computer yet. She is struggling with a few new projects, one of which is to identify all the families in her area that have lost income. The sudden mortality among middle-aged Russian men quadrupled in the last 4 -5 years, leaving families with small children behind. The national and local governments do absolutely nothing to help them, as they do nothing about hospitals and schools closing because there is no electricity or heat, workers not being paid for months, etc., etc. The list is endless. So, Larisa is trying now to organize teenage girls to volunteer their time to baby-sit for these fatherless children, so that their mothers can go to work or take classes. (Same problems everywhere, no?) But in Russia nothing is simple. There is no information on such families - how many, where, how long, etc. There are no computers, no paper to make flyers, no photocopy machines to print those flyers... But there are plenty of highly motivated, caring people with great ideas, energy, and brave spirits; they just need a little help - like with office supplies, for example.

I wanted to tell my fellow Americans about this aspect of Russian life, so we put together a 58 minute video documentary, using archival footage. I have first hand experience because I had the honor of working in a few of these teams in the Ural Mountains, and in Moscow. I am not a politician; I'm just sharing the common sense of a common person, - a woman who is personally very content taking care of her family here in California. But my heart is aching as I see what is going on with my beloved Russia, and I want to do something to help. I’ve been talking to my friends in Russia yesterday, people are laughing bitterly at the thought that almost 18 billion dollars are promised to Russia again, some of it had been already received. Since then few super expensive personal boats were purchased by Russians in the Mediterranean sea. It’s hard to convince struggling people that it could be a coincident.

I wrote this letter with hope that it will help you see that there are two groups of people who need your help: the rulers and the grassroots innovators. So far you've been giving money to the rulers. It hasn't help the people. It is time to try supporting the other group.


Elena Tonetti


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