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2020-02-04 1182 Обсуждений (0)
THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 14 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

IX. Translate the following word combinations:

a pale-faced man a brown-haired boy

a strange-looking person   a short-sighted man

a round-shouldered man    a well-built youth

X. Give compound adjectives which correspond in meaning to the parts in black type:

M o d e l: a man with a long nose = a long-nosed man

            a gentleman with a red face a woman who is fashionably


            a girl with a pale face        a translation which is badly


            a woman with dark eyes   a story which is written well

XI. Answer the following questions using the active vocabulary of lessons 6 and 7:

1. Why did the critics praise Miss Carrington highly?

2. What was Miss Carrington going to do in the coming season?

3. What kind of trouble did the manger have with Miss Carrington?

4. Why was Goldstein afraid that Highsmith would be turned down?

5. Why was it difficult to deceive Miss Carrington about country manners?

6. Why did Highsmith want the manager’s permission?

7. Why did he prefer to keep his plans secret for a while?

8. Was Cranberry Corners a distant village?

9. Can you describe the fellow that entered the small restaurant one evening?

10. What did he ask the waiter to fetch him?

11. Why did the young fellow say that he had grown up?

12. Why did the young man’s words seem particularly convincing?

13. When did Bill’s face begin to seem familiar to Miss Carrington?

14. Was Miss Carrington eager to hear about her people? Why?

15. Did Miss Posie’s mother look upon her as a sensible girl?

16. Why didn’t Miss Posie guess that she was being deceived?

17. How was the young actor dressed when he went to see Miss Carrington the next morning?

18. Why did Miss Posie cancel all her engagements on the stage?

XII. Complete the following sentences from the text:

1. The critics praised her highly and ... .

2. Among them was a clever young actor ... .

3. “My boy,” said Mr. Goldstein, the manager of the theatre, when the young man ... .

4. She says she won’t set foot on the stage ... .

5. The next day Highsmith ... .

6. One night when Miss Posie ... .

7. It was clear that ... .

8. The Summerses that used to live ... .

9. Why, you people, ... .

10. And your face seems familiar ... .

11. No, there aren’t many changes ... .

12. You’d better visit Miss Carrington early tomorrow and

XIII. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the parts in black type:

1. Now Miss Carrington was at the height of her fame, the critics spoke highly of her talent, and the next season she was going to star in a new play. 2. The difficulty about it is Miss Carrington won’t listen to anything I say to her. She doesn’t want to act with any of the best imitators of a country fellow ... . 3. She spent her childhood in a village, and nobody can make her believe when a Broadway fellow goes on the stage with a straw in his hair ... . So, you will have to make Miss Carrington believe you. 4. Iwould, if you allowed me ... . But I’d rather keep my plans secret for a while. 5. “You may get me a glass of beer,” he said. 6. Ithink Iwas a boy when you left Cranberry Corners, I am no longer a boy now. 7. ... it seems to me I know your face. 8. A brilliant idea, wasn’t it? The little lady never once thought that I wasn’t really Bill Summers. 9. At 11.45 a. m. the next day Highsmith, handsome, and dressed as fashionably as he possibly could, sent up his card to Miss Carrington at her hotel. 10. “I am sorry,” said the maid. “Miss Carrington has officially told her manager that she will no longer take part in any performances.”

XIV. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) в зените славы 2) исполнить главную роль 3) по имени Хайсмит 4) ... обратился к нему за советом 5) беда в том 6) хотите попробовать 7) Хайсмит сел в поезд, отправлявшийся в Крэнберри Корнере 8) огни и публика смущали его 9) как вы поживаете 10) рядом с вашим домом 11) извините меня, я отойду на минуту 12) ну, Билл, идите сюда 13) я что-то не помню никакого Билла Самерса 14) когда я начинаю припоминать 15) все выглядело по-прежнему 16) я рада, что встретила вас 17) приходите ко мне в отель 18) за ваш успех 19)вы бы лучше ... посмотрели, как она к вам отнесется 20) его провели в номер 21) как называется это место

XV. Give the situations from the text in which the following words are used (See Text):

coming, trouble, to turn down, to deceive, to convince, distant, shy, to fetch, to grow up, innocent, sensible, to guess, handsome, an engagement.

XVI. Correct the following statements (For Model see Lesson 2 ex. XVI):

1. Miss Posie was hardly ever praised as an actress and in the coming season she had no engagements on the stage.

2. First of all, Highsmith turned to Miss Posie trying to convince her that he would make an excellent partner for her in the new play. He was sure he would not be turned down asit was easy to persuade Miss Posie.

3. Miss Carrington preferred to keep away from her fellow actors and never considered restaurants worth visiting.

4. The young country fellow felt sure of himself in the crowded restaurant. He looked around cheerfully and, seeing Miss Posie, went straight to her table.

5. The young man seemed familiar to Miss Posie at first sight, but she was engaged with her friends, and so she kept Bill waiting for an hour before she took him over to a vacant table to hear the news.

6. Bill looked guilty when he was telling Miss Posie about her people. Some of his words did not make much sense: what he said about Posie’s mother, particularly, did not seem convincing.

7. After Miss Posie had left, the actors surrounded Highsmith, who looked gloomy and upset. Everybody found fault with his acting and Mr. Goldstein even said that he would get into trouble.

8. When Highsmith, looking worn-out and gloomy, was shown up into the handsome room of Miss Posie, the actress made fun of his poor make-up and acting.

XVII. Vocabulary activization exercises:


1. Use the following word combinations in sentences of your own:

1) to increase                      — in the coming season

2) to improve                     — in the coming year

3) to do well                       — in the coming examination

4) to beat the Dynamo team — in the coming season

5) to set up                         — in the coming years


1. Practise aloud:

1) You must help him if he is in trouble. 2) I’ve never had trouble with this T. V. set. 3) Your careless attitude to the matter will get you into trouble. 4) I’m afraid they’ll get into trouble.

2. Complete:

1) Tell them not to take this thing without permission (to get into trouble).

2) The car has been in service for a long time and I seldom ... (to have trouble).

3) You must come round to see us. Don’t you know ... (to be in trouble).

4) The trouble is ... (not to take into consideration).

5) The trouble is ... (to hold up).

6) The trouble is ... (to be short-sighted).

3. Translate :

1) Вы должны подбодрить его, если у него неприятности. 2) У меня никогда не было неприятностей с моим старым радиоприемником. 3) Вы попадете в беду (будете иметь неприятности), если будете водить (to drive, drove, driven) машину так неосторожно. 4) У него масса неприятностей в этом месяце. 5) Беда в том, что он не работает как следует.


1. Translate and practise aloud:

1) What’s your suggestion? 2) Have you any suggestions? 3) I have another suggestion to make. 4) This is my suggestion. 5) I have no (other) suggestions.

2. Translate:

1) Я не согласен с вашим предложением. 2) Что вы предлагаете (каково ваше предложение)? 3) У вас есть еще какие-нибудь предложения? 4) Он принял ваше предложение, да? 5) Мы рассмотрели ваше предложение. 6) Мы примем его предложение во внимание. 7) Это предложение стоит обсудить,


1. Answer these questions:

1) What can be turned down?

2) When do we turn down a suggestion?

3) Is it reasonable to turn down a suggestion (somebody’s advice) before it has been considered properly?

4) Have you ever turned down a person’s help? What were your reasons?

2. Paraphrase:

1) They didn’t accept our suggestion. 2) Jane said she wouldn’t marry David. 3) I wonder why his plan wasn’t accepted. 4) Alice didn’t consider Mrs. Brown’s advice worth following.

3. Translate :

1) К сожалению, нам придется отвергнуть это предложение. 2) Я не советую вам отвергать его план. 3) Почему вы отвергли его совет?


1. Translate:

1) When we got to know him closer, he turned out (to be) a good- natured fellow. 2) The arrival of the famous football-team turned out (to be) quite an event for the little town. 3) Everything turned out well after all. 4) We were afraid the weather would be gloomy, but the day turned out fine. 5) As it turned out later, the porter had thought that Mark Twain was Mayor of New York.

2. Translate :

1) Он оказался добродушным человеком. 2) Все сошло хорошо. 3) Как оказалось, все было сделано как следует. 4) Молодой врач оказался очень опытным. 5) Товар (the goods) оказался недоброкачественным.

3. Make up sentences of your own:

M o d e l s:

a) The conductor turned out (to be) a very polite man.

(an experienced nurse, a good-natured man, (to be) cheerful, a talented actor, (to be) a success, (to be) worth seeing)

b) As it turned out, the question had already been considered.

(to be under consideration (for a long time), to do one good, to be responsible for the mistake, to be to blame, not to be somebody’s fault)


1. Answer these questions:

1) In what kind of family was Mark Twain brought up?

2) By whom was Gorky brought up?

3) When do you say that a child is badly brought up?

4) How can a person learn to speak a foreign language like a native?

2. Translate :

1) Он вырос (воспитывался) в деревне, не правда ли? 2) Ей пришлось воспитывать своих младших сестер. 3) Этих детей воспитали в послушании взрослым. 4) Его обучили английскому языку с детства, и его сестер тоже. 5) Почему вы не обучаете сына иностранному языку с детства?


1. Answer these questions:

1) In what way did Mr. Winkle deceive the other members of the Pickwick club?

2) Did Pusher deceive the boys? (Give your reasons)

3) Why were the boys afraid to deceive Pusher?

4) Why did Eddie and Alan feel deceived when they were going home?


1. Answer these questions:

1) In what way did John Reed convince the Judges that he wasn’t guilty? Why was his speech convincing?

2) Why was everybody convinced that Mr. Winkle would do well on the skating-rink?

3) Why was it difficult to persuade Mr. Winkle to go skating? He said he didn’t want to skate, but his reasons didn’t seem convincing, did they?

2. Complete:

А) Try to convince (to persuade) your friend Everybody was quite convinced Are you quite convinced that... to choose to set up a committee to be beaten to be in someone’s power to get hold of to do no harm to be held up


B) We couldn’t persuade They managed to persuade ... Will you try to persuade ... to take into consideration to improve to keep to the point not to fix to choose. to change the attitude not to wear

Add a beginning:

1) ………………………… ... and I am (quite) convinced of that.

2) ………………………… ... but I am not convinced of it at all.

4. Translate :

1) Мы убеждены в том, что вы не виноваты. 2) Я постараюсь убедить моих друзей в важности этого вопроса. 3) Я хочу убедить его не заказывать сейчас обратный билет. 4) Попытайтесь уговорить его взять на прокат машину. 5) Мы хотели убедить его в том, что он неправ. 6) Эта причина кажется мне вполне убедительной. 7) В чем он пытался вас убедить?


1. Complete in any sensible way:

1) He had no permission ... .

2) With your permission I’ll ... .

3) I’ll ask (for) permission ... .

4) If you do it without permission ... .

5) Who’s given you permission ...?

2. Translate and complete:

1) У них не было разрешения ... . 2) С вашего разрешения ... . 3) Попросили ли вы разрешение ... ? 4) Я не давал разрешения ... .


1. Translate the following word combinations and use their equivalents in sentences of your own:

дальняя деревня, дальний район, отдаленный звук, далекий город.


1. Answer these questions:

1) Which of your friends do you consider to be shy by nature?

2) When does one feel shy?

3) Is it easy or difficult to make a shy person speak before an audience?


1. Complete:

1) Being shy by nature she ... (to feel awkward).

2) He turned down the invitation saying he ... (to dance awkwardly).

3) Jane was out of practice, so when she was asked to sing, she... (to feel awkward).


1. Use the verb to fetch after the following and complete the sentences:

1) Shall I ... .                4) You needn’t ... .

2) Will you ... .             5) Do you mind ... .

3) Don’t trouble ... .     6) You’d better ... .

2. Translate:

1) Попросите, пожалуйста, проводника принести мне стакан чаю. 2) — Сходить за вашим чемоданом? — Спасибо, не надо. 3) Тов. Иванов в соседней комнате. Сходите за ним, пожалуйста.


3. Translate:

1) Trees of this kind do not grow in the North. 2) The boy’s dream was to discover new distant lands when he grew up. 3) It’s growing colder and colder. 4) Yon are quite grown-up, my boy. (You are quite a grown-up man.) 5) Both children and grown-ups will enjoy the book.

4. Answer these questions:

1) Why do few kinds of fruit grow in the North?

2) When does it usually grow cold in Moscow?

3) How many grown-ups are there in your family besides you?

4) At what age do we consider a person to be grown-up?

5) Are your children grown-up or are they still young?


1. Make up sentences using the English equivalents of the following:

невинные глаза, невинная улыбка, невинный человек, оказаться невиновным, быть признанным невиновным.


1. Answer these questions:

1) Whom can one call one’s people?

2) Do your people live together with you?

3) How often do you write to your people?

4) In what case does a businessman have to consider things with his people?


1. Translate:

1) You should (следует) have the sense not to go in for sport at the expense of your health. 2) Mrs. Campbell was an uneducated woman, but her common sense helped her bring up her children properly. 3) Mr. Winkle tried to say something, but he was so excited that his words didn’t make sense.

2. Translate :

1) Мысль показалась мне разумной. 2) Он благоразумный человек. 3) Мы примем любое предложение, если оно будет разумно.

3. Make up sentences of your own:

1) to take after one’s father — to have a good sense of responsibility

2) to have no sense of humour — to feel hurt

3) a sense of duty — to set an example

4) to make no sense — to have to guess

5) to point out — not to make sense


1. Practise aloud:

1) I really feel bad today. 2) He feels very well. 3) Don’t you feel sorry for him? 4) I hope he doesn’t feel hurt. 5) I don’t feel like going there.

2. Make up sentences using the word combination (not) to feel like:

to look after, to look for, to put up at this hotel, to book for a slow train, to make this journey again, to try to guess, to discuss a suggestion, to give permission, to try to persuade.

3. Translate :

a) 1) Он плохо себя чувствует. 2) Я вполне хорошо себя чувствую. 3) Вы чувствуете себя обиженным? 4) Они не будут чувствовать себя неловко там. 5) Я не расположен шутить. 6) Вы расположены пойти на каток?

б) чувство боли, чувство голода, чувство радости, чувство ответственности, чувство жалости.

4. Make up sentences using the word combinations to have a feeling that:

M o d e l: I have a feeling that he has been held up.

(to do something at the expense of, to make fun of somebody, to try to keep away, to be hurt, (not) to be to blame, it is not in someone’s power, to do well)


1. Give all possible combinations and use them in sentences of your own:

handsome woman
beautiful young girl
good-looking young man


1. Answer these questions:

1) Do you always follow the fashion? What about your friends?

2) Is it fashionable to wear one’s hair long now?

3) Is a thing worth buying if it is out of fashion?

2. Complete:

1) Shoes of this kind for everyday wear are in great demand now because ... .

2) Now most women wear their hair short (long) because ... .

3) Nobody wears long dresses now because ... .

4) I think this sofa is worth buying. It looks quite ... .


1. Change the tense of the following sentences using all possible tense-forms. Change the adverbial modifier to justify the form:

1) The firm cancelled the contract last week.

2) The contract was cancelled last week.

2. Complete:

1) Thematch will be cancelled unless ... (to improve)

2) The visit was cancelled because ... (to hurt oneself)

3) The contract will be cancelled if ... (not to change one’s attitude).


1. Practise aloud:

1) The room is engaged at the moment. 2) The number is engaged. Shall I try to getit later? 3) He was engaged in conversation. 4) I’ve got no engagements for today. 5) I am unable to keep this engagement today. 6) He couldn’t join us because of a previous engagement. 7) The company had to cancel all their engagements. I advise you to call off this engagement.

2. Use a synonym:

1) The secretary is busy writing letters. 2) The manager is speaking to the visitors now. 3) Comrade Petrov is taking part in the work of the conference. 4) The young actor performs different parts in several plays.

3. Make up sentences of your own using the following word combinations:

to be engaged in, to be engaged with, to be engaged at

4. Make up sentences of your own:

1) to hold a meeting — to have to call off other engagements

2) (not) to consider the matter properly — to have a lot of engagements

3) to look upon somebody as a serious person — to keep one’s engagements

XVIII. Choose the correct word and use it in the proper form:

1. This old house is going to be pulled down, and a friend of mine who lives here (to expect, to wait, to look forward) (to move) into a new flat. 2. Nobody (to expect, to wait, to look forward) Peter (to get) a bad mark at the examination. He had always been looked upon as a good student. 3. “I’m afraid you’ll have (to expect, to wait, to look forward) the manager for 20 minutes or so,” the clerk said to Carrie. “Oh, I don’t mind (to expect, to wait, to look forward),” she answered shyly. “I (to expect, to wait, to look forward) (to meet) him so long.” 4. What time will the meeting be held tomorrow? Can you (to learn, to find out, to recognize, to come to know) it for me? I’ll be engaged at the plant and won’t be able to do it myself. 5. Why did you keep me waiting so long? Why didn’t you tell me the news the moment you (to learn, to find out, to recognize, to come to know) it yourself? 6. I can’t persuade my sister to wear glasses. She’s grown so short-sighted that she can’t (to learn, to find out, to recognize, to come to know) a person a few meters away. 7. Your son has a very good (feeling, sense) of duty and I like the way he looks upon his responsibilities. 8. “I’ve read the main part of this funny story to you,” the teacher said to the students. “Now I (to expect, to wait, to look forward) you (to guess) the end of it. Comrade Petrov has a fine (feeling, sense) of humour, let’s hear him guess first.” 10. I wouldn’t like to hurt your paternal (отцовские) (feelings, sense), but your boy has been going the wrong way, and I am quite (convinced, persuaded) that he’ll get himself into trouble unless you can (to convince, to persuade) him to study properly.

XIX. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense-form of one of the following link-verbs:

(to feel, to grow, to turn, to get, to look, to seem, to become, to fall)

1. On the day of her marriage Jane was particularly cheerful because she ... very happy. She said she ... like embracing (обнять) the whole world. 2. On hearing that his best friend had deceived him, Jack ... pale but said nothing. 3. After his first day’s work John ... dead tired and ... worn-out. All he looked forward to was a quiet evening at home. 4. Being very shy by nature, Kate would ... red when other people praised her. 5. “Mother ... old,” James thought looking at the little, gray-haired woman his mother had turned into. 6. Mary has always been looked upon as a clever student. She is sure to ... an excellent engineer in a year or two. 7. It wasn’t a sensible idea to cover the whole distance on foot. I ... so tired afterwards that I ... asleep the moment I went to bed. 8. I don’t ... like going out today. 9. I wonder why he ... hurt at my joke, he ... to have a good sense of humour. 10. Though the young man ... innocent, Mr. Smith had a feeling that he was deceiving him, and ... angry.

XX. Choose from the adjectives given below those which go with each of the following link-verbs:

Link-verbs Adjectives
to feel, to grow, to turn, to get, to fall, to seem, to look, to become cold, happy, old, dark, red, angry, asleep, pale, tired, ill, hired, convinced, displeased, worn-out, upset, well, bad, hungry, thirsty

XXI. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbial particles if necessary:

1. When I was buying this watch, everybody warned me against it. Some said it was ... ... fashion, others added that I should have a lot ... trouble ... it. But I am glad to say it has turned ... quite good. 2. When reading an English book ... the original, you needn’t look ... ... the dictionary every unknown word you come ... . You’ll soon get tired ... reading ... that way. Try to guess the meaning ... some of the words from the context. 3. I haven’t been ... the theatre ... ages. The other day I booked two tickets ... a new play which everybody praises, and now I am looking ... ... the performance. 4. This shop is famous ... its dresses ... summer wear. I advise you to go there if you want one ... the latest fashion. 5. Why have you bought a blue dress? I think that colour is ... fashion now. 6. — What’s Jane’s telephone number? — Just a minute! I’ll look it ... ... my note book. Here you are, it happens to be ... the first page. 7. Fred’s ideas did not seem convincing enough ... his friends and ... an hour’s discussion all his suggestions were finally turned ... . 8. The lecture seemed particularly interesting ... me because I was familiar ... the subject. 9. I wonder why she preferred their advice ... ours. 10. You must ask ... permission if you wish to leave before your time. You may get ... trouble if you don’t do so. 11. Comrade Klimov is engaged ... the young engineers now and cannot receive you. Can you come ... an hour’s time? 12. I don’t think we’ll be able to help them ... their work tomorrow. We shall all be engaged ... the conference. 13. “It will do you good to look ... your report more carefully,” said the teacher. “I am not trying to find fault ... it, but some parts really do not make much sense.” 14. I wonder why you look ... our son as a little boy, I think he is grown-up enough to look ... himself.

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