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Give Russian equivalents.

2020-03-17 341 Обсуждений (0)
Give Russian equivalents. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

To protect critical infrastructures, critical asset, severe damages, calamities, extremely weather phenomena, multi-layered plans, to cause damage, floods, hurricanes, fires, bombings, mass failures of utilities, rapid spread of disease, to relinquish people from an impacted region, to arrange temporary housing, medical care, to be immune from disaster, volcano eruptions, to have an impacts on human health, to cause death and suffering, landslide, technological or industrial accidents, hazardous material, a break-down of authority, looting and attacks on strategic installations, a sudden onset of a contagious disease, to disrupt services and businesses, to cause disasters or catastrophes, to save lives and prevent injury, to eliminate a hazard or reduce its potential impact, to restore services and reconstruct communities, effort to reduce loss of life and property, to reduce human exposures to contaminants, to develop science-based strategies for remediation, lifesaving operations, critical infrastructures, to assist emergency response team, to extricate individuals from wrecked vehicles.

Find English equivalents.

Важнейшие объекты инфраструктуры, стихийные или техногенные бедствия, быстрый рост заболеваемости, крупные аварии коммунальных служб, пострадавшая область (зона), временное жилье, медицинское обслуживание, чрезвычайная экологическая ситуация, техногенные и промышленные аварии, опасные материалы, мародерство, нападения на стратегические объекты, вспышка инфекционных заболеваний, спасать жизни и предотвращать травматизм, воздействие загрязняющих веществ, важные объектов инфраструктуры, группа ликвидации аварийной ситуации, извлекать граждан из поврежденных транспортных средств.

Match the terms with their definitions.

Cyclone, drought, avalanche, flood, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, landslide, blizzard

1) A period of time with no rain.

2) Large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry.

3) A violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast.

4) A large amount of earth and rocks falling down a cliff or a mountain.

5) A huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land.

6) A sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust causing shaking of the ground.

7) A violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round.

8) A severe snowstorm with strong winds.

9) A large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain.

10) An extremely violent wind or storm.


Complete the text with necessary words or word combinations.

Process, vulnerabilities, management, risks, nature, area, function, environment, safe, comprehensive

Risk is a probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal (1) ______.

Risk (2) ______ ensures that an organization identifies and analyses the (3) ______. The emergency management (4) ______ incorporates a wide range of measures to manage risks to communities and the (5) ______.

Emergency management aims are to strengthen communities to make them (6) ______, sustainable and resilient, helping them to avoid emergencies or minimize and recover from their effects.

The focus of the identify risks activity in the emergency management (7) ______ is to identify and describe the (8) ______ of risks within the emergency management scope. This identification process must be (9) ______ because any (10) ______ of risk not identified may not be included in the risk analysis and evaluation phases.


Make a report about isaster management. Use words and word combinations from ex. 2 and given below.

Firstly / The first step is / To begin with …

Secondly / Thirdly / The next step is …

After that /Then …

Following that …

Finally / Lastly / The last step is …


Text 3


handler ['hændlə] оператор to commit [kə'mɪt] совершать violence ['vaɪəl(ə)n(t)s] жестокость, насилие to suspect ['sʌspekt] предполагать, подозревать to commit a crime - совершить преступление an assault [ə'sɔːlt] нападение an ambulance ['æmbjələn(t)s] скорая помощь, машина скорой помощи to collapse [kə'læps] падать в обморок to be unconscious - быть без сознания minor ailment ['maɪnə'eɪlmənt] лёгкое недомогание injury ['ɪnʤ(ə)rɪ] повреждение, травма to put in danger – подвергать опасности hoax [həuks] ложный to reduced [rɪ'djuːst] сниженный, сокращенный increased [ɪn'kriːst] увеличенный; повышенный shutoff [ʃʌt ɒf] отключение first aid [ˌfɜːst'eɪd] первая помощь one-time, short-term treatment – одноразовое, кратковременное лечение to administer [əd'mɪnɪstə] применять scrape [skreɪp] царапина scratch [skrætʃ] царапина burn [bɜːn] ожог apply [ə'plaɪ] накладывать bandage ['bændɪʤ] шина, бинт dressing ['dresɪŋ] повязка non-prescription medicine - лекарство, продающееся без рецепта to drain blisters - дренировать ожоговые пузыри to remove debris – извлекать соринки heat stress - тепловой удар


There are four emergency services that will come to your aid if you are in trouble. They are the Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance Service and Gas Service. Emergency services are usually free. There is information below how to use each service.

There are 2 other kinds of phone numbers to call emergencies. The difference is from what telephone you call – cellular or land line. The emergency services can be contacted by dialing 101, 102, 103, 104 or you can dial 112, the number of the Unified Emergency Service. These calls are free. If you call to the Unified Emergency Service, you will be connected to a call handler who will ask you which service you need. You should give them as much information as you are able to, this will usually include your name and where you are calling from. Try to stay as calm as possible when you speak to the call handler and speak clearly, as it is important that they understand what the emergency is and what help is needed.

Fire Brigade

The fire brigade should be called immediately if you have a fire in your home, or you see a fire somewhere else. You should get everyone out of the property as quickly as possible, don't stop to pick up belongings, as this might put you in danger. Then call the fire brigade on 101. All 101 calls are recorded and you are breaking the law if you make a hoax emergency call.


The police can help you in emergencies such as violence, robbery or where someone has committed any sort of crime. There is the telephone number 102 you can contact the police on both to report crimes that do not need an immediate police response and are not emergencies (damage of your property or suspected drug dealing in your area) and real emergencies, where the police need to attend urgently (serious assault on a person or where there is danger to life).


You can call an ambulance in an emergency, when someone is seriously ill or injured. For example, in a serious road accident where people have been hurt. If there is a danger to life, someone collapses and is unconscious or is taken suddenly very ill you should call an ambulance on 103. Do not call an ambulance for minor ailments or injuries, such as small cuts, colds and flu. The call handler will ask you for details of the illness or injury.

Emergency physicians give first aid which refers to medical attention that is usually administered immediately after the injury occurs and at the location where it occurred. It often consists of a one-time, short-term treatment and requires little technology or training to administer. First aid can include cleaning minor cuts, scrapes, or scratches; treating a minor burn; applying bandages and dressings; the use of non-prescription medicine; draining blisters; removing debris from the eyes; massage; and drinking fluids to relieve heat stress.

Gas Service

Gas Service is an emergency service. When you notiсe a smell of gas, reduced or increased gas pressure, sudden gas shutoff or cut on gas to gas appliances in without warning by employees of or any explosion or fire, dial 104.


Answer the questions.

1. How many emergency services do you know? What are they?

2. How to connect the emergency services?

3. What is the single telephone line for the emergency services?

4. Why is it important to stay as calm when you speak to the call handler?

5. When should you call the police / an ambulance / the fire brigade / Gas Service?

6. Should you call an ambulance for minor ailments or injuries? Why?

7. What is first aid?

8. What does it often consist of?


2020-03-17 341 Обсуждений (0)
Give Russian equivalents. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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