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2020-02-04 346 Обсуждений (0)
THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 19 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

X. Ask the clerk at a box-office what performances he would advise you to see. Book two seats for the performance you have chosen.

XI. Ask your guests if they would like to see some places of interest in Moscow. Tell them what you consider to be of interest to them.

XII. Invite your guests to come to Moscow again.

XIII. Say a few words to your friends about the last football (hockey) match you have seen.

XIV. Speak on your impressions of a film (play). Try to persuade your friend to see it.

XV. Ask a saleswoman to show you a dress (suit, shoes, etc.).

XVI. Explain to a saleswoman at a book-shop why you don’t like the book she has shown you. Tell her what kind of book you would prefer.

XVII.    Look at the pictures carefully and make up a story using the following words:

not to feel like, to prefer, to grow, to wake up, to look around, to look innocent.

Words you may need: to plant flowers сажать цветы, to make a flower-bed, сделать цветочную клумбу, to water поливать , to pick срывать



Grammar: The Gerund (continued) (§ 8)



(fromShort Stories“ by Katherine Mansfield)

Katherine Mansfield, an outstanding English short-story writer of the 20th century, was born in New Zealand in 1888 and died in 1923. She is the author of a number of excellent short stories which deal with human nature and psychology.

At the age of eighteen she decided to become a professional writer. Her first short stories appeared in Melbourne in 1907, but literary fame came to her in London after the publication of a collection of short stories called In a German Pension*.

Katherine Mansfield took much interest in Russian Literature, particularly in the works of Chekhov. In fact, she considered herself to be a pupil of the great Russian writer.

In The Doll’s House which is one of her best short stories, Katherine Mansfield describes the life in the little town in New Zealand where she was born and spent her early years.

* * *

When dear old Mrs. Hay went back to town after staying with the Burnells, she sent the children a doll’s house. It was so big that the servants carried it into the courtyard, and left it there.

The Burnell children had never seen anything like it in their lives. All the rooms were papered, with pictures on the walls. A red carpet covered all the floors except the kitchen; there were tables, beds with real bedclothes, a stove, a dresser with very small plates and one big jug. But what Kezia liked more than anything was the lamp. It was filled all ready for lighting: there was something inside that looked like oil and moved when you shook it.

The Burnell children could hardly walk to school fast enough the next morning. They burned to tell everybody, to boast about their doll’s house.

It had been arranged that while the doll’s house stood in the courtyard, they might ask the girls at school, two at a time, to come and look.

Playtime came and Isabel was surrounded. The girls of her class nearly fought to put their arms round her, to be her special friend, and the only two who stayed outside the ring were the two who were always outside, the little Kelveys.

For the fact was, the school the Burnell children went to was not at all the kind of place their parents would have liked their children to attend. But it was the only school for miles and they had to put up with it.

As a result all the children of the neighbourhood, rich and poor alike, had to mix together. But many of the children, including the Burnells, were not allowed even to speak to the Kelveys. They walked past the Kelveys with their heads in the air. Even the teacher had a special voice for them, and a special smile for the other children.

They were the daughters of a hard-working little washer-woman, who went about from house to house by the day. They were dressed in worn-out clothes given to their mother by the people for whom she worked. Lil, for instance, who was a stout, plain child, with big freckles, came to school in a dress made from a green tablecloth of the Burnells. Her little sister Else wore a long white dress and a pair of little boy’s boots. Nobody had ever seen her smile; she hardly ever spoke. She went through life holding on to Lil.

Now again they did not mix with the girls, but you couldn’t stop them from listening.

And Isabel’s voice, so very proud, went on telling.

“The lamp’s best of all,” cried Kezia. She thought Isabel wasn’t making half enough of the little lamp.1 But nobody paid any attention. Isabel was choosing the two who were to come back with them that afternoon and see it, and the others knew they were all to have a chance.

Only the little Kelveys moved away forgotten; there was nothing more for them to hear.

Days passed, and as more children saw the doll’s house, the fame of it spread. The one question was, “Have you seen the Burnells doll’s house? Oh, isn’t it lovely!”

At last everybody had seen it; only the Kelveys remained.

“Mother,” said Kezia one day, “can’t I ask the Kelveys just once?”

“Certainly not, Kezia.”

“But why not?”

“Run away, Kezia, you know quite well why not.”

One afternoon after school Kezia was playing in the yard. Nobody was about. Looking up from her toys, she suddenly saw the Kelveys on the road. Kezia was going to run away. Then she hesitated. Lil and Else came nearer, and she made up her mind.

“Hullo,” she said to the passing girls.

They were so surprised that they stopped.

“You can come and see our doll’s house if you want to,” said Kezia. But at that Lil turned red and shook her head quickly.

“Why not?” asked Kezia.

“Your ma told our ma you were not to speak to us,” Lil breathed out.

“Oh, well,” said Kezia. She didn’t know what to reply. “It doesn’t matter. You can come and see our doll’s house all the same! Come on. Nobody’s looking.”

But Lil shook her head still harder.

When she turned to go, she saw Else looking at her with big, eager eyes: she wanted to see the house. For a moment Lil looked at Else very doubtfully, and then they started forward. Kezia led the way.

“Here it is,” said Kezia, when they were near the house. There was a pause. Lil breathed loudly, Else was all attention.

“I’ll open it for you,” said Kezia kindly. She undid the hook and they looked inside.

“There’s the drawing-room and the dining-room and that’s the — ”


It was Aunt Beryl’s voice. They turned round and saw Aunt Beryl in the door-way.

“How dare you ask the little Kelveys into the courtyard! You’ll be punished for that!” she said to Kezia. “Off you go immediately2,” she called, turning to the Kelveys. “And don’t come back again!”

They did not need telling twice. Burning with shame, the two girls hurried out of the courtyard.

“A bad disobedient little girl!” Aunt Beryl said to Kezia and shut the door of the doll’s house.

When the Kelveys were well out of sight of the Burnells’, they sat down to rest by the side of the road. Lil’s cheeks were still burning, she took off her hat and held it on her knee. What were their thoughts?

After a while Else moved up close to her sister. By now she had forgotten the cross lady.

“I’ve seen the little lamp,” she said softly.

Then both were silent once more.


1. Isabel wasn’t making half enough of the little lamp. — Изабелла и наполовину не отдавала должного маленькой лампе .

2. Off you go immediately! — Убирайтесь немедленно!

Наречная частица off в начале предложения придает большую выразительность высказыванию.


doll [dɔl] n                                      кукла

outstanding [autʹstændɪŋ] adj         выдающийся

century [ʹsentʃǝrɪ] n                         век

collection n                                     зд . сборник

psychology [saɪʹkɔlǝdʒɪ] n               психология

stay* v                                            1. оставаться (в том же самом поло

                                                           жении или месте)

е. g . Stay where you are!                Оставайтесь на месте!

Will you stay to dinner?               Вы останетесь пообедать?

                                                       2. останавливаться (жить, гостить)

Prp. to stay at some place              останавливаться где-л.

to stay with smb.                          жить, гостить у кого-л.

е. g . Did you stay at a hotel or       Вы останавливались в гостинице или

with friends when you were in       у друзей, когда были в Ленингра-

Leningrad?                                      де?

stay п                                              пребывание

е. g . Did you enjoy your stay in     Вы получили удовольствие от пребы-

Leningrad?                                      вания в Ленинграде?

During my stay in Leningrad I was Во время моего пребывания в Ленин-

taken ill and was down for a week.     граде я заболел и пролежал неделю.

W . comb . a short (long) stay           короткое (долгое) пребывание

a pleasant (unpleasant) stay         приятный (неприятный) визит

to go (come) for a long (short)      поехать (приехать) куда-л. на долгое

stay                                                 (короткое) время

е . g. We went to our grandmo-   Мы надолго уехали к бабушке.

ther’s for a long stay.

courtyard [ʹkɔ:tjɑ:d] n                     двор

carpet [ʹkɑ:pɪt] n                             ковер

stove n                                             печка

dresser [ʹdresǝ] n                             зд . кухонный шкаф (типа буфета)

jag [dʒʌɡ] п                                    кувшин

oil [ɔɪl] п                                         1. масло (растительное или минераль-


                                                       2. нефть

                                                       3. зд. керосин

burn (burnt, burnt) v                      гореть

boast [boust] (about) v                    хвалиться, хвастаться

time*                                               1. время

e. g. It’s time to start working.       Пора начинать работать.

Phr . in no time                               моментально, мигом

e. g. I’ll fetch your book in no        Я мигом сбегаю за вашей книгой.


Phr. from time to time                   время от времени

                                                       2. раз

Phr. two at a time                          по двое сразу

time - table [ʹtaɪmteɪbl] n                   расписание (занятий, движения по-

                                                           ездов, пароходов и самолетов)

nearly [ʹnɪǝlɪ] adv                           почти, чуть не

Syn. almost

е . g. I nearly made a mistake.         Я чуть не сделал ошибку.

It is nearly evening (morning, etc.). Уже почти вечер (утро и т. д.).

W . comb . nearly ready (finished,    почти готовый (законченный, напи-

written, etc.)                                   санный и т. д.)

special [ʹspeʃǝl] adj                         специальный, особенный, особый

Syn. particular                                особенный

ring п                                              круг

fact п                                              факт

е. g . The fact is I shall be enga-      Дело в том, что в это время я буду

ged at the meeting at that time.       занят на собрании.

Phr . as a matter of fact (in fact)     собственно говоря (собственно гово-

                                                             ря, фактически)

е. g . The fish was very big, in         Рыба была очень большая, собствен-

fact it was the largest I had            но говоря, это была самая большая

ever seen.                                        рыба, которую я когда-либо видел.

The post-office is not far away from Почта недалеко отсюда, собственно

here, as a matter of fact it’s just    говоря, она прямо за углом.

round the corner.

put up with v                                  примириться с чем-л., довольство-

                                                           ваться чем-л.

e . g . I don’t quite like the time of    Мне не совсем нравится время встре-

the appointment, but I’ll have        чи, но придется с ним примириться.

to put up with it.

result [rɪʹzʌlt] n                               результат

e. g. What is the result?                  Каков результат?

Phr . as a result                               в результате

e. g. My son was ill for two            Мой сын проболел два месяца, в ре-

months. As a result he couldn’t     зультате он не смог сдавать экза-

take his examinations together       мены вместе со своими друзьями.

with his friends.

mix v                                               1. смешивать, перемешивать (какие-

                                                           либо вещества)

                                                       2. общаться, вращаться (в обществе)

W . comb . to mix with a crowd        смешаться с толпой (с группой лю-

                                                           дей), теряться в толпе

to mix together                               зд. общаться с кем-л., быть в одном

                                                           обществе с кем-л.

mix up v                                         спутать, перепутать

е . g. Your papers are all mixed       Все твои бумаги перепутаны.


Students very often mix up the      Студенты часто путают слова to

words to borrow and to lend           borrow и to lend.

washerwoman [ʹwɔʃǝwumǝn] n      прачка

instance [ʹɪnstǝns] n                        пример, отдельный случай

Phr. for instance                            например

Syn. for example

e . g . There are many wonderful      В Советском Союзе много чудесных

health-resorts in the Soviet             курортов, например, Кавказ и

Union, for instance the Caucasus   Крым.

and the Crimea.

stout [staut] adj                              полный, упитанный, грузный (о лю-


Ant. thin                                      худой, тонкий

W . comb . а stout man (woman,   полный мужчина (женщина и т, д.)


е . g. He’s grown too stout.         Он слишком располнел.

——— Compare: ———

толстый (полный) человек       a stout man
толстый журнал (книга и т. д.) a thick magazine (book, etc.)

plain [pleɪn] adj                              1. простой, ясный

Syn. clear, simple

e . g . The meaning of his words       Смысл его слов был совершенно ясен.

was quite plain.

W. comb. in plain English (Rus-     просто, ясно

sian, etc.)

e. g. Will you explain it in plain     Объясни, пожалуйста, всё просто и

English?                                          ясно.

                                                       2. простой, несложный, обыкновенный,


W . comb . plain food                       простая (грубая) пища

a plain face                                   простое (некрасивое) лицо

a plain woman                              некрасивая женщина

a plain dress                                 простое (просто сшитое) платье

freckle п (usually pl.) freckles)        веснушка, веснушки

holdon to smth. or smb. v             держаться за что-л. или кого-л.

chance [tʃɑ:ns] п                             1. случай, случайность

Phr . by chance                               случайно

е. g . We met by chance                  Мы познакомились случайно.

                                                       2. возможность, шанс, счастливая слу-


Syn . opportunity                             возможность

е. g. Our team has a good chance   Наша команда имеет хорошие шансы

of winning.                                     на выигрыш.

This was the chance he had been    Это был тот случай, которого он

waiting for all his life.                     ждал всю жизнь.

W . comb . to take a chance              воспользоваться случаем

to miss a chance                           упустить возможность

to give a chance                            предоставить возможность

e . g . “Give me another chance         „Дайте мне еще одну возможность и

and I’ll improve,” said the boy.      я исправлюсь“, — сказал мальчик. spread (spread, spread) [spred] v               1. растянуть, расстелить, расправить

W. comb. to spread a cloth on the расстелить скатерть на столе


to spread butter on a piece of bread намазать кусок хлеба маслом

                                                       2. распространяться(ся), разносить(ся)

                                                           (о новостях, болезнях и т. д.)

е. g . The news spread quickly all   Новость быстро распространилась по

over the village.                              всей деревне.

Flies spread infection.                    Мухи разносят заразу.

remain [rɪʹmeɪn] v                           остаться (после того, как кто-то ушел

                                                           или что-то было взято)

е. g . I’ve returned three books,       Я возвратил три книги, две еще

two still remain with me.                остались у меня.

е. g . Little remained of my native   После нападения немецких фашистов

village after the German fascists     мало что осталось от моей деревни.

attacked it.

Gr. to remain shy (hungry, dis-      остаться застенчивым (голодным, не-

pleased, etc.)                                 довольным и т. д.)

run (ran, run, running) * v              * 1. бегать

                                                       2. ходить (об автобусах, трамваях и т. д.)

е. g. The trams run every three      Здесь трамваи ходят каждые три ми-

minutes here.                                  нуты.

                                                       3. вести (дело, предприятие) управ-


W. comb. to run a hotel (factory,    управлять гостиницей, фабрикой и

etc.)                                                 т. д.

to run a newspaper                        издавать газету

е . g. Не runs everything here.         Он здесь всем ведает.

run into smth. or smb. v                 натолкнуться на что-л., кого-л.,

                                                             столкнуться с чем-л., с кем-л.,

                                                             наскочить на кого-л.

е. g . I ran into an old friend of       Я случайно встретил своего старого

mine at the exhibition.                    товарища на выставке (столкнулся

                                                             с ним).

It was so dark in the room that he В комнате было так темно, что он

ran into a wall.                               натолкнулся на стену.

road [roud] п                                  дорога, путь, шоссе

е . g. Are they making a new           Они строят новую дорогу?


Do we cross the road on the way the- Нам надо будет переходить дорогу

re?                                                  по пути туда?

Syn . way                                     путь

——— Compare: ———

Where shall we get to if we go    Куда мы попадем, если пойдем по
along this road?                            этой дороге?
The road is very muddy.            Дорога очень грязная.
(road — полотно, лента дороги)
I’m not sure of the way.             Я не уверен, правильно ли мы идем.
Does our way liе through the forest? Наш путь лежит через лес?
(way — направление движения)

——— Remember ———

to know the way (from ... to ...) знать дорогу от (из) ... в (к) ...
to ask the way                            узнать, как пройти
to find the way                           найти дорогу
to tell smb. the way                    рассказать, как пройти
Which is the shortest way to      Как скорее дойти до станции?
the station?

hesitate [ʹhezɪteɪt] v                         колебаться (не решаться)

Prp. to hesitate about smth.           колебаться в отношении чего-л.

to hesitate about doing smth.       не решаться сделать что-л.

е. g . Are you still hesitating about Вы все еще не решаетесь поехать с

joining our excursion?                    нами на экскурсию?

Gr. to hesitate whether to do smth. колебаться сделать ли что-л. или

or not                                              нет

e. g. Do you hesitate whether to     Вы не можете решить, остановиться

stay with them or to put up at        у них или в гостинице?

a hotel?

Не hesitated whether to go to the   Он колебался, пойти ли ему на ве-

party or to stay at home.                чер или остаться дома.

hesitation [͵hezɪʹteɪʃn] n                  колебание, нерешительность

breathe [bri:ð] v                              дышать

e. g. They were breathing hard      Они тяжело дышали, когда останови-

when they stopped running.           лись.

breath [breθ] n                               дыхание, вздох

Phr . to take breath                         передохнуть, перевести дух

to be out of breath                       запыхаться, задыхаться

e. g. He was out of breath when    Он тяжело дышал, когда поднялся

he came up the stairs.                     по лестнице.

pause [ʹpɔ:z] n                                пауза

undo [ʌnʹdu:] (undid, undone) v     развязать, расшнуровать, расстегнуть

                                                           и т. д.

W . comb . to undo one’s boots        расшнуровать ботинки

to undo one’s coat                    расстегнуть пальто

e. g. Will you undo the parcel for   Вы распакуете мне посылку?


hook [huk] n                                   крюк, крючок

doorway [ʹdɔ:weɪ] n                        дверной проем, вход в помещение

Prp . in the doorway                        в дверях, на пороге

dare[dɛǝ] v                                     сметь (зд. модальный глагол; упо-

                                                           требляется преимущественно в отри-

                                                           цательных, вопросительных, услов-

                                                           ных и восклицательных предложе-

                                                           ниях, а также в предложениях, выра-

                                                           жающих сомнение)

punish [ʹpʌnɪʃ] v                             наказывать

е. g . The boy was punished for      Мальчика наказали за то, что он

coming home very late.                   пришел домой очень поздно.

punishment [ʹpʌnɪʃmǝnt] п             наказание

shame п                                          1. стыд (чувство стыда)

                                                       2. стыд (постыдное дело, поступок)

е. g. It’s a shame to speak so.        Стыдно так говорить!

I consider it a shame to behave like Я считаю, что стыдно так себя ве-

that.                                                сти.

2020-02-04 346 Обсуждений (0)
THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 19 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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