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A. Look at these different types of travellers. How

2015-11-10 1846 Обсуждений (0)
A. Look at these different types of travellers. How 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Would you define or describe them?

a pilgrim a holiday-maker

an emigrant a yachtsman

a hitchhiker a rambler

a motorcycle courier a commuter

a tourist a bus conductor


B. Match the types of travellers in A with the

descriptions below:

1. He sails round the world single-handed in a catamaran.

2. He goes sightseeing and takes lots of photos.

3. She finally arrives at the holy place and approaches

the icon.

4. He left Britain in 1980 and has settled in Australia.

5. He thumbs a lift.

6. He delivers urgent letters and parcels to businesses

in the city.

7. Every Sunday he walks ten miles or so for pleasure

across hills and moors.

8. This summer we've booked a lovely holiday hotel

near the beach in the south of Spain.

9. She catches the eight o'clock train every weekday


10.He sells tickets on the number 22.


Which type of travelling probably takes longest?

  • a boat trip, a channel crossing, a voyage, a cruise;
  • a stroll, a trek, a hike, a walk;
  • a trip, an excursion, an expedition, a journey;
  • strolling, striding, dawdling, jogging;
  • a ferry, a narrow boat, a hovercraft, a speedboat;
  • going as the crow flies, taking the scenic route,

taking a short cut;


Types of travellers.

A. Which of the people below are travellers and which

Are tourists?

1. I always go on all-inclusive package holidays, and

stay in luxurious resorts. I prefer to book everything

in advance.

2. I'm very adventurous - a bit of an explorer really - I

like to find my own way around new and unusual

places. I like to get off the beaten track.

3. I like backpacking around the world, travelling on a

shoestring, staying in budget accommodation and

meeting fellow globetrotters.


B. Find phrases above which mean:

a) Everything paid for before you go.

b) Go to places that most people don't go to.

c) Travel without spending much money.


Look at the words below. They are all connected

With ways of travelling. Match them with the different

ways of travelling(hiking, flying, swimming, cycling,

horse riding, going by train):

a) saddle, gallop, rein, hoof;

b) boots, map, compass, hills;

c) saddle, gears, handlebars, pedal;

d) crawl, lengths, goggles, breaststroke;

e) platform, ticket, timetable, carriage;

f) check in, luggage, runway, departure lounge.


Put a correct form of a verb of movement in each of

The expressions below. Make use of the following

verbs:fly, drive, sail.

1. The cruise ship set __ for the Caribbean last


2. Time just __ by. Soon we had to leave.

3. What are you __ at? I can't see your point.

4. Their youngest child is uncontrollable. He just __ into

a rage at the slightest thing.

5. She is so intelligent. She just __ through all her


6. The long wait for news almost __ her out of her mind

with worry.

7. John's annoying behaviour is __ me mad.

8. Everything he says __ in the face of all common

sense. If he comes to power, it will be a disaster.

Describe an interesting journey that you have made

In detail.

a) Where did you go? When? Why? Who with?

b) Describe each step of the journey in detail.

c) What did you see? What interesting experience did

you have?


10. Read the title of the article. Answer the following:

1. What do you think the writer's attitude to travelling is?

2. Can you think of any reasons why people might not

like travelling? Is there anything you don't like about it?

Travel - Who Needs It?

My dream as a bored 14-year-old sitting in classroom in a town that was all too familiar to me was to get a job that would allow me to travel. Of course it would have been better to travel without the job, but my imagination has always been weighed down by practicalities.

I planned to go backpacking in Europe, trekking in Nepal and hitching across the USA but I felt that there must be a company out there that would pay for my visa to China and allow me the luxury of reserving scheduled flights to North Africa instead of relying on the charter flights put on for package tourists.

So for my travel plans I contacted the career’s service instead of the travel agent. In no time I became an engineer and was sent off to fix oil and gas pipelines in Colombia after a little time marooned in the North Sea hundreds of miles from anywhere. I was soon to see that the real advantage of travelling with a wealthy sponsor was an easy by-pass of such difficulties of travelling as work permits and immigration officials. The company organized inoculations, they dealt with my airport transfers and had excellent accommodation ready for me in every destination. And how many destinations? Wherever a pipeline leaked they would send me. Soon I was more familiar with the airports of South East Asia than I was with my friends ' new houses and babies.

There was something missing of course. I went everywhere, even to Siberia, but never stayed for long enough to learn a language or begin to understand a culture. I ate in great restaurants but never met the chefs. I travelled in planes, trains, cars, trucks and boats but never had a season ticket. In fact I rarely ever even had to stand in a queue at the ticket office.

I longed for a dull place to settle down but also for travel without departure lounges and timetables. It's not what it is made out to be.


2015-11-10 1846 Обсуждений (0)
A. Look at these different types of travellers. How 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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