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Спорт в английских идиомах

2015-11-08 1609 Обсуждений (0)
Спорт в английских идиомах 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Sports and Healthy Lifestyle

Attack – атака

ball – мяч

basketball – баскетбол

centre forward – центральный нападающий

defense / defence – защита

draw / tie – ничья

field – поле

football – футбол

forward – нападающий

goal – гол / ворота

opponent – противник

penalty – штраф, наказание, пенальти

player – игрок

score – счет

volleyball – волейбол

whistle – свисток

block – блокировать

even the score – сравнять счет

open the score – открыть счет

pass/ feed the ball – передавать мяч

receive the ball – принимать мяч

serve the ball – подавать мяч

Легкая атлетика

baton – эстафетная палочка

heat – забег

jumps – прыжки

race – соревнование по бегу

relay – эстафета

round – круг

route – маршрут

sprint –спринт

Боевые виды спорта

wrestling – борьба

punch / blow – удар

boxing – бокс

uppercut – удар снизу, апперкот

referee – судья

knockout / knock-out – нокаут

ring – ринг

round – раунд

Зимние виды спорта

figure skating – фигурное катание

icehockey – хоккей на льду

skating – катание на коньках

skiing – катание на лыжах

skiingrelay– лыжная эстафета

Водный спорт

aquatics / swimming – водный спорт

boat – лодка

boating– лодочный спорт

canoe – каноэ

diving – прыжки в воду

kaya – каяк

oar – весло

rowing – гребля

somersault – прыжок кувырком

synchronized swimming – синхронное плавание

yachting – парусный спорт

Другие виды спорта

archery – стрельба из лука

cycling – езда на велосипеде

fencing – фехтование

hiking – поход, экскурсия

hunting – охота

jogging – бег трусцой

mountaineering – альпинизм

shooting – стрельба

surfing – серфинг

windsurfing – виндсерфинг

Build Up

A racquet sport played by either two players (singles) or two pairs (doubles). Played on a court divided by a net with racquets and a shuttlecock. You play a game of badminton.
A teamgame, usually played outdoors, on a cricket pitch, with a bat, a cricket ball, and stumps, There are 11 players on each team. You play a cricket match.
Darts is played by two players. Darts are thrown at a dart board. You play a game of darts or a darts match.
A team sport, usually played outdoors, on a football pitch, with a round football, a goal, with two teams of 11 players, and a goalie. You play a game of football or a football match.
Usually played by individuals, golf is played on a golf course, using several types of golf clubs and a golf ball. You play a game of golf or a round of golf.
A team sport, played outdoors, on a rugby pitch, with an oval rugby ball, and two teams of 15 players. You play a game of rugby or a rugby match.
A racquet sport played by either two players (singles) or two pairs (doubles). Played on a court divided by a net with racquets and a tennis ball. You play a game of tennis or a tennis match.

Guess the sport:

Two teams of eleven people try to win by kicking a ball into the other team's goal.

Two people try to throw each other to the ground, using their arms, legs, hands and feet.

Two people fight in a ring and try to throw each other to the ground.

Two people try to hit 15 red balls and 6 balls of different colours into six holes around a cloth-covered table.

Two competitors fight by hitting each other with their hands.

The sport of fighting with long thin swords.

The sport of trying to catch fish with a fishing rod.

Two teams try to carry an oval ball across a particular line

The sport of racing wind-powered boats.

Two teams of eleven players try to put a small hard ball into the other team's goal using a curved stick.

A game played outside on grass in which each player tries to hit a small ball into a series of nine or 18 small holes, using a long thin stick.

Using flat narrow pieces of wood or plastic to move quickly and easily over snow.

Naturally Speaking

Buying a ticket to a sporting event:
  • I`d like four tickets please.
    • Would you like front row seats?
  • That sounds great, but how much do they cost?
    • They`re £30 each.
  • Oh that's fine. I`d like to reserve four front-row seats for this Saturday`s match.
    • Ok, that`ll be £120.
  • Here you go.
    • Thank you. Here are your tickets.
Questions about sporting events
  • How much are the tickets?
  • Who`s playing today?
  • Who`s winning?
  • What`s the score?
  • How much time is left in the game?
  • Which half are we in?
  • Do you think this game will be a draw?
  • Do you think this team will go to the finals?
  • Do you think your team will be relegated / promoted this year?
  Answer the questions:

- What role does sport play in your life?

- Do your friends go in for sports?

- Do secondary schools officials pay attention to sports?

- Do you often attend a swimming pool?

- Is the healthy life-style popular in Russia?

- What do you know about sports in foreign countries?

- What do you think about it?

- What sports are British fond of?

- What sports are popular in American?

- What do you know about the Olympic games?

- What body controls the programme of the Olympic games?

- When did Russia join the Olympic movement?



Спорт в английских идиомах

football widow - шутл. "футбольная вдова" (женщина, которая во время футбольных соревнований оказывается полностью лишённой внимания со стороны своего мужа - футбольного фаната)
it is not cricket - не по правилам
to swim against the stream - плыть против течения
to be in the swim - быть в курсе дела; быть в центре событий
to skate on thin ice - скользить по тонкому льду, ходить по краю пропасти
to get one's skates on - брит., разг. торопиться, поторапливаться
rat race - бешеная погоня за богатством, успехом; ожесточённая конкуренция
to keep up the ball- поддерживать разговор; продолжать делать что-л.
ball of fortune - игрушка судьбы



Пословицы о спорте

A sound mind in a sound body.
В здоровом теле здоровый дух.

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
После обеда посиди, после ужина милю пройди.

The best of the sport is to do the deed and to say nothing.
Лучший спорт - совершать поступки без лишних слов.

In sports and journeys men are known.
Люди познаются в спорте и в путешествиях.

It's not whether you win or lose that matters, it's how you play the game.
Неважно, выигрываешь ты или проигрываешь, важно, как ты играешь.

War is a sport of kings.
Война - спорт королей.

Stumbling is not falling.
Споткнуться - не упасть.

2015-11-08 1609 Обсуждений (0)
Спорт в английских идиомах 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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