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2020-02-04 335 Обсуждений (0)
TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 13 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

e. g. The policeman hit the man      Полицейский ударил человека по го-

on the head.                                    лове.

He hit the ball hard.                        Он сильно ударил по мячу.

The stone hit the tree.                     Камень попал в дерево.

insult [ɪnʹsʌlt] v                              оскорблять, наносить оскорбление

lack v                                              испытывать недостаток, нуждаться

                                                       в чем-л., не. иметь чего-л.

е . g: We lack paper.                       У нас нет бумаги.

Put off the work if you lack time    Отложи работу, если у тебя сейчас

now.                                               нет времени.

lack п                                              недостаток, нужда, отсутствие чего-л.

е. g . Lack of fresh air told on         Недостаток свежего воздуха сказался

his health.                                       на его здоровье.

Prp. for lack of smth.                     из-за недостатка (отсутствия) чего-л.

е. g . The plants died for lack of     Растения погибли из-за недостатка

water.                                             воды.

unemployment [͵ʌnɪmʹplɔɪmǝnt] n  безработица

unemployed [͵ʌnɪmʹplɔɪd] adj         безработный (прилаг.)

theunemployed                              безработные

fatalist [ʹfeɪtǝlɪst] n                          фаталист (fate — судьба)

astrology [ǝstʹrɔlǝdʒɪ] n                   астрология

calculate [ʹkælkjuleɪt] v                   1. подсчитывать (арифметически)

W. comb. to calculate the expen-    подсчитывать расходы


                                                       2. рассчитывать (обычно в страд. залоге)

Syn. to plan, to intend

e. g. This advertisement is cal-       Эта реклама рассчитана на то, что-

culated to attract attention.            бы привлечь всеобщее внимание.

calculating adj                                расчетливый

е . g. Не is a very calculating per-   Он очень расчетливый человек.


calculation [͵kælkjuʹleɪʃn] п           расчет

W. comb. to make calculations       делать расчеты, рассчитывать зара-

                                                             нее, производить подсчеты

е. g . You should make all your      Вам следует заранее все рассчитать,

calculations before starting pre-     прежде чем начинать подготови-

paratory work                                тельную работу.

effort [ʹefǝt] п                                 усилие

е . g. You need a great effort of will Требуется большое усилие воли, что-

to give up smoking.                        бы бросить курить.

W . comb . to make an effort            делать (прилагать) усилия

by joint effort                                 общими усилиями

without effort                                 без усилий

e . g . Не makes every effort to        Он прилагает все усилия, чтобы нам

help us.                                           помочь.

Your success was worth the effort Ваш успех стоил тех усилий, кото-

you had to make.                           рые вам пришлось приложить.

The porter lifted the heavy suit-case Носильщик без усилия поднял тяжё-

without effort.                                лый чемодан.

drag v                                             тянуть, тащить, волочить (с усилием)

fundamental [͵fʌndǝʹmentǝl] adj    основной, коренной, существенный

sparkle [ʹspɑ:kl] п                           сверкание, блеск

splash (across) v                              зд. написать крупными буквами

challenge [ʹtʃælɪndʒ] v                    бросать вызов, вызывать

space п                                            пространство, космос (не употреб-

                                                           ляется с артиклем)

sensation [senʹseɪʃn] п                    1. ощущение, чувство

                                                       2. сенсация

asthma [ʹæsmǝ] п                           астма

observatory [ǝbʹzǝ:vǝtrɪ] п               обсерватория

telescope [ʹtelɪskoup] п                   телескоп

tower [tauǝ] п                                  башня

peer [pɪǝ] v                                      всматриваться

but р r р                                            зд. кроме

blurred [blǝ:d] adj                           неясный, туманный, расплывчатый

satellite [ʹsætǝlaɪt] п                        спутник

Syn. a sputnik

revolution [͵revǝʹlu:ʃn] n                  зд. круговое вращение, полный оборот

(the) earth [ǝ:θ] n                            земля, земной шар

flat adj                                            плоский, ровный

saucer [ʹsɔ:sǝ] n                              блюдце

mango [ʹmæŋgou] n                       манго, плод мангового дерева (оваль-

                                                           ной формы)


Sheela                              Шийла

Gopal [ʹgoupǝl]               Гопал

Eve’s Weekly                  „Ивз Уикли“, название журнала

Lahore [lǝʹhɔ:]                 Лахор, город в Пакистане


I. Translate the following sentences into Russian (§ 23):

1. Why do you speak as if you were trying to prove something to me? The case is quite clear.

2. It’s no use inviting him to the concert, he will refuse to join us, I am sure. It looks as if he didn’t care for music of this kind.

3. The woman only shook her head silently as if she were afraid to expose her real feelings.

4. Mr. Wilson stared at the newcomer as if he were surprised to see him at the hotel.

5. Michael looks very disappointed in the results of the competition. It seems as if he had expected his school team to win the first place.

6. When Jim and Ted met after the conference, they shook hands in a most friendly manner as if they had always got on well.

II. Change the parts in black type using as if and Subjunctive II:

1. Uncle Seneca looked at Frank closely as if seeing him for the first time. 2. Mr. Wilson walked up to George’s room as if in a dream. 3. Mr. Porcharlester complained that Mrs. Linda Green always received him very coldly so that you could think they had never met before. 4. Miss Bradley stood on the platform, looking so helpless, that you might think she had never found herself in such a situation before. 5. The young engineer looked at the machine in such a way that you got an impression that he didn’t know how to handle it. 6. “Hurry up, boys,” Pusher cried out, “you are moving about so slowly that it seems you haven’t had anything to eat for a week.”

III. Complete the following sentences using Subjunctive II:

1. The young man spoke in a loud voice as if he ...

(to address a big audience, to wish to prove something, to be proud to declare his ideas)

2. The girl shivered as if she ...

(to get wet through, not to feel well, to be unable to stand the sight)

3. He looks as if he ...

(still to be unable to get over the news, to do something wrong, to be disappointed in something)

4. She speaks of the event as if she ...

(to see it herself, to be quite indifferent to it, to find it very boring)

5. She looked pale as if she ...

(to be ill for a long time, to be going to faint, to practise too much indoors, (not) to recover completely)

6. She shook her head slowly as if ...

(to hesitate whether to accept the offer, to make up one’s mind to deny everything, still not to be obvious)

IV. Make up sentences having the same structure as in the models:

1. He stood quietly as if he were listening to something.
2. She burst out laughing as if she found the incident very funny.
3. The boy tried to look away as if he had done something wrong.
4. She looked pale as if she had been on sick-leave for a long time.



V. Translate into English paying attention to the use of Subjunctive II:

1. Он выглядел так плохо, как будто был тяжело болен. 2. Вы так плохо читаете текст, как будто вы его ни разу не читали. 3. Она говорит так, как будто ей все равно, закончат они работу вовремя или нет. 4. Он ездит верхом так, как будто он занимается этим спортом уже несколько лет. 5. Девушка обращалась с детьми так, как будто она специально этому обучалась. 6. Дядя Сенека разговаривал с Фрэнком как со взрослым. 7. Братья Кэмпбелл смотрели друг на друга как будто были готовы расплакаться. 8. Девочки Кельви уставились на кукольный дом, как будто они никогда не видели ничего подобного.


VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms and voice and retell the text:


(An extract from the memories of Yuri G agar in ʹ s Mother)

...In 1934, our second son was born and we called him Yuri.

The war began just when we (to get ready) to send him to school. It (to come) to the Smolensk countryside, and the woods and the houses (to burn)...

Children will be children even in times of trouble. Once Yuri and his younger brother Boris (to play) round a German car. Suddenly I heard a scream. I (to rush out) of the dug-out (землянка) where the whole family (to live) since the Germans (to occupy) the village, and (to stop) in terror: Yuri had bitten (укусил) a soldier on the hand and (to manage) to run away, but a big nazi soldier (to hold) Boris up in the air by the neck (шея). The boy must have been so frightened that he (to make) no effort to escape. I (to run) to him crying: “What you (to do)! He’s only a child!”

But there was no way of stopping the fascist: he (to push) me aside and (to hang) little Boris on an apple tree by the collar (воротник).

When the soldier finally (to go away), I (to lift) Boris down, and then (to catch sight) of Yuri. All the time he (to stand) a little distance away.

I think, it (to be) from that day that I (to notice) Yuri (to stop) smiling and his look (to become) more serious.

(Daily Worker, Apr. 29, 1961)


VII. Paraphrase the following passages from the text in your own way:

1. Gossip gave various reasons for this strange behaviour of hers. 2. ... but only a hoarse whisper escaped her lips. 3. ... and turned to attend to other customers. 4. He had the desperate hopeless look of an animal that was too frightened even to make an attempt to struggle. 5. She decided to be on her way. 6. For running across the palm was an unmistakable scar. 7. It was way back in 1937. 8. ... his own miserable self. 9. A smile broke on his pale face. 10. All along the way? 11. And then this green motor car had crashed even before it had taken to the road. 12. ... in a charitable hospital the doctors cut me up a couple of times. 13. How cruelly the world has treated you! 14. He had finally come to believe in the stars. 15. She saw the news splashed across the front page. 16. When the announced time drew near, there was such a rush for the telescopes ...

VIII. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) фактически, это было все, что она делала 2) ей еще не было тридцати 3) не может быть, чтобы это был Гопал 4) вот, пожалуйста 5) зачем стоять в очереди на автобус 6) у тебя действительно есть машина 7) но казалось, что что-то в нем умерло 8) в конце концов, ты ведь учился в колледже (кончил университет) 9) давай я отведу тебя к хорошему врачу 10) дольше пятого октября 11) но это бесполезно 12) ты хочешь знать, что со мной случилось, да? 13) это была сенсация на весь мир 14) на что он похож?

IX. Give the situations in which the following are used (See Text):

a stall, actually, to hint, to confirm, anxious, to escape, a customer, embarrassed, to dismiss, to injure, to indicate, a queue, repairs, to assure, to cause, support, to trust, to lack, to calculate, effort.

X. Vocabulary Activization Exercises:


1. Complete:

1) Rosemary not only suggested that the girl should go with her. She ... .

2) Miss Smith impressed Philip greatly. He ... .

3) After a talk with Philip, Rosemary’s attitude towards the girl changed. She ... .

4) Colonel Green not only thought of learning to play the horn. He ... .

5) Linda was extremely angry with Mr. Porcharlester. She ... .


1. Answer these questions:

1) When do you hint at something?

2) Did Philip only hint that he found Miss Smith beautiful or did he say so openly?

3) Did the doctor give Mellers a hint that he ought to give up work in the mine? How did the miner take the hint?

4) Did Rosemary give her husband the slightest hint as to her real reason for sending the girl away? Why not?

2. Use synonymous expressions:

1) As the girl did not want to upset the woman, she only said in an indirect way that her son did not feel quite well. 2) What are you trying to say? Why don’t you say straight out what you mean? 3) You won’t have to explain anything in detail, just say a word and he’ll understand everything.




1. Use a synonym:

1) Two of the prisoners succeeded in getting away from the guards.

2) The little boy was crying because the bird which had been given to him as a present had somehow got out of the cage (клетка).

3) Jim wasn’t in the bus accident only because he left home later than usual.

4) I can’t remember his name.

2. Add a beginning:

(the rush hours) ... . Then you will escape the crowds.

(an accident) ... . It’s amazing how he escaped getting injured.

(to check) ... . It wouldn’t have escaped my memory.

3. Make up situations using the following combinations:

to escape from the camp, to escape danger, to escape punishment, to escape one’s memory.


4. Complete in any sensible way:

1) When forty pairs of eyes stared at the young teacher for the first time in her life, she ... .

2) There was a great variety of toys, and the children ... .

3) The question was so unexpected that ... .

5. Find in the texts a Customs Incident, a Meeting of Protest, A Cup of Tea situations where you could use the words and word combinations: to embarrass, to show (no) signs of embarrassment, to stand in embarrassment, to look embarrassed, an embarrassing situation.


1. Use synonyms:

1) A sign showed the way we should go. 2) There is no sign of bad weather. We can start on our journey tomorrow. 3) In their letter they clearly pointed out what goods they were interested in.


1. Translate and think of situations in which the following sentences might be used:

1) My bicycle must go for repairs. 2) My left shoe needs repairing. 3) He said he must also have his car repaired. 4) His bicycle was broken beyond repair. 5) The sign above the door said “Shoe repairs”,

2. Make up sentences having the same structure as in the models. Use the words given in brackets:

M o d e l s: a) My car is still under repair.

              b) My car needs repairing.

              c) I must have my car repaired.

(a bicycle, a motorcycle, a shoe, a boot, a house, skates, skis, a road)


1. Use synonyms:

1) The student must have used the word Austria instead of Australia. 2) If you rush through the book the way you did last time, you will not have a clear idea of what you have read. 3) The lights and the audience made the village fellow feel shy and awkward.

2. Make up sentences of your own:

1) to be nervous — to get confused

2) to overlook something — to confuse the facts

3) to check — to confuse the figures

4) to shout at — to stand in confusion

3. Add a beginning

1) ...... In future he avoided confusing their names.

2) ...... He must have got confused.

3) ...... He found everything in confusion.


1. Answer these questions:

1) Do you think Mellers often had to face danger or even death? (Give your reasons.)

2) Was Mellers’case the only problem the doctor was faced with?

3) How did Pa Dunn feel when he was facing a large audience?

4) What problems were the scientists of Canada faced with judging by the speech of the woman-speaker?

2. Make up sentences of your own:

1) to face death — to remain alive

2) to face difficulties — to get over

3) to face danger — at the risk of

4) to be faced with — to take steps


1.Complete in any sensible way:

1) If the man weren’t reliable, ...

2) If he hadn’t failed us several times, ...

3) We trust that ...


1. Answer these questions:

1) Are you often in a bad temper?

2) When does a person lose his temper?

3) When is it particularly necessary to keep one’s temper?

2. Make up situations of your own:

1) to tell on — to lose one’s temper

2) a strain — to be in a bad temper

3) somehow — to keep one’s temper

4) to succeed — to be in a good temper


1. Translate and give situations in which the sentences might be used:

1) I wish I didn’t lack patience. 2) I wouldn’t put it down to lack of practice. 3) He failed for lack of effort.

2. Give as many combinations as possible and use them in sentences of your own:

lack of experience, knowledge, interest,
to lack time, will, taste,
for lack of sense of responsibility



1) Have you calculated what our travelling expenses would come to?

2) Mr. Brown’s words were obviously calculated to impress the audience.

2. Complete in any sensible way:



— when...
We have — — what...
We haven’t yet — — how much...
  — how long...

3.Make upsentences of yourown:

1) to calculate the time — to settle finally

2) to be calculated — to attract attention

3) to calculate the expenses — to see the advantages

4) to make calculations — to appreciate the idea

5) to be calculated — to impress


1. Answer these questions.

1) Can you speak any foreign languages without special effort?

2) In what case would you say that the result was worth the effort?

3) Can you describe a case when an effort of will would be necessary?

2. Make up sentences of your own:

1) to make every effort — to get over difficulties

2) to take a lot of effort — to achieve good results

3) to be completely cured — to appreciate somebody’s efforts

4) to make an effort of will —to recover one’s temper

5) by joint effort — to achieve good results

6) to manage to complete the work — without effort

XI. Answer the following questions:

A.1. Is there a bookstall at your office?

2. You are a regular customer there, aren’t you? What do you buy as a rule?

3. What kind of weekly do you prefer?

4. Are other customers anxious to have the same weekly?

B. 1. In what case do you have to queue up for cinema tickets?

2. Would you do so if your friend assured you that the film was not worth seeing?

3. Would you be satisfied to know her (his) opinion orwould you like to have your own?

C.1. What facts confirm that Seneca Davis was anxious about Frank’s future?

2. Why was he not satisfied with Frank’s attitude to school?

3. Did he promise to support the boy? On what condition?

D. 1. Why was Highsmith anxious to partner Miss Posie?

2. Did the manager support him? Why not?

3. What steps did Highsmith take to assure Miss Carrington of his abilities?

4. What was it that caused Miss Carrington’s sudden cancellation of all engagements?

E. 1. Did Mellers get injured in an accident or was his condition the result of overstrain and breathing coal dust (пыль) for 40 years?

2. Do you think the doctor had enough indication thatMellers’ condition was not satisfactory?

3. Was the doctor’s opinion personal? Would other doctors have confirmed it in case of necessity?

4. Why was it difficult for the doctor to dismiss the case from his mind?

F. 1. How can you prove that Rosemary Fell was a regular customer at the little shop?

2. What caused Rosemary’s unusual attitude to the girl who asked her for money?

3. Why did Miss Smith faint? What might have caused the unsatisfactory condition of her health?

4. Do you think Miss Smith made any efforts to get a job or was she satisfied with getting money by begging?

5. Do you think she might have been dismissed from work?

6. Why was Rosemary anxious to send the girl away from the house as soon as possible?

XII. Complete the sentences. Use the words given in brackets and modal verbs where possible:

(to dismiss, separate, to confirm, to cause, to be satisfied, to support, to injure)

1. If Jim hadn’t argued with his manager, he ... (to dismiss).

2. This is quite a different matter. You ... to put down as a separate item ( пункт ).

3. If I were satisfied with your work, ... (to support).

4. Jim didn’t turn up at the last training session. He ... (to injure his leg).

5. If I were you, I wouldn’t confirm the cable without checking the facts first. It ... (to cause complications).

XIII. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets and use them in the necessary form:

1. Have you seen Peter lately? — No, he’s been away for a week, as a matter of fact he (to get wounded, to get injured) during the last outing and has to stay in bed. 2. My brother (to be wounded, to be injured) in the head in 1942 when he was fighting near Smolensk. 3. John was one of the many people who got into the accident described in yesterday’s paper. He escaped (to get wounded, to get injured) only by a lucky chance. 4. Several times Jack imagined himself singing before an audience, but when he finally found himself facing a full house, he got so nervous that he (to confuse, to embarrass, to mix) the first few notes of the song and had to begin again. 5. “You shouldn’t hurry when making this experiment. The important thing is (to confuse, to embarrass, to mix) the correct amounts (количество) of the components and not (to confuse, to embarrass, to mix) the glasses you put them in,” said the teacher. 6. Dick was very proud to bring his rich school friend to visit his house, but when he saw his poorly-dressed sisters and the little room with things lying around in (confusion, embarrassment), he turned red with (confusion, embarrassment) and hurried the boy out into the playing grounds. 7. At the sound of the familiar voice Emma turned round to (to come across, to run into, to face) an old school friend of hers. “Of all people,” she heard her say in her cheerful voice. “I never thought of (to come across, to run into, to face) you here!” 8 Clyde insisted that until their engagement (помолвка) (to be declared, to be announced) officially they should go out to places where they were unlikely (to come across, to run into, to face) people they knew. 9. “Look, what I (to come across, to run into, to face) in this box,” the boy (to declare, to announce) proudly, holding up a pair of wellingtons (резиновые сапоги). “With these and my coat on I can go camping and (to come across, to run into, to face) any weather now.”

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TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 13 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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