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2015-11-18 1273 Обсуждений (0)

Studying abroad is a really good experience. However, sometimes it is very difficult to get necessary funds to pay for tuition, living accommodations, etc. One way to get money while studying is to apply for a job. If you would like to study and work at the same time in Great Britain, you should be aware of some pertinent rules and regulations.

A lot of students dream of obtaining a degree from an overseas university and, in particular, of one from Great Britain. This country, famous for its traditions and unique education system, seems an optional location. Moreover, it is possible to study there for free! In this article you will find out how to obtain financial assistance such as grants and scholarships to pay for tuition and living expenses in Great Britain.

Getting financial assistance necessarily involves an assessment of your academic progress, educational background and work experience. However, it is also a matter of time. As a rule, students must start preparing the neces­sary documents at least a year before their intended study. This time is spent filling out the applications, sending them to the appropriate bodies, having them assessed and, finally, receiving the results. Most financial assistance programmes have deadlines, so the earlier you start the better.

Financial assistance programmes come in two broad categories. The first covers full funding for tuition fees, accommodation, and maintenance; while the second covers only partial expenses associate with education and living. The latter category mostly consists of individual universities' grants and schol­arships, so it is best to consult each university regarding their own financial assistance programmes.

To cross the border you'd need a foreign passport, which may be acquired upon making a personal petition (or through legal representatives) to the passport service of the internal security bodies, in residence. (A person receiving a passport is not to be younger than eighteen, or sixteen if the person lives abroad permanently).

The process of getting funds for education takes time, so you will need to be patient. Good luck!

2. Говорение.

Еда это важная часть сбалансированной диеты. - какую роль еда играет в Вашей жизни? - каково Ваше отношение к здоровой и вредной еде? - Вы бы скорее сами готовили себе еду или пошли бы в ресторан? Почему?     Food is an important part of a balanced diet. - What role does food play in your life? - What is your attitude to healthy and junk food? - Would you rather cook by yourself or eat out? Why?


Билет №4

1. Прочитайте, переведите, перескажите и задайте 5 вопросов разных типов к данному тексту.


Every evening she came out of the dark and stepped into the bright light of the street like a frightened child far from home. I knew that she had never been at the end of the alley before eight o'clock, and yet there were evenings when I ran there two hours early and waited until she came. During all those months I had known her, she had been late only two or three times, and then it was only ten or fifteen minutes past eight when she came.

Rachel had never told me where she lived, and she would never let me walk home with her. Where the alley began was the door through which she came at eight, and the door which closed behind her at ten. When I had asked her to let me walk with her, she always said that her father did not allow her to be with boys and that if he saw us together he would either beat her pitilessly or make her leave home.

Rachel had told me that almost every time I saw her, as if she wanted me to understand some sort of danger that lay in the darkness of the alley. I knew there was no physical danger, because around the corner was our house and I knew the district as anyone else. And besides during the day I usually walked through the alley to our back gate on my way home, because it was the short­est way when I was late for supper. But after dark the alley was Rachel's, and I had never gone home that way at night as I feared to see her or hear of her. I had promised her from the beginning that I would never follow her to find out where she lived, and that I would never try to discover her real name.

I knew Rachel and her family were poor, because she had been wearing the same dress for nearly a year. It was a worn but clean dress of blue cotton, and I knew she washed it every day. Each evening when I saw her, I was worried because I knew that the cloth would not last for long. I wanted to offer to buy her a dress with the few dollars I had in my bank, but I was afraid even to suggest such a thing to her. I was sure that it would mean the end of my seeing her.

After Erskine Caldwell

2. Говорение.

«Друг» это слово, которое может относиться ко всем поколениям, возрастным группам и разным национальностям. Расскажите: - легко или трудно быть хорошим другом? - какими чертами характера надежный друг должен обладать? - что Вы думаете о дружбе онлайн? “Friend” is a word that can be refered to all generations, age groups and different nationalities. Talk about: - Is it easy or difficult to be a good friend? - What features of character must a real friend have? - What do you think about friendship online?


Билет №5

1. Прочитайте, переведите, перескажите и задайте 5 вопросов разных типов к данному тексту.

2015-11-18 1273 Обсуждений (0)


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