Future Continuous, Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous Tenses
Unit 1 Present Tenses. Active Voice
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Tenses. 1. The woman who (to speak ) with my sister in the yard (to be) our neighbour who (to live) across the street. 2. Water (to boil) at 100 degrees Centigrade. 3. He is an old friend of mine. I (to know) him for ages. 4. Switch on the light. It (to get) dark. 5. Look out of the window. Some students (to hurry) to their first lecture. 6. The flight to New York (to leave) at 7.00 a.m. 7. You (to go) to Spain this summer? 8. What you (to think) of this novel? 9. What you (to think) about? 10. I (to do) my homework for two hours and I (not to finish) yet. 11. Helen (to read) this book since Monday. 12. What (to be) the title of the book you (to read)? 13. My parents (to work) for this company since 1995. 14. He (to take) English lessons for some time since last year. 15. You see, I (to do) this kind of thing for the last thirty years. 16. It (to snow) for the whole day: the garden is covered with snow. 17. Who (to break) the window? 18. You (to see) Ann lately? 19. What you (to laugh) at? 20. It’s the best book I ever (to read)
II. Translate into English using one of the Present Tenses. 1. Вы были когда-нибудь в Лондоне? – Нет, но я поеду туда в этом году. 2. Студенты пишут контрольную работу уже два часа. 3. Я ищу Ника. Вы видели его? 4. Мы работаем над этой проблемой уже два года. 5. Никто не видел мой мобильный телефон? Он был на столе минуту назад. 6. Не выходите на улицу. Идет дождь. 7. Я очень люблю путешествовать. Я уже побывала во многих городах нашей страны. 8. Они обсуждают этот вопрос очень давно, но пока ничего не решили. 9. Моя жизнь становится все более интересной. 10. Поезд отправляется через полчаса.
Past Tenses. Active Voice
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous Tenses. 1. The incident (to happen) the other day. 2. Her name was Helen. She (to be) a widow for fifteen years and had no children. 3. When we (to leave) home, the rain already (to stop). 4. When I (to graduate) from the University my elder brother (to work) for a foreign company for two years. 5. Yesterday I (to find) a book I (to look for) so long. 6. When you (to go) to the cinema last? 7. They (to live) in Canada for a few years and then (to move) to Australia. 8. You (to wait) for half an hour before the taxi came. 9. All night long the stars (to glitter). 10. What you (to do) when I (to come in)? 11. When I (to leave) the university, it (to rain) heavily. 12. When John (to return) home, he (to see) his younger brother who (to do) his homework. 13. Nick said that he (to write) all day and (not to eat) anything. 14. We (to work) in the garden for some hours when it began to rain. 15. I (to see) Irene yesterday at the stores: she and Mr. Smith (to have) a nice little talk. 16. Robert (to talk) to some of the other guests when Nick (to come in). 17. She hoped I (to pay) for the tickets. 18. When we (to come) the plane (to take off). 19. By the end of last month they (not to complete) the experiment yet. 20. Ann’s grandfather (to found) his firm in 1901.
II. Translate into English using one of the Past Tenses. 1.Вчера я закончил читать роман «Война и мир» Льва Толстого. Я читал его два месяца. 2.Писатель рассказал своим читателям, что всю жизнь собирал материал для этой книги. 3.Это была лучшая книга, которую я когда-либо читал. 4.Он прожил в Москве десять лет, а затем переехал за город. 5.Он не мог ехать в Англию, так как не получил визу. 6.Когда вы были здесь в последний раз? 7.Вчера, когда я пришла в кино, мои друзья ждали там уже пятнадцать минут. 8. Когда я завтракал, зазвонил телефон. 9. Я встретил его, когда он шел домой. 10. Он понял, что потерял паспорт.
Future Tenses. Active Voice
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous Tenses. 1. By the end of July you (to pass) your last entrance exam. 2. The expedition (to leave) for the North by April. 3. It (to take) you half an hour if you go there by metro. 4. Tomorrow we (to ski) in the forest the whole day. 5. At the travel bureau they (to tell) you exactly when the train leaves. 6. We (to come) at 5 o’clock. – OK, I (to wait) for you. 7. At this time next week they (to sit) on the train on their way to Moscow. 8. Don’t leave, we (to have) supper in twenty minutes. 9. The librarian (to register) all the books by the end of the week. 10. We (to travel) by sea for several hours already by this time tomorrow. 11. By the end of the month the delegation (to come). 12. At 8 o’clock she (to have) her early morning cup of coffee. 13. When she comes, I think I (to sleep). 14. The secretary (to look through) all the papers by the time the director comes. 15. He (to work) at this plant for twenty years by the first of May. 16. How long you (to write) a test before you give it to the teacher? 17. She (to take) her exams in spring. 18. The delegation (to start) for London as soon as they receive their visas. 19. They (to have) English from 9 to 10 in this room. Don’t let anyone disturb them then. 20. Ask the flower-girl how much money I (to have) to pay if I take all the flowers.
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