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Exercise VII. Give a summary the text or retell the text in detail.

2019-12-29 231 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise VII. Give a summary the text or retell the text in detail. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

                                           Text B

Read and translate the text.


Practical defectology

    Practical defectology likewise chose the simplest course, that of numbers and measures, and attempted to realize itself as a minor pedagogical field. If, in theory, the problem was reduced to a quantitatively limited, proportionally retarded development, then, in practice, the idea of simplified and decelerated instruction naturally was advanced. In Germany, the very same Kruenegel, and in our country A. S. Griboedov, rightly defend the notion: “A reexamination of the curriculum and methods of instruction used in our auxiliary schools is essential” (A. S. Griboedov, 1926, p. 28), since “a reduction of educational material and a prolongation of its study time” (ibid.), – that is, purely quantitative indicators-have constituted until this time the only distinctive features of the special school.

     A purely arithmetical conception of a handicapped condition is characteristic of an obsolete, old-school defectology. Reaction against this quantitative approach to all theoretical and practical problems is the most important characteristic of modern defectology. The struggle between these two attitudes toward defectology – between two antithetical ideas, two principles-is the burning issue in that positive crisis which this area of scientific knowledge is presently undergoing.                                                        

Active vocabulary

Read and learn by heart:





Curriculum-курс обучения,учебный план


Prolongation-продление отсрочка



Distinctive -отличительный,характерный




Attitude-поза,осанка, отношение

Toward-по направлению

Exercise I. Supply answers to the following questions:

1. What can you say about practical defectology?

2 What is the problem of defectology in theory?

3 What is the problem of defectology in practice?

4. What is a characteristic of an oldschool defectology?

5. What does approach to all theoretical and practical problems?

6. What is the most important characteristic of modern defectology?

7. Can you name two attitudes toward defectology?

Exercise II. Give Russian \ Kazakh equivalents for:

the simplest course, attempted to realize itself, to be reduced to , proportionally retarded development, to be advanced, methods of instruction, to be used, to be constituted,

distinctive features of the special school, a handicapped condition, attitude towards, the burning issue, scientific knowledge.


Exercise III. Supply suitable nouns from the text to the following words:

to choose, to measure, to develop, to practice, to instruct, to prolong, to characterise, to struggle, to burn, to undergo.

Exercise IV. Retell the text in detail.


Text A

Read and translate the text:

Speech and Language Problems in Children.

    Children vary in their development of speech and language skills. Health professionals have milestones for what's normal. These milestones help determine if a child is on track or if he or she may need extra help. For example, a child usually has one or two words like "Hi," "dog," "Dada," or "Mama" by her first birthday .Sometimes a delay may be caused by hearing loss, while other times it may be due to a speech or language disorder. Language disorders can mean that the child has trouble understanding what others say or difficulty sharing her thoughts.        Sometimes a delay may be caused by hearing loss, while other times it may be due to a speech or language problems of a child who has trouble producing speech sounds correctly or who hesitates or stutter when talking may have a speech disorder. The positive uniqueness of handicapped child is created not by the failure of one or another function observed in a normal child but by the new formations caused by this lapse. This uniquely individual reaction to a defect represents a continually evolving adaptive process. If a blind or deaf child achieves the same level of development as a normal child, then the child with a defect achieves this in another way, by another course, by other means. And, for the pedagogue important to know the uniqueness of the course, along which he must lead the child, it is particularly important to know the uniqueness of the course, along which he must lead the child uniquely individual reaction to a defect represents a continually evolving adaptive process. The key to originality transforms the minus of the handicap into the plus of compensation.


Active vocabulary:




delay- прекращение



tо represent-представлять.

to hesitate-измучиться




to transform-трансформировать



to trouble-тревожиться

to share-разделять


2019-12-29 231 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise VII. Give a summary the text or retell the text in detail. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: Exercise VII. Give a summary the text or retell the text in detail.

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