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Конспекты уроков английского языка

2019-05-24 202 Обсуждений (0)
Конспекты уроков английского языка 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Урок 1. “ USA ”


Тема: Соединенные Штаты Америки

Цель: совершенствование навыков, умений устной речи.


Обобщение и систематизация фактического материала по страноведению.

Дальнейшая автоматизация изученного языкового материала.

Развитие произносительных навыков.

Формирование уважения к Соединенным Штатам Америки.

Развитие познавательных интересов учащихся.

Формирование лингвистического отношения к слову.

Расширение кругозора учащихся.

Форма проведения урока - ролевая игра.

Роли учащихся на уроке: гид, две соревнующиеся между собой команды экспертов по различным вопросам страноведения США (по 5 - 6 человек в каждой) и группа болельщиков-туристов.

Оборудование: карта США; фотографии достопримечательностей; предметы (модели или изображения), изобретенные в США.

Ход урока

Teacher: Good afternoon, everyone. Today we are travelling through the United States of America. We have two teams of experts who will help us during our journey and at the end we'll see which team is the best. The people in this team are not experts so we will call them tourists. Here we have our judges. They are pupils of the eleventh form, so they are worthy of respect. And here is our guide.

Guide: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the United States of America. I'm pleased to meet you. The weather is wonderful, and I hope that our journey will be too. Let me introduce myself. My name is… I am your guide and group leader. I shall accompany you everywhere. I'll show you everything. You'll travel through the country. You'll visit cities and historical places, museums and theatres. There are a lot of interesting things to see. You'll get to know the country and its capital. You'll meet people and make friends. I hope that we'll become friends.

Teacher: Before our journey let's listen to our experts. They are authorities in their fields of Geography and Economics.

Представители команд делают сообщения, используя карту США.

Team 1: The USA is situated in the central part of the North American continent. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. The area of the USA is over nine million square kilometres. The continental part of the USA consists of two highland regions and two lowland regions. The highland regions are the Appalachian Mountains in the east, and the Cordillera and the Rocky Mountains in the west. The highest peak in the Appalachian Mountains is 2,037 metres high. The highest peak of the Cordillera in the USA is 4,418 metres. Between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains are the central lowlands, which are called the prairie and the eastern lowlands, called the Mississippi valley. The five Great Lakes, between the USA and Canada, are joined together by short rivers or canals, and the Saint Lawrence River joins then to the Atlantic Ocean. In the west of the USA there is another lake called the Great Salt Lake. The main rivers of the USA are Mississippi, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico, the Colorado and the Columbia which flow into the Pacific Ocean, the Saint Lawrence River and the Hudson River, which flow into the Atlantic Ocean. The USA is very large country, so it has several different climatic regions. The coldest regions are in the north and north-east where much snow falls in winder. The south has a subtropical climate. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast. The region around the Great Lakes is known for its changeable weather.

Team 2: The USA is a highly developed industrial country, and its agriculture is highly mechanized. Coal is found in many parts of the country: in the Cordillera Mountains, in the state of Kansas, in the east near Birmingham and Pittsburgh. The state of Illinois is especially rich in coal. Iron is mined near the Great Lakes and in other areas. The USA has rich oil-fields in California, Texas, Alaska and other regions. It holds first place in the capitalist world for production of coal, iron, oil and natural gas. The heavy industries are for the most past in the Middle West, in the region of the Great Lakes, around Detroit and Chicago, in the north-eastern states and near Birmingham. The automobile industry and all kinds of machine-building are highly developed especially in and near Detroit, in California and in the areas of heavy industry. Ship-building is developed along the Atlantic coast and also in San Francisco and Seattle on the Pacific coal. The textile industry is concentrated in the north- east, in Boston and other cities; but it is especially well developed in the South, where much cotton is grown, in the Mississippi valley. The USA has a highly developed railway system. It also has the best system of roads in the capitalist world. The Great Lakes and the rivers, especially the Saint Lawrence River and the Mississippi, are used for transport. American agriculture produces more food products than any other capitalist country. Much of then are exported. In the Middle West very much grain is grown. Fresh fruit and vegetables come all the year round from the southern regions, especially Florida, from California and south-western states. The highlands in the west of the country are famous for their cattle-farming. Poultry-farming and vegetable growing are concentrated in the countryside near all the big cities.

Teacher: Now our experts are ready for the journey. And what about our tourists? Let's give them this crossword puzzle. Try to guess the words during the journey. If everybody is ready, let's start.

Guide: We are beginning our journey in the most ancient English town in the USA. It is situated on the Atlantic coast. It was founded in 1620. Do you know its name?

(It is New Plymouth.)

Now we are on the American continent.

Teacher: The American continent differs very much from Europe. There are a lot of animals in America, which you can't find in Europe. I am sure that you know about them. Let our experts give you some riddles about these animals.

Представители команд по очереди задают вопросы болельщикам-туристам.

A big bird living in North America (bald eagle),

A large animal of the cat family having a golden fur with black spots (jaguar),

An American snake (rattle-snake),

The bison of North America (buffalo),

A small brightly coloured bird (humming-bird),

A bear with large head and body and brown or grey fur (grizzly-bear),

A toothless animal eats ants (anteater),

A small animal having brownish grey fur and black mask like markings (raccoon),

An animal of the dog family (coyote),

An animal having an armour like shell of plates (armadillo).

Teacher: But it is not only animals that are different. When the first Europeans came to America they saw many strange plants and they took some of them to Europe. Tourists, do you know which ones they were?

(Potato, tomato, tobacco, cocoa, maize, etc.)

Guide: Now along the Atlantic coast we are going to the city, which has played a very important part in the American history. I am sure you know this city very well.

(It is Boston.)

Teacher: The USA is not an old country but it has a very interesting history. There are some dates on the blackboard. What do they mean to the Americans? Let's ask our experts.

Team 2:

In 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent.

In 1620 the first Englishmen came to America on the “Mayflower”.

If I am not mistaken, in 1773 an incident named the Boston Tea Party took place.

From 1775 to 1783 the war for independence of American colonies from British rule lasted.

In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and some other people and adopted in Philadelphia.

As far as I remember, the US Constitution was adopted in 1788.

Team 1:

In 1801 Washington, the capital of the United States was built in District of Columbia.

As far as I know, in 1848 the gold rush in California took place.

President Lincoln freed the Negro staves in 1863.

From 1861 to 1865 the Civil War between the states lasted in America.

In 1867 the United States bought Alaska from Russia, if I am not mistaken, for a little more than seven million dollars.

In 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon.

Guide: You know that the United States of America is a very large country. So let's take a plane to get to the Pacific coast.

Teacher: Let our guide tell us the nicknames of the states we are flying over now. I think we can guess their real names. Will you show us the route on the map?

Guide (показывает на карте место после того, как туристы правильно назовут штат.):

the Keystone State (Pennsylvania),

the Lake State (Michigan),

the Land of Lincoln (Illinois),

the Central State (Kansas),

the Blackwater State (Nebraska),

the Equality State (Wyoming),

the Salt Lake State (Utah),

the Golden State (California).

Guide: There are two great places of interest here, near Los Angeles. What are they?

(They are Hollywood and Disneyland.)

Teacher: California is the land of everlasting holiday. But there are of course a number of national holidays in the country. What can our experts tell us about them?

Даты праздников написаны на доске.

Team 1:

On the first of January, New Year’s Day, all banks, stores, factories and schools are closed. People do not go to bed until after midnight on December 31. They like to see “the old year out and the new year in”. Many people give parties on New Year’s Eve.

The fourteenth of February is St. Valentine’s Day. It is a day of love and friendship. It is widely celebrated among persons of all ages by the exchange of special greeting-cards, valentines. Flowers and candy are favourite presents which friends and family give each other.

On the second Sunday of May, Mother’s Day, Americans honour their mothers. They send their mothers a card or a gift, present flowers, prepare dinner for them.

The last Monday in May is Memorial Day, or Decoration Day. It is dedicated to those who fell in the War of Independence, in World War I or as anti-fascist fighters in World War II. On this day, patriotic songs are also sung on the radio and TV.

The Fourth of July is Independence Day. It is the biggest national holiday of the USA. The Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776, when the American colonies were fighting for independence against England.

Team 2:

On October 12, 1492, Columbus discovered the first island in America. The first celebration of the discovery, Columbus Day, was held in New York City in 1792.

Halloween is celebrated on October 31. It is a holiday for young people and children. They make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people make parties and dress up like ghosts and witches.

Another holiday is Veterans’ Day on November 11. During the Day there are usually parades and ceremonies held in honour of those who fell in the two World Wars.

Thanksgiving Day comes on the fourth Thursday in November. In the autumn of 1621, the Pilgrim Fathers celebrated their first harvest festival in America and called it Thanksgiving Day. Since that time Thanksgiving Day has been celebrated every year.

Christmas is celebrated on December 25. It is a religious holiday. Just before Christmas day people send Christmas and New Year greetings to their friends and relatives. Stores, post-offices, banks and business places close for this day, schools and colleges close between Christmas and New Year’s Day. People usually stay at home at Christmas-time, and spend the day with their families.

Teacher: But the Americans don't just have holidays. They also work, and they work a lot. New inventions are appearing every day. Many of them are made in the USA. Here are some things which were invented in America. What can you tell us about them?

Выносят поднос с предметами, изобретенными в США. Представители команд по очереди берут предметы, показывают и говорят о них.

The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Bell.

The electric light bulb was invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison.

The steamboat was invented in 1807 by Robert Fulton.

The nylon was invented in 1927.

The transistor was invented in 1947.

The structure of the DNA was invented by Watson in 1962.

Guide: Now we are going to visit the largest city of the USA. It is the industrial and cultural centre of the country. What city is it?

(It is New York.)

For many people New York is the symbol of the USA. First it was inhabited by the Dutch, then by the English but people from all over the world live here now.

Teacher: Yes, that's true. Descendants of people from all over the world live iv the USA. Now they have a common history, culture and language. What language do the Americans speak?

Yes, English. But it is not the same language as the English people speak. There is a difference in the spelling of some words. Here are the words written the American way. Please, can two tourists come up to the blackboard and give the British spellings of the words. American British

catalog   catalogue

program programme

color      colour

labor      labour

honor     honour

traveler  traveller

center     centre

meter      metre

theater    theatre

Some things have different names in America to Great Britain. Please, take the cards with the British words and give their American equivalents. British American

sweet      candy

flat         apartment

form       grade

maize     corn

football  soccer

cinema   movie

lift          elevator

post       mail

minister  secretary

autumn  fall

biscuits  cookies

Guide: Next we'll visit the capital of the USA, Washington. It is not a large city. There is no industry in it, just administrative buildings and places of interest. What are they?

(The Capitol Building, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, Fort Washington, the Smithsonian Institution and others)

Teacher: Now let's talk about some other places of interest in America. Maybe our experts can tell us about them.

Представители команд описывают фотографии достопримечательностей США.

Team 1:

The Statue of Liberty on the Manhattan Island meets people coming to America.

A bridge over the Niagara River connects the two states - Canada to the Left and the USA to the right.

Here you can see Disneyland built by Walt Disney Los Angeles.

This is San Francisco, the capital of the state of California.

The Rocky Mountains are in the west of the USA. In the Rockies there are several peaks about five thousand meters high.

This is Columbia University in New York.

In this picture you can see the Pentagon.

And this is the Capitol, the seat of the Congress.

Team 2:

The Washington Monument is also called the Pencil. It is 5 hundred and fifty five feet high.

This is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It is situated on the Pacific coast.

This is the Grand Canyon.

Manhattan is an island, which forms the heart of New York.

Boston is known for its universities. Here is one of them.

Here you can see the United Nations building in New York.

The White House is the President’s residence.

The National Gallery of Art is also situated in Washington.

Teacher: And what about the crossword? Have you worked out all the answers? Our judges will check it.

Заполненный кроссворд передается жюри.

I think that our journey is coming to an end. Let the experts ask their final questions to the opposing team. Two questions each, please.

Team 1:

What is the former name of New York? (New Amsterdam)

What is the real name of O. Henry? (William Porter)

Who was the first president of the USA? (George Washington)

How many states signed the Declaration of Independence? (13)

Who wrote the first detective stories? (Edgar Poe)

What river joins the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean? (the St. Lawrence River)

Which is the largest state? (Alaska)

What is the region where wheat and maize are grown? (Corn Belt)

What river flows through Washington, D.C.? (Potomac)

What is the flag of the USA called? (Stars and Stripes)

Team 2:

What is the highest building in Washington? (the Capitol)

What is the name of the parliament? (Congress)

How many senators are there in the Congress?

What are the most popular team sports in the USA? (baseball, basketball, football)

What is the first state of the USA?

What is the oldest college of the USA? (Harvard)

What is the longest river? (the Mississippi)

In what country was the Statue of Liberty made? (France)

What is the real name of Mark Twain? (Samuel Clemens)

What is the former capital of the USA? (Philadelphia)

Guide: At the end of our journey we are going to visit one more city. It is situated in the Mississippi valley. It is a cultural centre and the birthplace of jazz. Which city is it?

(It is New Orleans.)

Teacher: Now we are in a cultural centre and our tourists are going to show us an amateur performance. It is an act from one of the most famous American musicals "My Fair Lady" by Alan Lerner. The action takes place at Ascot, in Mrs Higgins's box. Professor Higgins is going to introduce Eliza Doolittle to his mother and her guests. [2]

Let our judges tell us the final score.

The lesson is over.


Урок 2. “ Halloween”


Оформление и оборудование:

Рисунки с изображением луны, летучей мыши, ведьм, приведений, тыквы; свечи, шторы на окнах; стулья; музыкальное оформление.

Нетрадиционный урок “ Halloween ”

Цель: познакомить учащихся с праздником ”Хэллоуин”.


Познавательная: познакомить учащихся с традициями и культурой страны изучаемого языка на основе праздника ”Хэллоуин”.

Развивающая: развивать интерес учащихся к изучению традиций страны изучаемого языка.

Воспитательная: прививать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Ход урока

I. Организационное начало урока:

- Good morning, children. Sit down, please. Today we will have an unusual esson. Today we will have known about Halloween.

(Урок начинается с того, что окна завешаны и горят свечи, играет музыка).

II. Новая тема:


- Как я вам уже сказала, сегодня мы с вами узнаем о празднике ”Хэллоуин”.

Этот праздник сопровождается весельем и древними обрядами. В ночь на Хэллоуин люди зажигают фонари, чтобы отогнать злых духов. Дети вырезают на тыквах лица и вставляют внутрь свечи. Такую тыкву называют “Джек – фонарщик”.

- Ребята, а вы знаете, откуда это название. Нет? Сейчас я вам расскажу: Это название заимствовано из ирландской истории. Жил мужчина по имени Джек. Он был настолько скуп, что даже после смерти, пошел не на небеса, а к дьяволу. Дьявол бросил ему кусок горящего угля со словами: “Положи его в репу, которую ты ешь. Это будет твоим фонарем”. Вот так и появилось это название.

- А вы знаете, что еще есть такой обычай: люди танцуют вокруг костра, а затем бегут с криками “Уходи прочь, дьявол”. Так же семьи шествуют на поля с зажженными факелами. Это охраняет поля от ведьм и других духов. Каждая семья старается зажечь на поле самый большой костер. Иногда члены семьи надевают жуткие маски.

Хэллоуин отмечают во всех странах, и каждая страна имеет свою отличительную черту в праздновании этого праздника. Например, в Уэльсе этот праздник не такой уж и веселый, т.к. он напоминает о смерти. Каждый человек получает белый камень и кидает в огонь. Потом все ходят вокруг костра и молятся. Если кто-то не найдет в костре свой камень, значит, по поверью, он скоро умрет. По домам в этот праздник ходят бедные люди. Они поют песни и просят милостыню. А вот во Франции по улицам ходят звонари и перед полночью сообщают о том, что всем нужно зайти в дом, ведь вокруг блуждают духи. А в Мексике пекут хлеб в форме черепов. Дети покупают игрушки: склепы, черепа и гробы. Едят сладости в форме похоронных венков. В Америке дети надевают маски и разноцветные костюмы. Ходят по домам с криками “Шутка или угощение?” Люди украшают дома в традиционные хэллоуинские цвета: оранжевый и черный.

А знаете, как раньше праздновался Хэллоуин в России? Этот праздник назывался

“Духов день” и праздновали его в первый понедельник после Троицы. Этот праздник был тоже маскарадом: один наряжался козлом, другой лошадью, третий изображал свинью. Все это ряженое шествие сопровождалось музыкой гармонистов, балалаечников. Шли на поле, делали несколько выстрелов из ружья, затем бросали лошадиную голову в яму до будущего года - это было прощание с весной.

Итак, вот я рассказала вам об этом замечательном празднике. Во всех станах мира этот праздник сопровождается своими обрядами.

- Ребята, что такое Halloween? Что вы можете рассказать о нем? Как он праздновался, какого числа? Кто такой Джек – фонарщик?

А давайте узнаем, чем же угощают детей в этот праздник?

- Open your books on p 10 f ex 1 ( 1 ) let’s read and translabe.[ u: ]

[ u ]

cucumbers bubble gum sugar

fruits    plums puddings

juices   nuts

- Мы знаем с вами, что в Америке если ты не угостишь просящего, то он над тобой подшутит. Давайте же узнаем, как люди подшучивают

- Open your books on p 101 ex 1 ( 3 )

Let’s read and translabe.


[ u ]

pull down fences

put on spooky faces

[ ^ ]

jump and run round a house

dig up pumpkins

cut pumpkin faces.

[ u: ]

play loud music

put on spoky costumes.

- Now let us sing a song about Halloween.

Halloween, Halloween, magic night

We are glad and very right.

We all dance and sing and recite,

Welcome ! Welcome ! Halloween night. (Учат заранее ).

- You are well done !

- Now let us do ex 2 on p 102.

- Let’s put the sentences in the right order to find out how to make a Jack o’ Lantern.

- Put the candle inside the pumpkin.

- Cut a nose and a mouth.

- Cut eyes.

- Take a huge yellow pumpkin.

- Light the candle.

- Put the pumpkin near or in the house.

- Boys and girls. Be attentive! Let’s watch a TV programm “ Good morning” about Halloween.

I. Good morning dear friends

II. This TV programm is “ Good morning ”! And This is Koshenov Alexander.

I. This is Ignatovich Tamara. Let’s start our programm.

II. What date is it today, Kostja ?

I. Today is the 31 st of October.

II. oh, today is Halloween !

I. Yes, gou are guite right.

And now we will hear about this holiday from our guests.

II. Our guests are Grebenuk Helen and Lazarenko Nick.

Helen: Good morning! I want to tell you about Halloween. This is holiday for children. They celebrate Halloween on the 31 st of October. They walk from house to house and ask “ Trick or treat ”?

Nick: People eat cucumbers, fruits, juices, bubble gum, plums, nuts, sugar and puddings.

II. What tricks do children do to people?

Helen: Pull down fences, put on spooky faces.

Nick: Jump and run round a house, dig up pumpkins, cut pumpkin faces.

Helen: Play loud music, put on spooky costumes.

I. Thank you! And our next guest is Vergola Alina.

Alina: Good mornimg, dear friends. I want to tell you how to make Jack – o – Lantern. Take jellow pumpkin; cut eyes, a nose and a mouse; put the candle inside the pumpkin; light the candle; put the pumpkin near or in the house.

II. Thank you very much! And our programm is over.

I. Thank you for your attention, good bye!

- Well, Now let’s listen to record. We will sing a song about Halloween.

- I hope that our lesson was very interesting and useful for you. Thank you for attention. Our lesson is over, good bye !

Урок 3. " Scotland the Beautiful "


Цели урока:

обучающая: актуализировать имеющиеся знания учащихся по теме, развивать навыки неподготовленной речи.

развивающая: развивать воображение, внимание учащихся деятельность.

воспитывающая: воспитывать уважение к культуре другого народа, расширять кругозор.

Ход урока

Доска оформлена к уроку (карта Великобритании, флаг Шотландии, эмблема Шотландии, тема урока красочными буквами).

Teacher: Let’s speak about Scotland. It’s a wonderful country beautiful scenery, green valleys, high mountains and remarkable historical past. It’s the birthplace of R. Burns(a famous poet), Sir Walter Scott (a famous writer), Alexander Bell (the inventor of telephone) and James Watt (a famous engineer). Today we’ll try to sum up all we know and learn new facts about this wonderful land.


– Who can show on the map, where Scotland is situated?

– People of what nationality live in Scotland?

– Who knows how this kind of cloth is called?

Tartans were different and each Scottish clan wore its own tartan.

(Учитель готовит к уроку 2 вида клетчатой ткани – шотландки, из которой вырезает прямоугольной формы платочки. Учащиеся разбирают их, прикалывают к одежде, таким образом делятся на 2 команды, 2 клана для проведения следующего этапа урока).


Now you are representatives of 2 Scottish clans – McDonald and McKenzies. Let’s have a short fight and SU who knows Scotland better.

a) questions about Scotland. (Where is Scotland situated. What’s its paitron saint symbol? Capital? What river flows through Scotland? Where is industry concentrated? What is a military tattoo? etc.)

b) a representative from each team speaks on given topic

(1. Two great centers of Scotland.

2. Places of interest in Edinburgh)

c) listen to the text “A tradition of independence”

учебник “In Britain”

Michael Vaughan – Recs

Peter Bystrom

Steve Bateman

Титул 1999 г.

Put T(true) or F(false) near the following statements:

1. Scotland has always been a part of the UK.

2. In 1707 Scotland became part of the UK.

3. About 25% of Scottish people want Scotland to be completely independent.


Let’s have an imaginary trip to the Scotland.

Listen to different sounds, imagine you’re in some place of Scotland and Describe it (in 3-4 sentences).

Используется кассета с различными звуковыми эффектами:

a) military music;

b) big city;

c) natural sounds.


There are a lot of films about Scotland and its people. W are going to watch a short episode from a famous film “Highlander”.

Your task is to watch it and then to name at least three reasons, facts which prove that people we see are the Scotts.

(1. a bagpipe;

2. a kilt;

3. their names – McLaud.)

Duncan McLaud is an imaginary character. Now we’ll see a person who really lived and fought for Scotland and its independence with the English. Hid name is William Wallace. See a part from the film “The Brave Heart” and describe William Wallace (appearance, character). Uses the words: brave, honest, independent, a good soldier, noble face, tall, strong, long fair hair).


Every country has got its mystery. Scotland has Loch Ness monster.

Один из учеников исполняет роль Шерлока Холмса, который только что вернулся из Шотландии, где он пытался разгадать тайну озера Лох-Несс. Учащиеся расспрашивают его.


So you believe the monster really lives in the lake? Can you show us any pictures of it?

Were there any expeditions to the lake to find the monster?

What do people know about Nessie?


The 25th of January is a special day in Scotland.


Pupils: It’s Burn’s birthday?

Teacher: How do they call this festival?

Pupils: Burn’s Night.

Teacher: Let’s have the festival just now.

a) Some of the pupils recites a poem “My Hearts in the Highland”.

b) Pupils sing a famous song “My Bonnie lies over the ocean”.

Подведение итогов урока.

Урок 4. " Pets and other animals "


Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся.

Задачи урока:


– ознакомить с новой лексикой по микротеме "Body",

– обучить чтению с извлечением основной информации,

– активизировать употребление ранее изученной лексики в речи учащихся.


– развивать орфографические навыки,

– развивать коммуникативные навыки.


– воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка средствами коммуникации.

Применяемые технологии:

коммуникативно-ориентированное обучение,

активизация учебной деятельности,

развитие познавательных интересов.

Оформление урока:

наглядность: картинки, оформление доски,

магнитофон, кассета,


Ход урока

Good morning, children! (Дети отвечают). I am glad to see you . Sit down, please. How are you? (Дети отвечают). Let's start our lesson.

Today we'll revise numbers, learn new words and of course we will read and write. Are you ready? (Дети отвечают). So, let's start our lesson.

1. Речевая зарядка

(работа в режиме Т-Р1; Т-Р2 ...).

Now, look at me and answer my questions:

Have you got a pet at home?

What pet have you got?

What is his name?

What color is your pet?

Is your pet big or little?

Do you like to play with your pet?

Do you take your pet for a walk?

2. Фонетическая зарядка

(слова записаны на доске).

Look at the blackboard. Here there are rhyming twins. At first, listen to me and then I will ask you to read. So, listen:

these – please; bear – hair;

head – red; rose – nose;

mouth – house; buy – eye.

3. Развитие коммуникативных навыков

Open your books, p.171, ex.1. Look at these pictures, name all the animals you see and say:

Which animal is the first (second)?

Which animal has got a long (short) tail?

Which animal has got a long (short) neck?

4. Физкультминутка

Hands up, hands down,

Hands on hips, sit down.

Stand up, hands to the sides,

Bend left, bend right,

Hands on hips, one, two, three, hop,

One, two, three, stop. Stand still.

5. Повторение порядковых и количественных числительных

(Числа от 13 до 100 записаны на доске.)

And now we are going to revise numbers. Look at the blackboard, name these numbers. Listen to me and say as I do it:

20 twenty – (the) twentieth

20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100,

65, 32, 48, 56, 69, 73, 92, 27, 99.

6. Развитие орфографических навыков

Open your exercise-books, write down the date. Today we write a short dictation. Listen and write:

twenty, seventy, fifty, sixty, eighty, the seventieth, the twentieth, the eightieth.

Закончив писать диктант, ученики сдают тетради учителю.

7. Ознакомление и тренировка в использовании лексики по микротеме "Body"

Children, open your books p.172, ex.4. Look at this picture. Listen and repeat after me: [e], [ai], [ou], [au]. (Отработав звуки, учащиеся слушают магнитофон и повторяют новые слова.) Be careful, listen to the tape-recorder and repeat new words. And now answer my questions:

What colour is your hair?

Is your hair long (short)?

What colour are your eyes?

Is your nose long (short)?

8. Физкультминутка

Stand up and look around.

Shake your head and turn around,

Stamp your feet upon the ground.

Clap hands, and then sit down.

Stand up and look around.

Make a bow and turn around.

Stamp your feet upon the ground,

Clap hands and then sit down.

9. Обучение чтению с извлечением основной информации

(Текст "At The Zoo''). So, now it is time to read. Open your books p.174, ex.8. (Cпросить всех учащихся). Прочитав текст, учащимся предлагается ответить на вопросы. Let's answer some questions on the text:

Where did Mr. Smith and his son go last week?

What animals did they see there?

What did monkeys do at the Zoo?

Who looked after animals at the Zoo?

Children, look at the picture in your text-books, find and read. Aloud the sentences to illustrate it.

10. Домашнее задание

(записано на доске).

Open your day-books and write down your homework for tomorrow. I want to explain you the task. In ex.12, p.176 you must draw a picture of a boy or a girl. In ex.13, p.176 you must learn to write new words.

11. Подведение итогов урока

I would like to thank you for good work at the lesson. I give You marks. (Обязательное комментирование оценок.) The lesson is over. You may go. Good bye.


Урок 5. " Shops and Shopping "


Цели и задачи:

Практическая -систематизировать и обобщить грамматический и лексический материал Unite 7


-учить извлекать информацию из невербальных источников,

-формировать навык чтения с извлечением необходимой информации,

-учить прогнозировать содержание текста из названия и иллюстраций,

-формировать навык ведения полилога,

- учить понимать одноклассников и реагировать на их реплики.


- развитие языковых навыков,

-развитие познавательной, мыслительной деятельности. Воспитательные -воспитывать максимальную работоспособность,

- поощрять умение творчески относиться к делу. Уровень усвоения знаний творческий

Тип урока: систематизация и обобщение грамматического и лексического материала

Методы и приемы

по источникам информации вербальный, наглядный, практический.

по степени взаимодействия самостоятельная работа, , беседа,

по характеру познавательной деятельности проблемный, частично-поисковый, ролевая игра.

в зависимости от конкретной дидактической задачи применение на практике

Ход урока


Teacher: Good afternoon. We finish working with Adjectives. Today I want you to show everything you know about Adjectives. I GRAMMAR Teacher:

How many groups of Adjectives are there in English Grammar?

What are they?

What steps of Comparison do you know?

How do one and two syllable adjectives form Comparative and Superlative ?

How do multi-syllable adjectives form Comparative and Superlative ?

What Irregular Adjectives do you know?

Now I want to check you up.




1 Autumn is... season (bad)

2 As for me, English is... Russian (difficult)

3 As for me,Literature is... History(interesting)

4 My grandmother is ...in my family. ( old)

5 July is ... month of the season, (hot)

6 My birthday is... day in my life. (happy)

7 Kashchey is ... Karabas Barabas.(ugly)

8 Mersedes is ... car. (expensive)

9. BMV is Volvo. (popular)

10. Znika is ...Neznika. (good)

II Write down steps of comparison of adjectives


Teacher: Listen to the tape recorder. Read line by line.

What is it?

I know somebody or may be something

Listen attentively : it is exciting.

It's neither a boy nor a girl,

It's neither tall nor small,

It's neither silver nor gold,

It's neither young nor old

It's neither thin nor fat,

It's neither good nor bad,

It's neither clever nor stupid.

Can you guess? What is it?

Don't be angry! Don't excite!

This is the hell with a bow aside!

Please, ask each other questions using the structure neither ...nor.


Teacher: The next task of our lesson is reading. But first of all, let's solve a problem. When is a woman happy? (When she is rich, healthy, has a good husband and children, when she has got nice things). The text is SHOPS AND SHOPPING. What is this text about? And now, please, look at the picture! Is the woman sad or merry? Is the woman happy or unhappy? We don't know the reason may be she is ill, may be she has some problems but she is sad and unhappy.

And now? Is she happy or unhappy? Read the text, please and find the answers for the questions:


A wife and a husband live friendly. But the wife is unhappy when she has not got a new thing. She likes to do shopping. So they go shopping very often. Today the wife is especially sad. So the husband says:

Let's go shopping,

The wife is glad. At first they visit women's department. She tries three dresses on: one is for business, the second is for rest and the third is for the evening party. She likes them very much.

Then they go to the haberdashery and she buys a pair of gloves. They are made of leather.

In the footwear she buys a nice pair of shoes. The shoes suit her clothes very much.

In the outfitter's she likes a coat. She asks her husband and he buys the coat. The wife is very happy. She has so many new things.

The husband is angry. He wants a new tie, but he has no money.

What departments are there in the shop?

What things has the woman got?

Teacher: What other shops and departments do you know?

What can we buy in the outfitter's ( haberdashery, leatherwear ).?

Where can we buy buttons, thread, needles, pins?( exercises, pens, sharpeners, rulers, pencils)

Do you like to do shopping?

What shops do you like ?

What can we hear in the shop? Let's listen to your dialogues

IV SPEAKING (dialogues)






Now I want you to watch a part of a cartoon and describe the main characters of the cartoon using Positive, Comparative and

Superlative forms of Adjectives.

Describe CINDERELLA, her step-mother and step-sisters


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