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Задание 7. Письменно переведите выделенные предложения из текста

2015-11-10 1860 Обсуждений (0)
Задание 7. Письменно переведите выделенные предложения из текста 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок




Тематический список слов:

is situated - расположен, находиться

population - население

important– важный

industrial center - промышленный центр

iron and steel works – металлургический комбинат

refrigerator factory - завод холодильников

monument- памятник

next to - рядом, около

art gallery - картинная галерея

local history museum – краеведческий музей

located - расположен

spa - водно-оздоровительный комплекс

mud baths - грязелечебница

famous - известный

a lot of - много, множество

a number of - много

sports palace - дворец спорта

swimming pool - плавательный, бассейн

numerous - многочисленный

fountain - фонтан

attract - привлекать

develop - развиваться

celebrate - праздновать

anniversary - годовщина

lime tree - липа

originate - происходить

to be proud of - гордиться

places of interest – достопримечательности


Грамматический материал: множественное число существительных, пассивный залог.


I live in Lipetsk. It is situated on the river Voronezh. The population of Lipetsk is 500.000 people. Lipetsk is an important industrial center of Russia. Lipetsk Iron and Works and the refrigerator factory "Indezit" are the largest plants in Russia. There are a lot of places of interest in my native town. Two monuments to Peter the First are situated next to the central park. Lipetsk Art Gallery and the Local History Museum are in Lenin Street. Our Drama Theater, located in the center of the town, is one of the best provincial theaters. Lipetsk spa and mud baths are famous all over Russia. There are two Universities, two Institutes and a number of colleges in Lipetsk. Besides there are a lot of stadiums, sports grounds, sports palaces, and swimming pools in Lipetsk. It is a young developing town. In 2003 we celebrated its 300th anniversary. Today Lipetsk is also famous for its numerous beautiful fountains. In summer they attract a lot of people from our city and other places. Lipetsk is beautiful with tree-lined streets and avenues. The symbol of our town is a lime tree. The word Lipetsk originates from the name of this tree. I love my town and I am proud of it.


1. Прочитайте тест и найдите в нем английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и сочетаний и выпишите их:

1.расположен на реке, 2. население Липецка, 3. важный индустриальный центр, 4. завод холодильников, 5. родной город, 6. памятник Петру первому, 7.местный исторический музей, 8. расположенный в центре города, 9. грязевые ванны, 10. известны по все России, 11. развивающийся город, 12. многочисленные красивые фонтаны, 13. символ города, 14. я горжусь им.



Верны ли следующие утверждения?

1. The population of Lipetsk is over I million people.

2. There are 2 fountains in Lipetsk.

3. Two monuments to Peter the First are situated far away from the central park.

4. Lipetsk is a very old town.

5. Lipetsk zoo is famous all over Russia.

6. In 2010 wecelebrated its 300th anniversary.

7. The symbol of our town is an oak tree.

8. In winter the fountains attract a lot of people.


3. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Where is Lipetsk situated?

2. What is the population of Lipetsk?

3. Which plants in Lipetsk are the largest in Russia?

4. Where are the two monuments to Peter The First situated?

5. Which important places of interest in Lipetsk do you know?

6. How many Universities and Institutes are there in Lipetsk?

7. What is situated in the center of the town?

8. How old is Lipetsk?

9. Which tree is the symbol of Lipetsk?


Составьте письменно рассказ (15 предложений) о своем родном городе.


Тематический список слов:

occupy- занимать, занять

total area - общая территория

strong power – сильная власть

head of the state – глава государства

a four-year term – четырёх летний срок

government - правительство, форма правления

folk tradition– народная традиция

keep up folk traditions - соблюдать народные традиции

pagan traditions– языческие обычаи

Lent – Великий пост

pertain to official celebrations - относиться к официальным праздникам

people of all ages – люди всех возрастов

in many fields - во многих областях, сферах

admire - восхищаться

all over the world – во всём мире


The Russian Federation, or Russia is the largest country in the world. It occupies one seventh of the Earth’s surface. It is situated both in Europe and Asia. The total area is about 17 million square kilometres.

The current population of Russia is about 143 million people.

Russia is a parliamentary republic with the strong power of the President who is head of the state and directly elected for a four-year term. The State Duma and the Council of Federation is the legislative branch of the government.

The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is the largest political, cultural and industrial center. It is one of the oldest Russian cities.

Most Russians are keen supporters of traditions. Russian people keep up a lot of folk traditions. One of the most favourite Russian folk tradition is Maslenitsa, or Pancake Week, which is a combination of Christian and pagan traditions and is the last week before the Lent.

We’ve got traditions pertaining to official celebrations like the Victory Day. Victory Day, the 9th of May is the most significant day in our life. On the 9th of May war veterans meet and people of all ages come to congratulate them and give them flowers.

Russia can take pride in numerous achievements and developments in many fields. One of them is Russia’s contribution to space exploration.

We admire Russian classical music which is famous all over the world. Russian classical literature is universally known for its psychological depth and powerful style. Many prose writers and poets all over the world have been influenced by the giants of Russian classical literature like Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, to name only a few.


2015-11-10 1860 Обсуждений (0)
Задание 7. Письменно переведите выделенные предложения из текста 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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