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The purposes of packaging and package labels

2020-02-04 1239 Обсуждений (0)
The purposes of packaging and package labels 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Packaging and package labelling have several objectives:

Physical protection - The objects enclosed in the package may require protection from, among other things, mechanical shock, vibration, electrostatic discharge, compression, temperature etc.

Barrier protection - A barrier from oxygen, water vapour, dust, etc., is often required. Permeation is a critical factor in design. Keeping the contents clean, fresh, sterile and safe for the intended shelf life is a primary function.

Containment or agglomeration - Small objects are typically grouped together in one package for reasons of efficiency. For example, a single box of 1000 pencils requires less physical handling than 1000 single pencils. Liquids, powders, and granular materials need containment.

Information transmission - Packages and labels communicate how to use, transport, recycle, or dispose of the package or product. With pharmaceuticals, food, medical, and chemical products, some types of information are required by governments.

Marketing - The packaging and labels can be used by marketers to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product. Package graphic design and physical design have been important and constantly evolving phenomenon for several decades. Marketing communications and graphic design are applied to the surface of the package.

Security - Packaging can play an important role in reducing the security risks of shipment. Packages can be made with improved tamper resistance to deter tampering and also can have tamper-evident features to help indicate tampering. Packages can be engineered to help reduce the risks of package pilferage: some package constructions are more resistant to pilferage and some have pilfer indicating seals.

Convenience - Packages can have features that add convenience in distribution, handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use, dispensing, and reuse.

Portion control - Single serving or single dosage packaging has a precise amount of contents to control usage. Bulk commodities (such as salt) can be divided into packages that are a more suitable size for individual households.

Symbols used on packages and labels


Many types of symbols for package labelling are nationally and internationally standardized. For consumer packaging, symbols exist for product certifications, trademarks, proof of purchase, etc. Some requirements and symbols exist to communicate aspects of consumer use and safety. Examples of environmental and recycling symbols include the recycling symbol, the resin identification code and the "Green Dot".

Technologies related to shipping containers are identification codes, bar codes, and electronic data interchange (EDI). These three core technologies serve to enable the business functions in the process of shipping containers throughout the distribution channel.

Package development considerations

Package design and development are often thought of as an integral part of the new product development process. Alternatively, development of a package (or component) can be a separate process, but must be linked closely with the product to be packaged. Package design starts with the identification of all the requirements: structural design, marketing, shelf life, quality assurance, logistics, legal, regulatory, graphic design, end-use, environmental, etc.

With some types of products, the design process involves detailed regulatory requirements for the package. For example with packaging foods, any package components that may contact the food are food contact materials. Toxicologists and food scientists need to verify that the packaging materials are allowed by applicable regulations. Packaging engineers need to verify that the completed package will keep the product safe for its intended shelf life with normal usage. Packaging processes, labelling, distribution, and sale need to be validated to comply with regulations and have the well-being of the consumer in mind.

Package design may take place within a company or with various degrees of external packaging engineering: independent contractors, consultants, vendor evaluations, independent laboratories, contract packagers, total outsourcing, etc.

Environmental considerations

Package development involves considerations for sustainability, environmental responsibility, and applicable environmental and recycling regulations. It may involve a life cycle assessment which considers the material and energy inputs and outputs to the package, the packaged product (contents), the packaging process, the logistics system, waste management, etc. The traditional “three R’s” of reduce, reuse, and recycle are part of a waste hierarchy which may be considered in product and package development.



1. warehousing - ˈwerhaʊzɪŋ| - хранение на складах;

2. logistics |ləˈdʒɪstɪks| -   материально-техническое обеспечение;

3. reeds [riːd] - тростник, камыш;

4. wineskins ['waɪnskɪn] – бурдюк;

5. amphorae ['æmf(ə)rə] – амфора;

6. barrel ['bær(ə)l] - бочка, бочонок;

7. woven ['wəuv(ə)n] - прич. прош. вр. от weave;

8. corrugated ['kɔrəgeɪtɪd] - морщинистый, сморщенный, тех. волнистый, гофрированный, рифлёный

9. fibreboard - листовая фибра; фибровый картон; древесно-волокнистая плита, ДВП;

10. vapour  ['veɪpə] - пар; пары;

11. permeation [ˌpɜːmɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]- проникание, просачивание; распространение;

12. sterile ['steraɪl] – стерильный;

13. shelf life - срок хранения (продукта); сохраняемость; торг. срок жизни на полке, срок годности при хранении, срок годности (максимальный срок хранения товара в магазине, после которого он считается непригодным к употреблению и снимается с продажи);

14. agglomeration [əˌglɔmə'reɪʃ(ə)n] - накапливание; концентрация, аккумуляция, сосредоточение;

15. c ontainment [kən'teɪnmənt] – сдерживание, вместимость, объём, герметичность;

16. b arrier ['bærɪə] - помеха, преграда, препятствие; заслон; барьер;

17. pharmaceuticals [ˌfɑːmə'sjuːtɪk(ə)l] – (s) фармацевтические, лекарственные препараты;

18. encourage [ɪn'kʌrɪʤ] - ободрять; поощрять, поддерживать;

19. evolving [ɪ'vɔlv] – развивающийся;

20. shipment ['ʃɪpmənt] - груз; партия товара; погрузка; отправка (товаров)перевозка; поставка (товаров);

21. tamper ['tæmpə] – вмешиваться, портить, наносить ущерб, подделывать;

22. pilferage ['pɪlf(ə)rɪʤ]- мелкая кража;

23. stacking - кладка, накопление, пакетирование (в электронике); наложение (напр., изображения на текстовый кадр);

24. dosage ['dəusɪʤ] – дозировка;

25. bulk commodities - эк. оптовые товары* (товары, продаваемые и покупаемые крупными партиями, напр. зерно, металлы, нефть, хлопок, кофе, сахар и т. п.);

26. resin ['rezɪn] - смола; канифоль; камедь

27. " Green Dot "- точка люминофора зеленого свечения;

28. electronic data interchange (EDI)- электронныйобмен данными;

29. end - use measurement - практические рабочие измерения;

30. comply with- удовлетворять;

31. well - being - здоровье; (материальное) благосостояние, достаток; благополучие, процветание, благоденствие;

32. vendor ['vendɔː] = vender - продавец; торговец, продающий товар вразнос, продавец недвижимости;

33. outsourcing ['autˌsɔːsɪŋ] - аутсорсинг (передача независимому подрядчику некоторых бизнес-функций или частей бизнес-процесса предприятия);

34. considerations - соображения;

35. sustainability [səˌsteɪnə'bɪlətɪ] - устойчивость; устойчивое развитие;

36. assessment [ə'sesmənt] - оценка, оценивание;

37. hierarchy ['haɪərɑːkɪ] - иерархия


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