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V. Read and translate the left column of Dialogue 1 (Ex.II) from English into Russian, then the right column from Russian into English. Check yourself

2015-12-15 508 Обсуждений (0)
V. Read and translate the left column of Dialogue 1 (Ex.II) from English into Russian, then the right column from Russian into English. Check yourself 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


VI. Act out Dialogue I (Ex.II) with your partner and extend it using additional information of your spider diagram (Ex.I).


VII. Read Text 1 and answer the following questions:

1. What do you understand by principles of management?

2. What do those princi­ples lay down?

3. What do management principles include?

Text 1. Principles of Management

The main principles of management include:

- obligatory training in the field of management;

- good working climate and a high degree of motivation in managerial work;

- a good knowledge of managerial psychology and philosophy on the part of the manager, his good human relations with his subordinates;

- meeting such obligatory requirements as: having a profound (deep) knowledge of modern information and computing systems and advanced know-how, and being quite competent in the area of human relations;

- delegation of authority to subordinates;

- good staffing (putting the right man in the right job);

- flexibility of management and adaptability to changes;

- exercising constant control over managerial performance;

- consulting (obtaining information from others);

- coordination of efforts of the company’s staff.


VIII. Match the English equivalents with the Russian ones. Fill in the Table 2 given below.

1. degree A. передовая технология
2. delegation of authority B. основные направления
3. subordinates C. усилия
4. flexibility D. правильная работа с кадрами
5. appraising E. управленческая психология
6. adaptibility F. гибкость
7. efforts G. передача полномочий
8. guidelines H. подготовка
9. managerial psychology I. степень
10. advanced know-how J. оценка
11. good staffing K. приспособляемость
12. training L. подчиненные


Table 2



IX. Read Text 2 and give an extended answer to the question: What’s necessary for effective managerial perfomance?

Text 2

The principles of management are considered to be a group of concepts generated by experience and research and expressed in terms of administra­tive rules and operating techniques. They lay down guidelines for the basic activities of planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling and appraising.

Competence in these areas constitutes additional skills so necessary for ef­fective managerial performance.

Many companies interested in a rapid growth of their management man­power (a factor which is essential for the achievement of future organisa­tional goals) have made training in the field of management principles ob­ligatory.

However, experience shows that training cannot stand alone. To get these principles translated into practice requires a favourable working climate an; a high degree of motivation in managerial work.

Despite the universal recognition of the existing management principle many young people coming on the business scene find them hard to follow probably because of their poor knowledge of managerial psychology an; philosophy.

The data obtained from the recent research throws some light on the rea­sons why some individuals make ineffective managers. The answer is sim­ple: they violate the basic principles of management saying nothing of some; general requirements which a manager should meet. He must have a pro­found knowledge of modem information and computing systems and ad­vanced technologies, and be quite knowledgeable in the field of human be­haviour so that he could establish good relations both with his superiors an; subordinates.

If, in the daily conduct of his business, the manager wants to be effective, he should put the management principles into practice.

While management is a process of getting things done through other people, its principles can be regarded as a kind of philosophy.


2015-12-15 508 Обсуждений (0)
V. Read and translate the left column of Dialogue 1 (Ex.II) from English into Russian, then the right column from Russian into English. Check yourself 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: V. Read and translate the left column of Dialogue 1 (Ex.II) from English into Russian, then the right column from Russian into English. Check yourself

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