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Construction methods. Ideas file

2016-09-17 680 Обсуждений (0)
Construction methods. Ideas file 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Smooth and flat: The piece can be cut from a flat sheet with a saw; it will be the same thickness throughout. The saw can also be used to cut any decorative patterns.

Curved: Sheet metal can be annealed (softened) and then curved or shaped by the use of different stakes and metal or wooden blocks.

Three dimensional: If the piece has some areas that will be thicker than others, it can be made using any casting technique or thicker sheet metal and wire.

Patterned surface: A patterned surface can be applied to the sheet metal before it is cut out or shaped, using a rolling mill, hammers, or punches.

Decorative surface: Wires or smaller pieces of metal can be applied to sheet metal, before cutting or after shaping


Fittings and findings: The fittings and findings are the ear posts or clips, pin fittings, chain fastenings, jump rings, toggles, and so on. These are usually the last pieces to be added to any other type of construction.

The most important consideration is how a piece will be constructed. This means that you must have an understanding of how you want it to look and feel when it is finished. Ask yourself: How will it hang? How heavy will it be? Where will the fittings be placed to get the correct balance? How will it fasten? All these issues will need to be planned into your design.

Order of construction: You also need to think about the order in which they will happen. For example, setting the stone into a piece of jewelry is always the last thing to do apart from the final polish. Everything else should already be in place. The reason for this is that few stones can withstand heat from soldering or immersion in pickle.

Unit IIThe Passive Voice


The passive is usually made with be and the past participle.


present simple Many metals are recycled.
present continuous The metal is being heated.
past simple The new metal was called bronze.
past continuous While the copper was being heated, the tin was mixed in.
present perfect These metals have been used for thousands of years.
past perfect Bronze hadn't been discovered yet.
will The metals will not be replaced.
be going to It's going to be recycled.
modal verbs + be + past participle + have / has been + Past participle   Metals can be made better and stronger. Bronze may have been discovered by accident.


We can mention the agent in a passive sentence using the preposition by. We can use with to talk about an object used by the agent. Using by and with often puts greater emphasis on the agent.

It was one of the first metals which was discovered by man.

They broke the rock with a hammer.



I. Underline the correct option.

1. Shellfish open / are opened with a knife.

2. Who invented / was invented the Internet?

3. This metal is calling / is called steel.

4. People have known / have been known about these metals for years.

5. The money was collecting / was being collected when we arrived.

6. That old coat should throw away /should be thrown away.

7. How are you made / do you make bread?

8. She has not invited / was not invited to the party.


2016-09-17 680 Обсуждений (0)
Construction methods. Ideas file 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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