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2020-02-04 307 Обсуждений (0)
TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 4 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Gr. Prp. to be (to get) frightened   быть испуганным (испугаться)

at (by)

e. g. A sudden noise frightened      Внезапный шум испугал ребенка.

the child (= The child got fright-

ened at the unexpected noise).

Why are you so frightened?          Почему ты так испугался?

——— Compare: ———

In spite of the storm the sailors      Несмотря на шторм, моряки не
were not afraid to go out to           побоялись выйти в море.
On being shown the toy crocodile   Увидев игрушечного крокодила,
the little boy got frightened and    маленький мальчик испугался и
burst out crying.                             расплакался.

presidium [prɪʹzɪdɪǝm] n                 президиум

care [kɛǝ] v                                     любить, нравиться (преимущественно

                                                           в отрицательных и вопросительных


е. g. I don’t care whether we stay   Мне все равно, останемся ли мы сего-

in tonight or go out.                        дня дома или поедем куда-нибудь.

Prp . to care for                               любить что-л., кого-л.; не быть равно-


е . g. I’m sure he cares for her.        Я уверена, что он любит ее.

Do you care for such books?         Тебе нравятся такие книги?

pick out v                                       выбирать

Syn. to choose

e. g. He picked out the books he    Он выбрал книги, которые хотел про-

wanted to read.                               читать.

The commander picked out two     Командир выбрал двух солдат, кото-

soldiers to go with him.                  рые должны были идти с ним.

elect [ɪʹlekt] v                                  выбирать, избирать

———— Compare: ———

The shop-girl put some fountain-   Продавщица положила на прила-
pens on the counter, and Mary       вок несколько авторучек, и Мэ-
picked out (chose) a blue one.        ри выбрала голубую.
Every young man has the right       Каждый молодой человек имеет
to choose his profession.                право выбирать свою профессию.
Who was elected Secretary of the   Кто был избран секретарем ко-
commission?                                   миссии?

pick up v                                        1. поднимать, подбирать, забирать

е g. Will you please pick up the     Будьте любезны, поднимите письмо.


The bus didn’t pick up all the        Автобус не забрал всех пассажиров.


                                                       2. приобретать (знания, друзей)

е. g . When I was on a holiday, I     Когда я был в отпуске, я приобрел

picked up a few new friends.         несколько новых друзей.

Не didn’t study the language proper- Он не изучал язык как следует, он

ly, be picked it up when he was     научился ему (сам), когда путеше-

travelling about the USA.               ствовал по США.

strength [streŋθ] n                          1. сила (физическая и духовная), мощь

e . g . His strength is really sur-       Он человек поистине поразительной

prising                                            силы.

The article is devoted to the growing Статья посвящена растущей мощи

strength of the peace camp.           лагеря мира.

W. comb. to gain strength               набраться сил

the strength of feeling (thought, an сила чувства (мысли, довода и т. д.)

argument, etc.)

                                                       2. прочность, крепость

W . comb . the strength of ice (а   прочность льда (моста и т. д.)

bridge, etc.)

the strength of a person’s position прочность чьего-л. положения

strengthen [ʹstreŋθǝn] v                  усиливать, укреплять

force [fɔ:s] n                                   сила (в действии)

W. comb. to use force                     использовать силу

to do smth. by force                     сделать что-л. (добиться чего-л.) си-


to remain in force                         оставаться в силе

е. g . The travellers had to use         Путешественники прилагали огром-

great force to overcome the            ные усилия, чтобы преодолеть силу

strength of the wind.                       ветра.

forces n                                           войска, вооруженные силы

——— Compare : ———

V. Hugo describes Jean Valjean as В. Гюго описывает Жана Валь-
а man of great strength.                 жана как человека большой
                                                           (физической и моральной) силы.
Being a man of great strength        Будучи человеком большой физи-
Jean could push the heavy              ческой силы, Жан смог с силой
stone with great force.                    столкнуть тяжелый камень.
Jean could not save the dying worn- Жан не смог спасти умирающую
an, but he knew it was within         женщину, но он знал, что в его
his power to help her child.            силах (в его власти) было помочь
                                                             ее ребенку.

address [ǝʹdres] v                            1. адресовать

е . g. Who is this letter addressed    Кому адресовано это письмо?


                                                       2. обращаться (с речью, словами и т. д.)

W. comb. to address a meeting       обратиться к собранию (к публике, к (an audience, a person, etc.)                      человеку и т. д.)

——— Сот pare : ———

Он обратился ко мне за помощью Не turned to me (asked me) for
(советом и т. д.).                            help (for advice, etc.).
Я не мог обратиться к нему. Он I could not speak to him. He was
был занят.                                      busy.
„Не можете ли вы помочь мне”,   “Can you help me, please?” he
обратился он к товарищу Пет-    asked Comrade Petrov.
До начала фильма режиссер об- Before the show the producer ad-
ратился к аудитории.                   dressed the audience.
Поль Робсон обратился к пионе- Paul Robeson greeted the pioneers
рам с теплым приветствием.         warmly.

vote [vout] v                                   голосовать

Prp . to vote for                               голосовать за

to vote against                              голосовать против

voter [ʹvoutǝ] n                               избиратель

vote n                                              голос (избирателя)

W . comb . to put smth. to the vote поставить (вопрос) на голосование

the right to vote                            право на голосование

cable [keɪbl] n                                 кабель; телеграмма, каблограмма

outburst [ʹautbǝ:st] n                      взрыв, вспышка (смеха, гнева и т. д.)

stuff [stʌf] п                                    вещество, материал; зд. дело

leaf ( pl . leaves) [li:f, li:vz] n            лист (листья) (дерева, растения и т. д.)

Dyson Carter [ʹdaɪsǝn ʹkɑ:tǝ]        Дайсон Картер

Alan Baird [ʹælǝn ʹbɛǝd]               Алан Бэрд

Pa Dunn [ʹpɑ: ʹdʌn]                      папаша Дан

Patricia [pǝtʹriʃ(ɪ)ǝ]                       Патриция

The Excell theatre [ʹeksǝl]             театр Эксел

Farnoy [ʹfɑ:nɔɪ]                             Фарной


I. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Explain the use of the infinitive forms after the modal verb can (could) (See § 20):

1. The book can’t be of interest to the boy, it’s much too difficult. 2. Ann is very obedient to her parents. She can’t have acted against her father’s will, I’m sure. 3. Can the boy still be dreaming of becoming a pilot? He is short-sighted and will never be admitted to a pilot school. 4. I know he attended to the matter very carefully. He couldn't have mixed up the figures. 5. Can be have done the translation without making a single mistake? Somebody must have helped him, he is still rather inexperienced in this kind of work.6. Can hestill remember me? We’ve been out of touch for years.

II. Practise aloud:

1. It can’t be true. 2. They can’t have left. 3. He couldn’t have lost the key. 4. Can it be so late?

III. Use the modal verb can (could) instead of the italicized parts of the sentences.


a) I’m nearly sure that Comrade Petrov did not attend to this matter himself. He was engaged at the conference the whole day. = Comrade Petrov can’t have attended to the matter himself as he was engaged at the conference the whole day.

b) It is hardly possible for Comrade Zotov to know what’s wrong with me. = Comrade Zotov can’t (couldn’t) know what’s wrong with me.

1. I am quite sure that your friend was not kept at the office. Something unexpected must have happened to him. 2. I doubt it greatly that he has persuaded her to give up her hobby. I tried to do so myself several times but failed. 3. Is it possible that Dr. Ivanov is still treating your father? I’ve heard that he has retired and a new doctor has taken over. 4. I don’t believe it at all that she is impatient with children. I’ve often heard people praise her for treating her pupils very well. 5. It is hardly possible that they are still making preparations to carry out this experiment. The preparatory work must have been under way for a fortnight already. 6. I don’t believe that the work is still under way. They started it a week ago and promised to get through it in two days’ time. 7. I don’t believe it at all that he took over the job. He is quite unskilled in this field. 8. I don’t believe it at all that Peter has refused our invitation because he doesn’t want to meet you. He must have done so because of some previous engagement. 9. I don’t think that pianist is still touring (гастролировать) abroad. His concert was announced here a week ago. 10. I can’t believe it at all that she is just an ordinary singer. Her concerts attract large audiences.

IV. Translate the following sentences into English using the modal verb can (could):

1. He может быть, чтобы они уже сделали эту работу. Они приступили к ней только вчера. 2. Не может быть, что он все еще делает эту работу. Его часть работы (доля) была очень незначительной. 3. Неужели он так равнодушен к этому изобретению? 4. Неужели он был так нетерпелив с ребенком? Он работает с детьми уже 10 лет. 5. Не может быть, чтобы он выбрал эту профессию против своей воли. 6. Вряд ли это серьезный случай. У мальчика просто небольшая простуда. 7. Не может быть, чтобы они уже приехали, самолет должен прибыть в 8 часов. 8. Неужели эта книга такая скучная? А я слышал, что романы этого писателя привлекают всеобщее внимание. 9. Не может быть, чтобы он плохо перенес путешествие. Он был когда-то моряком. 10. Неужели он уже овладел этим труднейшим искусством? Он, должно быть, очень терпелив.


V. Make up sentences using the modal verb can (could) with different forms of the Infinitive; use the words given below:

to be under way, to be boring, to be alive, exactly, to get through, to weigh one’s luggage, to take off, to invent, to give up the habit, to advertise, to practise, to share, to complain, to argue, to hold up.

VI. Answer the following questions using the modal verb can. Give your reasoning*.

M o d e l s: a) A. Is Comrade Petrov here?

                  B. He cant be here. I saw him leaving the building.

              b) A. Has he finished the work?

                  B. He cant have finished it, he started only an hour ago.

VII. Correct the following statements using the modal verb could, give your reasoning.

M o d e l: A. Aunt Beryl allowed Kezia to show the doll’s house to the Kelveys. B. That is not true to fact. Aunt Beryl couldnt have allowed Kezia to show the doll's house to the Kelveys. If she had (done so), she wouldn't have shouted at the girl angrily when she saw the Kelveys in the yard.

1. Mark Twain was very popular as a writer with the railway officials at Salamanca.

2. Mrs. Campbell gave her boys the money to buy two tickets for the circus.

3. Eddie andAllan enjoyed the circus performance greatly.

4. Uncle Seneca disliked young Frank afterthe first talk they had.

5. Miss Linda hated Colonel Green.

6. After Linda married Colonel Green, she still cared a lot for Porcharlester.

7. Miss Bradley went to Italy only to see her sister.

8. Mr. Balchin found Miss Bradley a remarkably interesting companion.

9. George Harris was quite pleased with his life in the United States.

10. Mr. Wilson was quite indifferent to the future of George Harris.

VIII. Translate into English using the modal verbs can (could), may, must, should:

1. — Неужели Карпов все еще занят на собрании? — Да, они, должно быть, обсуждают поправки к резолюции. 2. Не следует так нервничать. Если Петров обещал прийти, он сдержит свое слово. На него можно положиться, он никогда не подведет. 3. Вы, должно быть, приняли Петра за его брата. Они так похожи, что их трудно отличить друг от друга. 4. Предложение Семенова, очевидно, было отвергнуто. Я слышал, что многие голосовали против него. 5. Не может быть, чтобы она приняла участие в концерте, она всегда была очень застенчивой. Хотя, возможно, она изменилась за последнее время. 6. Возможно, результаты последних опытов разочаровали его. Вам нужно поговорить с ним и выяснить положение. Было бы очень хорошо, если бы вы его подбодрили. 7. Не нужно было так громко кричать! Если бы ты вел себя спокойнее, ты не испугал бы ребенка. 8. Неужели это ее дочь? Я бы никогда не подумала, если бы вы мне не сказали этого. Сколько ей может быть лет? — Судя по ее внешности, ей, возможно, лет двадцать. 9. Не может быть, чтобы секретарь специально выпустила эту фамилию. Она, должно быть, не заметила (проглядела) её. 10. Вряд ли он подпишется на этот роман. Ему никогда не нравились такие книги.


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms, voice and mood. After checking the exercise retell the story:


Recently The Times (to publish) a short announcement offering for sale a Victoria Cross of the 1940-1945 war.

The name of the seller (not to mention), but you might easily guess that it (to be) Janet Hanna, the widow ofJohn Hanna, a veteran of war and one of the first to be awarded* the Victoria Cross of World War II. Mrs. Hanna (to be) long known to the British public more as a woman who (to have) to meet great difficulties in life than as the wife of a war hero...

On a dark night in 1941 a plane piloted by John Hanna (to take) off to carry out an important task. It (to be) in the air for an hour when it (to attack) by a Messerschmidt. At the risk of his life John Hanna (to try) to save the burning plane, but he himself (to be) badly burned. A few months (to pass), and the pilot (to get over) the shock, but he (to be) no longer fit (годен) to serve in the Air Force.

Back at home John Hanna (to have) to live on a small pension with a family of four on his hands. He (to catch) ТВ and soon (to die) as he (to have) no money to pay for proper treatment.

Janet (to remain) alone with three little daughters to bring up. She (to earn) a little herself, but even with her husband’s pension and the ten pounds a year for the Victoria Cross, she could hardly make ends meet. She (to live) in this way for some time when her position (to attract) the attention of some members of Parliament. Debates (to start) in Parliament demanding that the rights of pensioners (to defend). These (to follow) by a campaign which (to propose) that the Government (to increase) pensions. Different proposals (to be) put to the vote, but the Government, however, (to take) no steps to improve the situation.

True, as a result of the campaign a subscription (to start) to raise money for Mrs. Hanna. That (to help) her daughters to finish school. Now they (to be) grown up, but the family (to be) still poor. So Mrs. Hanna (to decide) to sell her husband’s V.C. The Cross itself (to be) not worth more than fourpence. But Mrs. Hanna (to hope) that she (to find) a collectioner who (to appreciate) its real value.

Judging by an article in The Sunday Express a man (to turn up) who (to be) willing to pay a thousand pounds for John Hanna’s V.C. He (to consider) it to be worth the money. After all the Cross (to connect) with a remarkable story. It (to be) interesting to show it to his rich guests and to talk about it occasionally.

A thousand pounds (to be) enough to keep the family for a year. What (to do) Mrs. Hanna then?

(From Izvestiya Jan. 30, 1962)


IX. Make up fifteen questions on the text using the active vocabulary of the lesson.

X. Paraphrase the following passages from the text in your own way:

1. ... and gave street-car directions to the place.

2. ... that will throw this country into the hell of an atomic war.

3. We give first ten per cent, and then twenty and soon fifty per cent of our minds ... to war.

4. She must be well past forty.

5. A feeling of terrible guilt pressed on his shoulders.

6. He lowered his eyes to the seat ... .

7. They wouldn’t even let me see her.

8. All of a sudden the fright was gone ... .

9. The strength of the thought made him address the audience again.

10. ... and you’ll see through all this stuff!

XI. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) беда в том, что 2) говорили каждому вновь прибывшему 3) большинство из них были одеты в пальто 4) давайте сами посмотрим 5) во время вступительного слова 6) должно быть, ей далеко за сорок 7) в чем же он виноват 8) они не разрешили мне повидаться с ней 9) так же, как работал я 10) мы должны им всем помочь 11) я еще хочу сказать кое-что 12) вам будем понятна вся их чепуха о шпионах

XII. Substitute passages from the text for the parts in black type:

1. They arrest a group of people and say that they are guilty of espionage. 2. However, the organizers of the frame-up did not notice the fact. 3. Let us see and consider for ourselves. 4. Then a beautiful woman of about fifty began to speak. 5. They insist very much that we should take part in a campaign which will lead to an atomic war. 6. She did not name all of them. 7. All of a sudden he felt he was no longer afraid to speak. 8. But now its all the same to me. 9. The strength of this thought made him speak to the audience again.

XIII. Give the situations in which the following are used (See Text):

to charge with, to overlook, to judge, to feel nervous, an amendment, to demand, to carry out, disappointment, to leave out fright, to care, to pick out, to address, to vote.


XIV. Vocabulary activization exercises:


1. Answer these questions:

1) What was Katyusha Maslova charged with?

2) Was she really guilty of the crime (преступление) she was charged with?

3) Why couldn’t she prove she was innocent of the crime they charged her with?

2. Use synonyms:

1) The porter can’t have asked for much money for only taking the suit-cases aboard! 2) They don’t take any money for these services. 3) How much do you pay your dressmaker? 4) Such a young nurse can't be responsible for very many children. 5) Who is head of this department? 6) What price did they ask for the machine?

3. Translate :

1) В чем обвиняют этого человека? 2) Сколько они берут за одинарный номер? 3) Сколько эта фирма берет за услуги? 4) Он, должно быть, уже давно возглавляет этот отдел.


1. Translate and use in situations of your own:

1) I propose Comrade Petrov as Chairman. 2) He proposed advertising the goods through the journal. 3) The director proposed that the goods should be sent by the first ship. 4) Their proposals were accepted.

2. Complete:

                               — a change (amendments, an exchange...

The delegate proposed — doing something

                               — that...

3. Make up sentences of your own with to propose, to suggest, to offer.

Use the following word combinations:

(to place an advertisement, valuable advice, to discuss the incident, a number of changes, a new diary, to have one’s picture taken, a new arrangement, to settle the matter, to expose the warmongers, to clear up the matter, to call on)

4. Paraphrase using the verbs to propose, to suggest, to offer:

1) This is what I should like to put forward for your consideration. 2) He showed me a lot of books and said I could chose any of them. 3) The chairman put forward several questions for consideration. 4) “Let us share the porter,” he said. 5) He asked the young girl to be his wife.

5. Translate:

1) Оратор предложил присутствующим поставить свою подпись под воззванием. 2) Я предлагаю сделать пометку на этой странице. 3) Молодой изобретатель предложил продолжить работу. 4) Представитель фирмы предложил назначить встречу на следующий день. 5) Молодой врач предложил новый способ лечения этой болезни. 6) Молодой врач предложил свою помощь. 7) Она предложила отвести ребенка домой. 8) Он предложил вам отказаться от этой идеи?


1. Answer these questions :

1) What do the strikers in capitalist countries usually demand?

2) What do the colonial peoples demand?

2. Make up sentences having the same structure as in the model. Use the word combinations given in brackets:

M o d e l: The manager demanded that his orders should be fulfilled.

(to place an advertisement, to consider the invention again, to treat the subject properly, to share the responsibility, to weigh the luggage again)


1. Answer these questions:

1) In what case would you feel disappointed in someone you usedto rely on?

2) In what case would you be disappointed in the results of your work?

3) Would you advise a young person to give up his profession if he (she) were disappointed in it?  (Give your reasons.)

2. Translate :

1) Вам не следует разочаровываться. Я уверен, положение исправится. 2) Должно быть, врачи разочаровались в этом способе лечения. 3) К моему разочарованию, мальчик не сдал экзамена. 4) Если бы он разочаровался в своей работе, он был бы к ней безразличен. 5) Возможно, он разочаровался в своих друзьях.


1.Fill in the blanks with to leave in, to leave out, to leave school, to lave behind in the correct form:

1) He must be rather forgetful, he always ... things ... . 2) She turned eighteen last year. She must ... already. 3) I see there are amendments to this paper. Some of the figures previously (ранее) mentioned ... now. 4) I think these facts are important for the report. You should ... them ... .

2. Make up sentences having the same structure as in the model. Use the nouns given in brackets:

M o d e l: There is little time left.

(plenty of time, a number of magazines, no lower berths, a few single rooms, no return tickets)

3. Translate :

1) Оставь все как есть, явернусь через 10минут. 2) Я предлагаю не включать этих данных вдоклад. 3) Он предложил оставить эту поправку. 4) Поезд должен отправиться в 10 часов. Торопись. Осталось десять минут. 5) Не может быть, чтобы он уже окончил школу. Ему только 15 лет. 6) Вы намеренно не включили эти данные?


1. Answer these questions:

1) Why did Aunt Beryl’s sudden appearance frighten the little Kelveys?

2) Why did George’s words frighten Mr. Wilson?

3) Did Miss Bradley get frightened when the Customs officer began speaking to her? Why did she get frightened at his questions?

2. Translate:

l) Вы испугались? 2) He пугайтесь. 3) Что вас испугало? 4) Вам следовало бы рассказать все ребенку заранее, он бы не испугался. 5) Его, должно быть, испугал внезапный шум.

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