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Say if the statements TRUE or FALSE


1. Eton is a mixed secondary school.

2. It is a school for students up to 13 years old.

3. For academic purposes, the School is divided into five Houses,

4. The main function of the Tutor is to help the Masters of the House to monitor academic performance,

5. His students come to him in groups twice a week

6. When a boy enters C, he can choose a new Mentor.

7. There are thirty-five scheduled schools (i.e. lessons) per week,

8. Boys are trained in units (i.e. sets or forms).

9. Computer engineering is an optional subject of the curriculum during the first year.

10. All the faculties have their own building where boys are taught.

11. Eton is a private school in the UK.

12. The school is mixed.

13. The school consists of several buildings named Houses.

14. Eton is a boarding school.

15. Every student may choose a Tutor.

16. According to the schedule, the students normally have 36 lessons a week.

17. There are no clubs and other out-of-class activities in Eton.

18. The newcomers must attend Computing, Design and Technology, Music, Drama and Art lessons.

19. There are shops for metalwork, silverwork, woodwork and electronics.

20. All the departments are situated in one building.



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