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Match the verbs with the definitions. Complete the sentences below with one of the verbs

2015-11-10 1149 Обсуждений (0)
Match the verbs with the definitions. Complete the sentences below with one of the verbs 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

  Verb   Definition
To come between smb A to respect and admire someone very much
To fall out with smb B to resemble a member of your family in appearance or character
To get round smb C to cause trouble between people
To get through to smb D to reprimand, to speak severely to smb because they have done smth wrong
To hit it off with smb E to persuade smb to let you do or have smth, usually by flattering them
To keep smb down F to quarrel because of some disagreement
To look up to smb G to have a very good relationship, be friends
To split/ break up H to oppress, keep in a state like slavery
To take after smb I to succeed in making someone understand the meaning of what one is saying
To tell smb off J to stop being together



1. If they don’t ___ they had better separate now before they get married.

2. Every child needs someone to ___.

3. The director ___ Jim ___ for being late for work again.

4. I can’t ___ Grandfather that he must rest.

5. Murray left the company after he ___ the chairman over his salary.

6. The boy ___ his father, he has the same red hair and quick temper.

7. The members of this religious sect were ___ by fear and frustration.

8. – I hear Tom and Sue have divorced. Why did they ___? – Well, they didn’t ___.

9. Father doesn’t want to let us go, but I know how to ___ him.

10. Don’t let this quarrel ___ us.


What do the following idiomatic expressions mean?

- To be at odds/ loggerheads with smb

- To bear a grudge against smb

- To bridge a gap/ gulf between smb

- To clear the air

- To drive a wedge between smb

- To eat out of smb’s hand

- A far cry from

- To lead smb astray

- To lead smb by the nose

- To make concessions

- To meet smb halfway

- Poles apart

- To see eye to eye with smb (on smth)

- To take sides/ smb’s side

- To twist smb round one’s little finger


Translate the following sentences into English, using the idioms listed above.

1. Он совсем не ладит со своим братом. Они не сходятся во взглядах по многим вопросам. Иногда мне кажется, что они диаметрально противоположны.

2. Я думаю, вам не следует вставать на чью-либо сторону. Вы ведь не можете всю жизнь водить их за ручку. Ваши дети должны научиться уступать и идти на компромисс.

3. Послушай, Тим, я знаю, ты затаил какую-то обиду. Почему бы нам не поговорить и не уладить наши разногласия? Если мы этого не сделаем, то Ролли уж постарается вбить клин между нами.

4. Этот новая подруга Тома совсем сбила его с толку. Он готов безоговорочно слушаться ее, а от нас совсем отдалился. Я не знаю, как преодолеть эту пропасть.

5. После свадьбы все переменилось. Раньше Милли могла просто вить из Роджера веревки. Теперь ее жизнь, как небо от земли, отличалась от того, на что она надеялась.


Work with partners. Take turns asking and answering the questions below. Use the above mentioned phrasal verbs and idioms in your answers.

Example. A. How do you get on with the other people in your family?

B. I don’t hit it off with my sisters, but I’m very close to my mother.

We see eye to eye on most questions.

1. What kind of relationship do you have with the people in your family?

2. Are you similar to anyone in your family?

3. Do you have the same opinions as other members of your family?

4. Did you have a strict upbringing in your family?

5. When were you reprimanded as a child/ teenager?

6. Were you able to do what you wanted all the time?

7. Could you bring home your friends?

8. Were your parents interested in your school life/ relationships with your friends?

9. Who did you admire and respect when you were a child / teenager?

10. Do you take your parents / brother / sister into your confidence?

11. Do you think it wise to interfere in other people’s relationships?

12. What do you think of overprotective parents?


Use the additional material you have learnt to describe your relationship with one of the following people.

Grandparent Teacher Uncle/ aunt Parent
Brother/ sister Neighbour Boss Cousin


1) Account for Axel Jordach’s behaving out of character at Rudolph’s birthday party.

2) Describe Rudolph’s birthday party. What was unusual about it? What did Mary Jordach hope for?

3) Comment on the author’s statement: “If the German army could be brought to surrender every week, life might be tolerable in the home of Axel Jordach.”

4) What was Mary Jordach’s idea of a normal American family? Why were the Jordachs a far cry from it?

5) Why did Mary think Rudolph was an exception? Was she right?

6) Describe the relationships in the Jordach family. Has your impression of the family changed after reading the second passage from the novel? Try to analyze the reasons for the discord in the family.

7) What kind of future did Axel Jordach want for Rudolph? Why?

8) Did Rudolph see things differently from his parents? Why did he wish he was as confident about his getting to the top as they were?

9) What made him feel that he was “built in two layers, one that only he knew about and the other which was displayed to the world”?

10) Try to account for Rudolph’s deferential attitude to his parents. What lay at the basis of his deference: love, respect, fear, or cupboard love etc? What made him decide that he would never get married?

11) Compare the two brothers: Rudolph and Thomas. In what way were they different? Which of the two brothers appeals to you? Why?

12) What future do you see for each character of the story?

2015-11-10 1149 Обсуждений (0)
Match the verbs with the definitions. Complete the sentences below with one of the verbs 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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