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Complete some of the lines with a word formed from the word in capitals. There is an example at the beginning (0)

2015-11-10 1054 Обсуждений (0)
Complete some of the lines with a word formed from the word in capitals. There is an example at the beginning (0) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Domestic (0) lenders that global banks have long sneered at are LEND doing far better. In Britain, Lloyds has ________ smartly over the RECOVER past two years. In America the most ____ rated banks—based on HIGH their share price relative to their book value—are Wells Fargo and a host of midsized firms. The panic about global banks_____ REFLECT reflects their weak recent results: in aggregate the five firms mentioned above reported a return on equity of just 6% last year. Only JPMorgan Chase did ______ well (see chart). Investors worry PASS these figures betray a _______strategic problem. There is a DEEP _______ fear that the costs of global reach—in terms of regulation GROW and complexity exceed the potential _____. It all seemed far rosier BENEFIT 20 years ago. Back then banks saw that globalisation would lead to an explosion in trade and capital flows. A handful of firms sought to capture that _____. Most had inherited skeleton global networks of GROW some kind. European lenders such as BNP Paribas and Deutsche Bank had been active abroad for over a century. HSBC and Standard Chartered were _____ to the British empire. Citigroup embarked on a BANK big international _______ a century ago; Chase, now part of EXPAND JPMorgan Chase, opened many foreign _____ the 1960s and 1970s BRANCH

3. Search for the key wordsglobalization from the internet. Then translate them into Kazakh/Russian languages.

4. Make some sentences with the following word collocations:the priorities of future,

a state innovation program, growth of smart generation.

Translate the following text according to the theme into Kazakh/Russian.

Geopolitical Location of Kazakhstan

With finding of the state independence in front of Kazakhstan there were problems of definition of the position on the international scene, developments of an independent strategic course of development in foreign and domestic policy. The success of the begun transformations directly depends on a set of the factors characterizing inside - a foreign policy situation in the republic — economies, ecology, a condition of defense capability, social and interethnic consensus, etc. All listed is included into uniform system of national security of the state which, in the standard understanding, consists of military, economic, ecological, information security.

Owing to features of geopolitical position of our country, its economic potential Kazakhstan conducts to a multi-vector foreign policy. A geopolitical arrangement on a joint of Asia and Europe, economic and military-political interests, and also the existing potential defined a place of Kazakhstan in system of the international relations as the large regional state interested in creation in the environment of a zone of neighborliness on the principles of mutual safety, respect of the sovereignty, territorial integrity. Formation of our country in system of the modern international relations was predetermined still by history. Kazakhstan is "East-West-South", it increased on a joint of world cultures and civilizations, was the meeting place of three powerful cultural and historical layers.
The previous historical development of Kazakhstan predetermined some theoretically possible geopolitical prospects of development of our state:

• Eurasian integrative (polynational);

• confederative (i.e. occurrence over time into confederation with participation of


• pan-turan (pan-Turk);

• the pan-Islamic;

• China centrist;

• neutral, i.e. finding of the status of the neutral state.




1. Read a given extract. Underline and define function of sentences.The Globalization user interface was designed to be simple and efficient to make globalizing your applications as easy as possible. Use the information in this guide to learn how to use the IBM Globalization interface to translate your Bluemix applications. For information on translating your applications by using the RESTful API, see the API Reference.The IBM Globalization service works by first creating a project and then uploading a source file. The source file can be of any of the following formats and must contain the key / value pairs that represent the UI strings from your application.

Make analyze to the functions of sentences whether are they simple, compound, compound-complex sentences. Prove your answer.


1.Explain the meaning of the term civilization.

2.What is the difference between world globalization from civilization?


Listen to the first part of a lecture

- «Kazakhstan in the global world: calls and preservation of identity»

- «World globalization»

And answer the questions:

1) What is a role of Kazakhstan in the global world?

2) What do you know about world globalization?

3) What opportunities does World globalization take to Kazakhstan?

4. Debate the issue in groups and share with class.“Kazakhstan in the global world: Challenges and preservation of identity”.


2015-11-10 1054 Обсуждений (0)
Complete some of the lines with a word formed from the word in capitals. There is an example at the beginning (0) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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