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A)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 2.a)2 b)1 c)4 d)3 3.a) 3 b)2 c)4 d)1 4.a)1 b)3 c)2 d)4 5. a)2 b)3 c)4 d)1

2019-12-29 202 Обсуждений (0)
A)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 2.a)2 b)1 c)4 d)3 3.a) 3 b)2 c)4 d)1 4.a)1 b)3 c)2 d)4 5. a)2 b)3 c)4 d)1 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

4-8 points: You are dedicated to hard work and full of ruthless ambition. With a bit of lack, in a very short time you’ll be able to buy what you want. You may not have many friends, however. A job in accountancy, law, insurance or finance is recommended.

9-12 points: You are hard working and ambitious, but want to get as much satisfaction from your job as money. A job in academia, the media or research is recommended.

13-15 points: You often put others before yourself. You’ve got plenty of ability and you’re prepared to work long hours for little money. A job as a charity worker, doctor, teacher or eco-warrior is recommended.

16-20 points: You are extremely lazy. A glorious career of doing nothing lies in front of you. You may have trouble paying the bills, but hopefully you’ll put all that extra time to good use and join the ranks of those like John Lennon and Samuel Johnson (the compiler of the dictionary) who have achieved great things in spite of being unable to get out of bed. A lie-in is recommended.


10.  Прочитайте благодарственное письмо ниже. Кому оно и от кого написано?


Dear Fiona,

Thank you so much for playing at our wedding on April 7th. We had such a wonderful time, due in no small part to you and your super band! The dance floor never seemed to be empty and there was never a shortage of volunteers. It was exactly what we were looking for - a really good band who ensured everyone had a great time. Please pass on our thanks to all of your "team", especially the Caller who was excellent! By the end of it, we were quite sorry to leave! We have received lots of thanks from our guests who really enjoyed joining in the dancing! We shall certainly recommend you to others.

Thanks again

 Love from E & M.                                         

Test yourself

1.  Определите, какое время использовано и запишите PS (Present Simple) или PC (Present Continuous):

1. Your husband is leaving work now. ______

2. What is he doing? _____

3. He’s taking a taxi. _____

4. She usually goes by bus to the University. ______

5. We’re not going to the university. _____

6. My boy-friend never buys flowers! _____


2.  Закончите диалог, раскрывая скобки:

Pete: So, what ____ you _____ (do)?

Tracy: I’m a private detective.

Pete: That’s interesting. _____ you _______ (work) now?

Tracy: Yes, I am. At the moment I ________ (follow) a man.

Pete: How exciting! Is he in this bar?

Tracy: Yes, he is. Right now he __________ (talk) to another woman.

Pete: Would you like a glass of wine?

Tracy: No, thank you. I never __________ (drink) at work.

Pete: So… Who asked you to follow this man?

Tracy: His wife. She ________ (wait) for me to call her now.

Pete: Is she? When you finish, why don’t you come with me?

Tracy: I don’t think so, Mr. Hurt. You see, at the moment I _________ (work) for your wife.



Текст: English in my life

Грамматика: Present Continuous & Present Simple

2019-12-29 202 Обсуждений (0)
A)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 2.a)2 b)1 c)4 d)3 3.a) 3 b)2 c)4 d)1 4.a)1 b)3 c)2 d)4 5. a)2 b)3 c)4 d)1 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: A)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 2.a)2 b)1 c)4 d)3 3.a) 3 b)2 c)4 d)1 4.a)1 b)3 c)2 d)4 5. a)2 b)3 c)4 d)1

Обсуждений еще не было, будьте первым... ↓↓↓

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