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Find out about world projects on art

2015-11-10 789 Обсуждений (0)
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World Projects aims to present music events for instrumental & choral ensembles that provide students with not only a unforgettable tour but more specifically inspirational performance opportunities, first hand cultural exchange and to further sharing through music across the globe. Each festival is created specifically for music ensembles, and World Projects caters for this accordingly.

On the following pages, you will find detailed information on the following 2014/2015 World Projects Festivals:

- Australian International Music Festival (Sydney Opera House) Sydney Australia

- Chicago International Music Festival (Chicago Symphony Center) USA

- Los Angeles International Music Festival (Walt Disney Concert Hall) USA

2. Make presentation to the theme” Role of art in human society”

Give exact tips how to become successful singer or composer and artist.




Communication sphere: political


FILE 1. Political System of the Republic of Kazakhstan



  1. Comment on the following quotations:

“The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government.” George Washington, George Washington's Farewell Address  



“There are two characteristic welfare of state: wealth and trust in the state.” Demosphen,ancient orator.  


Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody. Franklin Pierce Adams  


“The only phenomenon with which writing has always been concomitant is the creation of cities and empires, which is the integration of large numbers of individuals into a political system, and their grading into castes or classes. It seems to have favored the exploitation of human beings rather than their enlightenment.”Claude Levi-Strauss, French Philosopher, b.1908

  1. Comment these questions in the class:

1. Why do you think that we need in a policy?

2. What is the structure of the political system of Kazakhstan?

3. Who are presented the informal and formal subjects?

4. What is involved in term "political consciousness of society"?

5. What captures the political consciousness of the civilians?

6. Components of political organization in this state.

7. What is the legal consciousness?

8. The political role of information and communication system in the development of the political system of Kazakhstan?

9. Stages of development of the political system.

10. What are the functions of the political system of the Republic?

11. What are the types of political systems there and the conditions in which they develop?


2015-11-10 789 Обсуждений (0)
Find out about world projects on art 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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