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Peculiarities of Teaching FL Vocabulary

2015-11-27 1272 Обсуждений (0)
Peculiarities of Teaching FL Vocabulary 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Seminar No1-2

FLT Methodology as a Science.

1. Subject of Methodology. General and special Methodology.

2. The main methodological categories.

3. Links of Methodology with other Sciences.


1. Лекции по методике.

2. Гез Н.И., Ляховицкий М.В. и др. – Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. М., Высшая школа, 1982.

3. Щукин А.Н. Обучение иностранным языкам. Москва, Филоматис, 2004, С.407.

4. Гальскова Н.Д. – Современная методика обучения ИЯ. Москва, 2000, стр. 37-48. Лингвистические основы обучения ИЯ.


Practical tasks

1. Make up a glossary of the main methodological terms

2.Why is FLTM an independent science?

3. Give the titles of methodological books. Which of them refer to special and general?

4. List the reasons how FLTM is linked to Pedagogy. Psychology and Linguistics.

5. Learning English at any stage at school can be fun. Songs and rhymes change the mood and pace of the lesson. Give some ideas for using songs in class.

6. In teaching process Role playing is widely used nowadays. Can we regard Role play as the most exact model of Communication? Why? Express your opinion.

7. Give some tips for teacher how to rise learner’s motivation

8. What interactive activities would you use to rise learner’s motivation? Why?

9. Draw a scheme of motivation types


Seminar No3-4

Aims, Content and Means of FLT Methodology

1. The importance of teaching Foreign language .

2. Aims and Content of FLT .

3. Means of FLT.



1. Лекции по методике.

2. Гез Н.И., Ляховицкий М.В. и др. – Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. М., Высшая школа, 1982.

3. Щукин А.Н. Обучение иностранным языкам. Москва, Филоматис, 2004, С.407.

4. Гальскова Н.Д. – Современная методика обучения ИЯ. Москва, 2000, стр. 37-48. Лингвистические основы обучения ИЯ.


Practical task

1. Define the complex of aims of FLT to 5th grade learners on the theme “My family”.

2. Present in the form of scheme the content of FLT

3. Discuss what language and speech material should be taught young and adult learners. Give your vision on the problem.

4. Compare different textbooks on FL. Find out differences and common characteristics. What textbook do you prefer to use in teaching? Why?

5. Think over teaching aids that may be used in teaching a FL on the theme “Job”. Explain how these means are used during the lesson.

6. You are asked by a school director to organize a seminar for teachers of English on the theme “Course-books and supplementary materials for young learners”. Make a list of criteria for course-book assessment. Suggest list of supplementary materials with practical hints for their usage.

Seminar No5-6

Theme: Principles in FL teaching.

1. What is a principle?

2. The role of principles in FL teaching.

3. Didactic principles in FLT.

4. Methodological principles in FL teaching (traditional and the renovated ones according to S.S. Kunanbaeva).



1. Лекции по методике.

2. Гез Н.И., Ляховицкий М.В. и др. – Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. М., Высшая школа, 1982.

3. Щукин А.Н. Обучение иностранным языкам. Москва, Филоматис, 2004, С.407.

4. Гальскова Н.Д. – Современная методика обучения ИЯ. Москва, 2000, стр. 37-48. Лингвистические основы обучения ИЯ.


Practical task

1. You are a teacher at school. Explain to your younger colleague, who works with you, the principle of domineering role of exercises.

2. What didactic principle is realized if the teacher introduces the verb “to have” on the basis of new vocabulary on the theme “Parts of body”? Demonstrate what other principles should be observed when you introduce the verb “to have” in the 7th form.

3. Define the purposes of using visual demonstration in FLT process.


Seminar No7

Peculiarities of Teaching FL Pronunciation.

1. The role of TP in FLT.

2. The program requirements to TP at school.

3. Peculiarities of English Pronunciation and Intonation.

4. Methods of TP.

5. Types of ex-s for TP.

6. Typical pronunciation mistakes.



1. Лекции по методике.

2. Гез Н.И., Ляховицкий М.В. и др. – Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. М., Высшая школа, 1982.

3. Щукин А.Н. Обучение иностранным языкам. Москва, Филоматис, 2004, С.407.

4. Гальскова Н.Д. – Современная методика обучения ИЯ. Москва, 2000, стр. 37-48. Лингвистические основы обучения ИЯ.


Practical tasks

1. Think of a rhyme on the sound [x] for the pupils in the 5th form.

2. Mark the following statements as T(true), F(false), D(debatable).

3. Teaching grammar and communicative skills is more important than teaching pronunciation.

4. Pronunciation should not be deliberately taught.

5. Receiving pronunciation (UK) should be chosen as a model.

6. A non-native speaker can’t serve as a model for teaching pronunciation.

7. The learners should forget about the native language sounds in order to learn the target language pronunciation.

8. Correct English speech sounds are more important than intonation.

9. In order to master the pronunciation, it is necessary to sound like native speaker.

10. The quickest way to master the target pronunciation is to have contact with native speakers.


Seminar N8

Peculiarities of Teaching FL Vocabulary.

1. The importance of TV in FLT.

2. The program requirements to TV at school.

3. Aims and Content of TV.

4. Difficulties in TV. Methodological typology.

5. Procedure of work with Voc.

6. Methods of semantization.

7. Types of ex-s for TV.



1. Лекции по методике.

2. Гез Н.И., Ляховицкий М.В. и др. – Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. М., Высшая школа, 1982.

3. Щукин А.Н. Обучение иностранным языкам. Москва, Филоматис, 2004, С.407.

4. Гальскова Н.Д. – Современная методика обучения ИЯ. Москва, 2000, стр. 37-48. Лингвистические основы обучения ИЯ.


Practical tasks

1. What way of semantization is the most appropriate for the word “to graduate” at the group of IX form pupils with a good language preparation?

2. Chose the way of semantization of the word “lunch” at the group of VIII form pupils with not sufficient language preparation?

3. Choose three types of activities that are most useful for developing memory bond of the new word “rose” with other words.

4. Semantic mapping;

5. Matching with adjectives;

6. Describing a picture;

7. Writing a list of words the new word can be used;

8. Translation from Russian/Kazakh into English.

Seminar No9

2015-11-27 1272 Обсуждений (0)
Peculiarities of Teaching FL Vocabulary 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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