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For girls and boys (winter)

2020-02-04 179 Обсуждений (0)
For girls and boys (winter) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Р2: Тhere is no snow

The flowers are seen

There isn’t summer

I know it is …(spring)


Р3: It’s cold or cool

The wind is away

The leaves are falling down

The trees are grey (autumn)


Р4: The sky is blue

The air is clean

Everything is green

Children like it to sing (summer)

Teacher: I will name the words and you will show the sound from which the word begins.


Teacher: (медленно, с паузами произносит слова)

Violet, winter, thing, there, you, king, mother, old, three, ice, can.

(та команда, которая быстрее показывает звуки, получает очки).


Teacher: And now you will show the last sound .

Now, mother, bear, teeth, sing, run, jump, too.


Teacher: This work is done brilliantly. I see you know the English sounds.

А сейчас ребята, каждая команда получит клубок, внутри которого лист с кроссвордом. Та команда, которая быстрее размотает клубок и разгадает кроссворд, получит очко.

    3       5        

Teacher : Fantastic. Our next game is «Аnimals and weather». You will receive cards with animals. You should tell what kind of weather do they like .


Примерные высказывания учащихся:

· Cats like sunny weather.

· Frogs like rainy weather.

· White bears like snowy and frosty weather.

· Snakes like sunny and rainy weather.

· Butterflies like sunny warm weather.

· Birds like sunny and cloudy weather.


Teacher: Very good! And now our children want to act out a fairy tale for all the guests.

(На доске вывешивается плакат с названием сказки, расставляются декорации).


Сказка “Двенадцать Месяцев”

Сценарий сказки:

Act I

Mother: Soon New Year will come! Father, where is the fir-tree?             

Father: Here it is!

Daughter: What a bad fir-tree!

Stepdaughter: No! The fir-tree is good! I like it!

Mother: Are you here? Go and clean the table!

S.D.: All right, mother!

Mother: And wash the plates! And clean the floor! And make the bad!

 S.D.: All right, mother!

Mother: (смотрит в газету мужа) What is this?            

Father: Our queen has a party today. She says that she wants snowdrops for the party.

Mother: Snowdrops? In December? Who can see snowdrops in December?

Father: She says she will give money for the snowdrops.

Mother: Money? Where is Mary? Mary! (входит падчерица)

Mother: Go to the forest! Bring snowdrops!

S.D.: But I cannot find snowdrops in December!

Mother: I say, you must find snowdrops!

S.D.: It is cold! It will snow! I cannot go!

Mother: (толкает её к двери) Go and bring snowdrops!


Act II

Падчерица бредет по лесу. Воет ветер.

S.D.: I am cold in the snow! I see no snowdrops. But I cannot go home. Mother will not let me in! What is this? A light! Is it a lamp?

Появляются 12 месяцев. Они сидят у костра.

S.D.: Good evening! Who are you?

Months: We are twelve months, and who are you?

S.D.: I am Mary.

May: Why are you here, Mary? It is cold in the forest.

S.D.: I must find snowdrops!

December: Snowdrops? In December?

S.D.: Yes! I must give snowdrops to the queen.

December: Brothers! Let us help the girl. Brother January take my stick.

January: (стучит палкой) It is January. It is cold. It snows. The snow is on the trees and grass. Please, Mary, take my snowballs!

Mary: Thank you, brother January!

January: February, take my stick!

February: It is cold. But the sun is warm. Cold winds blow. The trees are white. Mary, do you like snowstorms?

Mary: Thank you, February, I don’t.

February: Brother March, take my stick!

March: It is spring. It warm. The sun is warm. Warm winds blow. The trees are block, birds sing, I see icicles. Do you want an icicle, Mary?

Mary: No, thank, March!

March: Brother April, take my stick!

April: It is spring. Birds sing. Bears wake up. Sky is blue. The sun is hot. Warm winds blow .I see green grass. I see snowdrops under the tree! Mary, pick up the snowdrops!

Mary: Thank you, brother April! (собирает подснежники)Now I can go home! Good-bye!

Months: Good-bye, Mary!




Mother: Mary will not come home! Let us have tea together!

Father: I don’t want tea! Oh, where is Mary? It is so cold! (стук в дверь) Who is this?

Mother: Father, open the door please!

Mother: Don’t open the door. Where are the snowdrops?

Mary: Here they are LOOK!

Mother: Well! There snowdrops! But how…

Mary: It is a present from the months!

Mother: Give me the flowers!

Father: Give me the flowers! No! She will not gibe you the flowers! We will go to the party-I and my daughter! Go away!

Mary: Please, take the flowers! They will make you kind!

Mother :(берет цветы) Oh, Mary ,thank you!


После сказки все дети выходят и поют песню:


2020-02-04 179 Обсуждений (0)
For girls and boys (winter) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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