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Match the words with their definitions.

2019-12-29 187 Обсуждений (0)
Match the words with their definitions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Word Definition
1. nomad a) using power without restriction and without considering other people
2. arbitrary b) to perform music in a public place and ask for money from people passing by
3. round somebody up c) a place where poor people can go to get free food d) ask other people for money in the street
4. vicious circle e) a situation in which one problem causes another problem which then makes the first problem worse
5. panhandle f) find and capture people
6. busk g) a member of a tribe that moves with its animals from place to place
7. gentrification h) a gradual process in which an area in bad condition where poor people live is changed by people with more money coming to live there and improving it
8. food bank  

6. As you read this imaginary newspaper report, think how each of these
people would react to the story:

• a resident of N-Street;

• a homeless person;

• the initiator of the project.

Murmansk to Open Refuge in N-Street

The city council yesterday announced that it is planning to turn 11, N-Street into a refuge for homeless people. The two-storey terraced house, which was once a dwelling house, had been empty for three years.

A council representative explained that the building needed repairs and complete redecoration before it could take in homeless people. It is expected to open sometime in the new year and will provide temporary accommodation for homeless people.

As soon as the news of the refuge was announced, some of the N-Street residents wrote to the council objecting to the use of the house as a refuge. They said, "We are in favour of providing homeless people with somewhere to live, but N-Street is not suitable. There are elderly people and families with young children living here".

Speak about the problem of homelessness and its possible solutions.

Тема 12. Modern Family Challenges (Проблемы современной семьи)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий практически применять знания в сфере деловой (профессиональной) коммуникации, говорить о проблемах современной семьи, их причинах, последствиях и возможных путях решения;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

Литература : 11, 12, 24.

Answer the questions.

1. What functions do families serve?

2. What is a typical family pattern today?

3. Why is the number of single-parent families increasing?

4. What happens to children whose parents work a lot?

5. What is a generation gap?

6. What causes family violence?

7. What are possible consequences of taking mind-altering substances?

8. What forces youngsters to become juvenile delinquents?

9. What measures can be taken to prevent young people from committing crimes?

Choose the best ending for each sentence and justify your opinion.

1. A traditional family today…

a) consists of representatives of at least three generations;

b) comes in many shapes and sizes;

с) consists of parents and their children.

2. People live in families because...

a) it is easier to survive as a member of a family;

b) families give children an example how to live in the surrounding world;

с) this is a tradition.

3. Mothers and wives work because...

a) today it is unusual for a woman to stay at home;

b) a father alone can't provide suitable living conditions for a family;

с) cost of living is higher today than it used to be.

4. Families are getting smaller because...

a) it is difficult to support and bring up more than one child;

b) young people pay much attention to the future of their families;

c) today young people have serious health problems.

5. There are a lot of families headed by one parent today because...

a) family laws are much milder;

b) women have become more independent both financially and emotionally;

c) there is a lot of family violence.

6. Modern parents…

a) abuse their children;

b) want their children learn to be independent from early age;

с) put problems of upbringing to relatives.

7. A generation gap...

a) is a specific feature of modern society;

b) means serious problems of teenagers and young people;

c) is the lack of understanding or the differences between older and younger people.

8. Young people today...

a) mostly turn to drugs and crime;

b) don't care much about their future;

с) are optimistic and career-minded.

3. Render the following into Russian:

People today live under many types of stress. Peer pressure, family conditions and unemployment are just a few reasons why young people try to escape reality by turning to drugs and alcohol. Problems with drinking, drug abuse, teen pregnancies and juvenile delinquency are very serious today. Many children and teenagers run away from home. Some return after a few days or weeks, but others turn to crime and become juvenile delinquents. Among the causes of this are poor family relations, family violence, bad neighbourhood conditions, peer pressure and sometimes drug abuse.

2019-12-29 187 Обсуждений (0)
Match the words with their definitions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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