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Drill. In the following sentences read the statements and the tags with a fall. (The speaker expects the listener to agree with him.)

2015-11-27 902 Обсуждений (0)
Drill. In the following sentences read the statements and the tags with a fall. (The speaker expects the listener to agree with him.) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. There are 18 faculties at our University, aren't there?

2. Our University is the oldest in our country, isn't it?

3. You finished school last year, didn't you?

4. He's got a new job, hasn't he?

5. That was most unfair, wasn't it?


Drill In the following sentences read the statements with I a fall and the tags with a rise.(The speaker is asking the listener's opinion.)

1. You didn't tell anybody, did you?

2. You're taking the exam in June, aren't you?

3. It's quite impossible, isn't it?

4. She'll be starting school next year, won't she?

5. I asked you before, didn't I?


7. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck

If a wood-chuck could chuck wood?



Unit 11. BOOT

[u:] – долгий лабиализированный дифтонгоид заднего ряда высокого подъема узкой разновидности. Язык находится в задней части полости рта, задняя часть языка значительно приподнята. В процессе артикуляции язык перемещается от продвинутого вперед и более низкого положения в направлении более задней и закрытой позиции. Губы значительно округлены. По сравнению с английским русский [у] является более задним и закрытым.


1. Listen and repeat:

look-Luke, pull-pool, full-fool, foot-boot.


2. Listen and repeat:

Sue, Prue, shoe, threw, twenty-two, it was you, June, afternoon, excuse me, chewing gum, rude, soup, stupid, nuisance, Miss Luke.


3. Dialogue. In a good school

Miss Luke: Good afternoon, girls!

Girls: Good afternoon, Miss Luke!

Miss Luke: This afternoon we are going to learn how to cook soup. Open your books at Unit twenty-two.

Prue: Excuse me , Miss Luke.

Miss Luke: Yes, Prue?

Prue: There’s some chewing gum on your shoe.

Miss Luke: Who threw their chewing gum on the floor? Was it you, Prue?

Prue: No, Miss Luke. It was June.

Miss Luke: Who?

Prue: June Cook.

June: It wasn’t me, stupid. It was Sue.

Sue: It was you!

June: It wasn’t me, you stupid fool. My mouth’s full of chewing gum. Look, Miss Luke!

Sue: Stop pulling my hair, June. It was you!

June: YOU!

Sue: YOU

Miss Luke: Excuse me! You’re being very rude. You two nuisances can stay in school this afternoon instead of going to the swimming pool.



A: Excuse me.

B: Yes?

A: Could you tell me where I can get some good shoelaces?

B: Yes. There’s a shop next to the supermarket that sells very good shoelaces. I’m going there too.


5. Drill.Practice in pairs. Use the words below instead of shoelaces.

Toothpaste, football boots, chewing gum, fruit juice, cookery books, supermarket, swimming pool, fruit shop, tool shop, wool shop, newspaper stand.


6. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Hugh’s tooth is loose.

Ruth can’t say boo to a goose.



Unit 12. GIRL

[з:] – долгий монофтонг смешанного ряда среднего подъема узкой разновидности, нелабиализованный. При произнесении этого звука язык лежит плоско, кончик языка находится у основания нижних зубов. Рот полураскрыт, зубы обнажены. Это долгий однородный звук, при произнесении которого уклад органов речи не меняется.

Произносите звук четко, громко, напряженно. Рот должен быть слегка приоткрыт, верхняя губа приподнята, не растягивайте губы.


1. Listen and repeat :

four-fur, torn-turn, Paul-Pearl, warm-worm, ward-word, walker-worker.


2. Listen and repeat:

ten-turn, Ben-burn, bed-bird, head-heard, west-worst, kennel-colonel.


3. Listen and repeat :

shut-shirt, huts-hurts, bun-burn, bud-bird, bug-berg, gull-girl.


4. Listen and repeat :

er, sir, early, world, Thursday, Herbert, Sherman, Turner, weren’t colonel, worst, thirsty, dirty, Burton, skirts, shirts, nurse, curse these nurses!


5. Dialogue. The worst nurse

A.: Nurse!

B.: Nurse! I’m thirsty!

A.: Nurse! My head hurts!

B.: Nurse!

A.: Curse these nurses!

B.: Nurse Sherman always wears such dirty shirts.

A.: And such short skirts.

B.: She never arrives at work early.

A.: She and … er … Nurse Turner weren’t at work on Thursday, were they?

B.: No, they weren’t.

A.: Nurse Sherman is the worst nurse in the ward, isn’t she?

B.: No, she isn’t. She’s the worst nurse in the world!

6. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Repeat the verse word for word.

Bert will be thirteen next birthday.

Turn down the first turning after the church- or the third if you prefer.



Unit 13. CAMERA

[ ] – нейтральный нелабиализованный краткий монофтонг смешанного ряда среднего подъема. При произнесении этого звука губы нейтральны, рот приоткрыт, язык находится в средней части полости рта. В конечном положении качество звука несколько меняется: он похож на [ ]. Произнесите его более низким голосом, чтобы передняя спинка языка автоматически опустилась, а язык слегка оттянулся назад. Немного удлините звук перед [d] и [z], так как в этой позиции он должен быть полудолгим.


1. Listen and repeat :

a photograph of Barbara, a glass of water, a pair of binoculars, a photograph of her mother and father, a book about South America, look at the clock, what’s the time? It’s six o’clock, it’s a quarter to seven.


Read the story aloud.

Barbara spent Saturday afternoon looking at a beautiful book about South America. “I want to go to South America”, she said to herself. The next morning, when Barbara woke up it was six o’clock, andher brothers and sisters were still asleep. Barbara looked atthemand closed her eyes again. Then she quietly got out of bed and started to pack her suitcase. She took some comfortable clothes out of the cupboard. She packed a pair of binoculars andher sister’s camera. She packed a photograph of herself and one of her mother and father. “I mustn’t forget to have some breakfast”, she said to herself. But then she looked at the clock. It was a quarter to seven. “I’ll just drink a glass of water”, she said. “A glass of water”, she said. “Water”, she said and opened her eyes. She was still in her bed and her brothers and sisterswere laughing at her. ”Tell us what you were dreaming about,” they said to her. But Barbara didn’t answer. She was thinking about her wonderful journey to South America.


Weak forms.

Was she dreaming? – Yes, she was.(the strong form)

Was she thinking about South America? – Yes, she was.

Were her brothers and sisters asleep? – Yes, they were.

Do they like reading? – Yes, theydo.

Have you read about South America? – Yes, I have.

Does your friend like reading? – Yes, he does.

Am I talking to myself? – Yes, I am.

Are we working hard? – Yes, we are.

Has your friend been to South America? – Yes, he has.

Can you swim? – Yes, I can.

4. Dialogue. Shopping

A.: I’m going to the post office.

B.: Can you buy something for me at the supermarket?

A.: But the supermarket is a long way from the post office.

B.: No. Not that supermarket. Not the one that’s next to the cinema. I mean the one that’s near the fruit shop.

A.: Oh, yes. Well, what do you want?

B.: Some cigarettes and a box of matches and an envelope.


5. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

An adventurous professor and a professional astronomer are posing in front of the camera of a fashionable photographer.


2015-11-27 902 Обсуждений (0)
Drill. In the following sentences read the statements and the tags with a fall. (The speaker expects the listener to agree with him.) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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