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Task 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Passive

2015-11-18 1968 Обсуждений (0)
Task 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Passive 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. The exercises (to do) yesterday. 2. The article (to translate) last week. 3. The dinner (to cook) an hour ago. 4. The university (to found) in 1961. 5. The students (to invite) to the concert last Saturday. 6. The car (to buy) two months ago. 7. The conference (to hold) yesterday. 8. These topics (to discuss) last lesson. 9. This question (to ask) yesterday. 10. This house (to build) in 2006.


Task 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple Passive.

1. The film (to show) on TV soon. 2. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 3. The work (to do) tomorrow. 4. The translation (to finish) in two days. 5. The question (to discuss) next lesson. 6. This rule (to explain) next time. 7. The bill (to pay) tomorrow. 8. The answer (to receive) tomorrow. 9. The cake (to cook) in an hour. 10. The wall (to paint) next weekend.


Task 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple Passive.

1. His car (to steal) last night. 2. Cheese (to make) from milk. 3. The dog (to give) some food in ten minutes. 4. The telegrams (to send) yesterday. 5. These cars (to produce) in Japan. 6. The exam (to pass) soon. 7. Jack (to arrest) two days ago. 8. Flowers (to sell) every day. 9. He (to take) to the café next weekend. 10. She (to invite) to the cinema yesterday.


Task 6. Измените предложения по образцу: He wrote a letter. – The letter was written.

1. They built many hotels last year. 2. You typed the document. 3. We eat bread every day. 4. We gather mushrooms in Autumn. 5. She will buy this bag tomorrow. 6. He will meet them at the airport. 7. We read newspapers every morning. 8. She brought the dictionary an hour ago. 9. They will finish the work soon. 10. I spent the money yesterday.


Task 7. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple Passive.

1. Мне рассказывают – мне рассказали – мне расскажут (to tell)

2. Мне показывают – мне показали – мне покажут (to show)

3. Мне помогают – мне помогли – мне помогут (to help)

4. Нас спрашивают – нас спросили – нас спросят (to ask)

5. Нам отвечают – нам ответили – нам ответят (to answer)

6. Им дают – им дали – им дадут (to give)

7. Его забывают – его забыли – его забудут (to forget)

8. Ее приглашают – ее пригласили – ее пригласят (to invite)

9. Вас отправляют – вас отправили – вас отправят (to send)

10. Вас берут – вас взяли – вас возьмут (to take)


Тема 21. Причастие


Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, обладающая признаками как прилагательного (иногда наречия), так и глагола.

Формы причастия

  Active Passive
I Indefinite Participle * V + ing testing being + V3 being tested
Perfect Participle * having + V3 having tested having been + V3 having been tested
II Past Participle _______________ * V3 tested

*The man testing the device is a scientist.

Человек, тестирующий прибор, - ученый.

While (when) testing the device the scientist put down the results.

Тестируяприбор, ученый записывал результаты.


*Having tested the device he left the laboratory.

Протестировав прибор, он покинул лабораторию.


*The tested device was multifunctional.

Протестированный прибор был многофункциональным.

The device tested by the scientist was put into mass production.

Прибор, протестированный ученым, был внедрен в массовое производство.


Being tested the device was broken.

При тестировании (будучи тестируемым) прибор был сломан.

Having been tested properly the device was turned off.

После тщательного тестирования (будучи тщательно протестированным) прибор был выключен.



Task 1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия (Present Participle Active).

1. The girl standingat the window is my sister.

2. We looked at the playing children.

3. Entering the room he dropped his keys.

4. He sat in the arm-chair thinking.

5. She came up to us breathing heavily.

6. The hall was full of laughing people.

7. The boy smiled showing his teeth.

8. The singing girl was about fourteen.

9. Mother put eggs into the boiling water.

10. The man talking over the phone is my friend.

11. Looking at him she began crying.


Task 2. Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами с Present Participle Active.

1. The woman who is looking out of the window is my aunt.

2. The children who are playing in the garden are very noisy.

3. She came up to the man who was standing at the door.

4. There was a lot of work which was waiting for us.

5. He didn't like the people who were surrounding him.

6. I noticed the people who were waiting for the taxi.

7. The vase which stands on the table is my daughter's present.

8. We are not the fans of the team which is losing.

9. I don't know the man who is entering the room.

10. She met the man who was hurrying along the street.

11. He watched his wife who was driving a car.


Task 3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастные обороты с Present Participle Active.

1. When coming home, she turned on the light.

2. When reading the English text, copy out the new words.

3. While waiting for me, he became the witness of an accident.

4. When walking through the park, I saw some flowers.

5. When leaving the house, don't forget to lock the door.

6. He didn't write the truth when answering the letter.

7. When seeing them, she smiled with pleasure.

8. When starting work, don’t forget our in­structions.

9. While driving a car, she was talking over the phone.

10. When doing homework, he fell asleep.

11. While sitting in the armchair, he smoked a cigar.


2015-11-18 1968 Обсуждений (0)
Task 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Passive 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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