Уровень, 60 вопросов (5 ответов, 2 правильных- AB )
241. Choose the right form of the verb in Present Simple: My friend ...the answer to the question. A) knows B) doesn’t know C) know D) knowing E) knew
242. Complete the sentence with the rightanswer: I ____ breakfast at 8 o' clock in the morning. A) Have B) don’t have C) to has D) to have E) had to
243.Find the right variant: N.A. Nazarbayev is the ___________ of the state. A) head B) president C)monarch D)chief ideologist E) chief legislator
244.Determine the form of the verb "to be": ... your friend's wife a student? A) Is B) Was C) Have D) Am E) Has
245. Determine the form of the verb "to be": I ... not ill. A) am B) was C) to be D) have E) is
246.Put the verbs into correct forms: I… go to the cinema yesterday. A) went B) didn’t go C) go D) gone E) don’t go
247. Choose necessary possessive pronoun: What is … phone number? A) your B) her C) them D) it E) him
248. Complete the sentence: Female member of the family are …. A) niece B) daughter C) father D) step brother E) nephew
249. Choose the correct form of the verb “to have" : ... the customer ….the necessary documents? A) Did/have B) Does/have C) Have/have D) Is /has E) Did/has
250. Determine the form of the verb "to be": My parents ... not in Moscow. A) are B) were C) have D) am E) has
251. Choose the right indefinite pronoun: He drank …water and felt much better. A) a little. B) much. C) many D) a few. E) few.
252. Complete the sentence: Male members of the family are… A) nephew B) son C) niece D) aunt E) daughter
253. Chоose the sentences with uncountable noun: A) His courage impressed me very much. B) I have enough time to wait for you. C) We have been close friends for many years. D) Last year I visited my relatives who lived in Germany. E) I have a new dress.
254. Determine the form of the verb "to be": There … a lot of people in the theatre. A) were B) are C) has D) was E) to be
255. Determine the form of the verb "to be": These stories ... very interesting. A) are B) were C) as D) have E) has
256. Choose the right indefinite pronoun: …students have lessons in the evening at our Ministry. A) a lot of B) a few C) more D) much E) little
257. Choose the right indefinite pronoun: He had … friends. A) a few B) few C) little D) much E) a little
258. Answer the question: What can’t we find in a bed-room? A) cupboard B) sink C) bedside tables D) rug E) bed
259. Put in necessary preposition: There is a TV set… the sofa. A) next to B) near C) under D) above E) through
260. Choose the correct form of the verb "to be": ... his friend’s family large or small? A) Is B) Was C) Has D) Have E) Did
261. Answer the question: What can’t we find in a living-room? A) cooker B) refrigerator C) arm-chairs D) carpet E) curtain
262. Chоose the sentence with uncountable noun: A) Though I can not play any musical instrument I like the classic music. B) His knowledge in English is excellent. C) The young man picked up the gloves which the old woman had dropped. D) Now he works at a children's hospital. E) I have a parrot.
263. Determine the form of the verb "to be": My house ... in a green street. A) is B) was C) have D) am E) has
264. Chоose uncountable nouns: A) furniture B) fame C) father D) film E) firm
265. Find the sentences in the Past Continuous Tense: A) Jim was doing his homework at school. B) Jim was writing a letter to his school. C) Jim made some mistakes in his homework. D) Jim had already gone to school. E) Jim had written a letter to his friend.
266. Choose the right form of the verb: What language ... you ... at college? A) did ... study B) have ... studied C) was ... studying D) had ... studied E) studied
267. Choose the right form of the verb: I … a nice statuette last week. A) bought B) didn’t buy C) buy D) did buy E) buyed
268. Choose the right form of the verb: I sleep well, but last night I ____ sleep at all. A) didn’t B) couldn’t C) doesn’t D) isn’t E) won’t
269. Choose the right form of the adjective: The problem was ... than we expected. A) more serious B) more interesting C)the seriouser D) most important E) too difficult
270. Complete the sentence: The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of … A) Mazhilis B) Senate C) Lords D) Commons E) Speakers
271. Someone has just rung the bell. It ... be TomIt ... be Tom because he is away. a) must, should b) Have to, ought to c) could, might not d) could, may not e) could, can't
272. What ... today? a) shall we do, could b) shall we do, were able to c) will we do, can d) would we do, may not e) may we do, might
273. Where is Tom? c) will have play d) can play e) might have been playing
b) must, have to c) will have to, could d) must, must e) must not, should
b) ought to, oughtn’t to c) must, couldn't d) needn't, needn't e) ought to, hadn't to
276. Find the I Conditional Sentences a).If we are late, we will miss an opportunity that will never repeat. b) She will be angry, if I am late. c) If you want to become a doctor, you have to study hard. d) if I don’t get enough sleep, I feel tired. e) I would buy a new car if I had enough money.
277. Find the II Conditional Sentences a) Fred would more if he didn’t work so hard. b) If Sally lived in Brighton, she would be near her parents. c) If Jane had come on her usual train, I would have seen her. d) I would have phoned you if I hadn’t lost your phone number. e) I wouldn’t have gone to the museum if I had known it was shut.
b) If Allen had had a lot of money, she wouldn’t have been so worried. c) If governments stopped buying guns, the world would be safer. d) If I were you I would go to the police. e) If we take a taxi at one o’clock, we won’t be late.
a) If I don’t get enough sleep, I feel tired. c) If Sally lived in Brighton, she would be near her parents. d) I would have phoned you if I hadn’t lost your phone number. e) If I were you I would go to the police.
280. Find the First Conditional Sentences: a) If we don’t hurry, we won’t finish. b) If I am late, she will be angry. c) If I eat too much, I feel bad. d) If he worked harder, he would do better e) I wouldn’t have gone to the museum if I had known it was shut
a) If she hadn’t looked in the newspapers, she wouldn’t have seen the advertisement. b) If he had tried harder, he would have won. c) Fred would more if he didn’t work so hard. d) Unless he arrives on time, I will get angry. e) If it rains, we won’t go out
282. Find the II Conditional Sentences: b) If I won a lot of money I would buy a big house. c) San would have got the job as a translator if he had not failed the exam. d) If we don’t hurry, we won’t finish. e) She will be angry, if I am late.
b) If you are a teacher, you work very hard. c) If she hadn’t looked in the newspapers, she wouldn’t have seen the advertisement. d) San would have got the job as a translator if he had not failed the exam. e) Fred would more if he didn’t work so hard.
"We'll lend you a hand," he told me. b) He said that they would lend me a hand. c) He told me that we would lend him a hand. d) He told me that we will lend him a hand. e) He said that he would lend me a hand.
285. "Don't come home late," her mother said. a) Her mother told her not to come home late. b) The mother said to her not to come home late. c) Her mother said not to come home late. d) Her mother wanted to know if she was coming home late. e) Her mother asked if she didn't come home late.
286. 'I may not come tomorrow.' she said yesterday. a) She said yesterday that she might not come today. b) She told yesterday that she was not allowed to come today. c) She said yesterday that she may not come tomorrow. d) She said yesterday that she may not come the following day. e) She said yesterday that she might not come tomorrow.
287. Find out the right variant: What do you like to drink? a) Coffee b) Milk c) Bread d) Salt e) Sugar
288. Find out the right variant: What is your busiest days of the week? a )Wednesday b) Tuesday
289. Find out the right variant: How long did you study last night? a) For three hours b) For two hours c) In my room e) With Bob
290. Find out the right variant: Where's Mike? a) At school b) At home c) No, he isn't d) At eight e) For three hours
291. Find out the right variant: What did you eat last night? a) Spaghetti b) Burger c) With my family d) At six e) At home
292. Find out the right variant: When was the last time you took a picture? a) About four days ago b) About ten days ago c) With my camera d) A picture of Jane e) Seven pictures
293. Find out the right variant: What are you doing? a) I'm eating b) I'm sitting c) I have eaten. d) I ate e) I will be eating
294. Find out the right variant: I was ___ my car at that time. a) Washing b) Driving c) Wash d) Washed e) Washes
295. Find out the right variant: Who do you usually go shopping with? a) By myself b) With my friend c) Downtown d) On Sunday e) Two or three hours
296. Find out the right variant: I want you to ___ here with me. a) Stay b) Be c) Staying d) Stayed e) Stays
297. Find out the right variant: There is an owl in the … . a) Tree b) Bush c) Table d) Room e) Piano
298. Find out the right variant: Doris, Open the window and the …! a) Door b) Small window c) Roof d) Moon e) Bed
299. Find out the right variant: The night is very… . a) Dark b) Cool c) Red d) Stars e) Sky
300.Correct sentences with adjectives: Dubai is the______city in the world. A) hottest B) the most beautiful C) many longer D) young E) practical
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