Дополнительные команды печати
Команда Описание $b Печатают текущие контрольные точки. $c Печать располагает в стеке след. $d Основание системы счисления значения по умолчанию Набора, чтобы адресовать параметр. $e Печатают внешние переменные. $f Регистраторы С плавающей точкой как единственная(отдельная) точность. $F Регистраторы С плавающей точкой как двойная точность. $m Печатают карты сегмента ADB. $r Печатают общих регистраторов. $s Смещение Набора для соответствия символа. $v Печатают ADB переменные. $w Вывод Набора выравнивает ширину.
Рекомендуеться также посмтотреть на лучший Отладчик под Unix: http://www.kiarchive.ru/pub/gnu/gnu-mirror/Manuals/ddd/html_mono/ddd.html Отладчик XDB
XDB – отладчик для отлаживания програм написаных на языках C, HP FORTRAN, HP Pascal, and C++ и понимает следующие команды:
xdb [-d dir] [-r file] [-R file] [-p file] [-P process_ID] [-L] [-l library] [-i file] [-o file] [-e file] [-S num] [-s] [objectfile [corefile]] где
-d dir определяет дополнительный каталог где размещены исходный коды -r file определяет рекордный файл -R file определяет файл restore, который был определен перед –p но после –r опции -p file определяет файл воспоизведения действий (playback) -P process_ID Определяет process_ID до которого желаем «присоедениться» чтоб отправить в режим отладки -L определяет строчно-ориентированный интерфейс. -l library определяет библиотеку (общедоступную) до которой желаете подсоедениться -i file переопределяет поток ввода в файл или в устройство -o file переопределяет поток вывода в файл или в устройство -e file переопределяет поток вывода ошибок в файл или в устройство -S num устанавливает размер кеширования строки (по умолчанию 1024 что есть минимальный) –s определяет все библиотеки (общедоступный) которые использует програма
Размер екрана будет в зависимости от переменой окружения TERM или можно установить используя переменный LINES и COLUMNS. При запуске xdb имеет 3 окна: · Окно кода (содержит исходный код) · Окно информации (содержит значения параметров и прочее) · Командное окно, окно упраления
Примеры команд r запускает програму с параметрами R запускет програму без параметров s пошаговый запусr (входит в функции) S пошаговый запусr (не входить в функции) к убить процесс q выйти из отладчика с продолжить выполнения програмы (continue) v 11 посмотреть 11 строку кода +5 посмотрить на 5 строк ниже -5 ---------------------------- выше v my_function показать функцию v test1.c просмотреть файл test1.c v test1.c:40 просмотреть файл test1.c на 40 строке V посмотреть текущуй стек (сотояний вызовов) V 2 посмотреть текущей стек на 2 уровня глубже w 12 установить размер окна кода на 12 td показать код на asssembly языке (что б возвратиться к коду то еще раз нужно набрать td) ts показать код и asssembly s 6 запустить 6 шагов / n=4 ищет код n=4 (снизу) ? n=4 ищет код n=4 (сверху) b 42 устанавливает точку останова в 42 строке b 32 \4 в 32 строке будет останавливаться програма 4 раза bp устанавливает точку останова на точке входа в програму bp my_funс устанавливает точку останова на точке входа в процедуру my_func lb просмотреть точки останова db 2 удалить 2ю точку остнаова db * удалить все точки останова p count просмотреть значение count p count\x просмотреть в шестнацатиричном виде p num\D просмотреть переменую в long типе как десятеричную p . показать преведущее значение p *(&.+42) показать значение на 42 байта дальше от преведуще-показаного значения p my_struct показывает даные в структуре p my_struct.name показывает значение в структуры поля name p *ptr значения указателя p+ (p-) показывет следущий(преведущий) елемент p num=num+20 увеличить значения на 20 t показывает стек Справочная таблица команд и флагов XDB h [topic] Print commands/syntaxes related to this topic. Help without a topic prints the complete help text. Available topics include command names (short form) which print the syntax for and a terse description of the command. Other topics are: assert assertions; macro macros; bpset set breakpoints; misc other commands, etc.; bpstat view & modify breakpoints; options xdb command line; C++ C++ features; proc procedure related; cmdlist command list features; record write & use log files; control process control; register registers; data view & modify data; screen window modes; disasm disassembly mode; signal signal handling; formats format specifiers; state global state switches; help this description; source view source; list list various items; trace trace stack or proc(s); locations location syntax; variables variable syntax.
Process control: r [arguments] Run child process with arguments. R Run child process with no arguments. c [location] Continue from breakpoint with no signal, set temporary breakpoint at location. C [location] Continue with current signal, set temporary breakpoint at location. s [number] Single step, follow procedure calls. S [number] Single step, step over procedure calls. g (line | #label) Go to line in current procedure. g (+|-) [lines] Go forward/back 1 or given number of lines. k Kill child process, if any.
Setting breakpoints: b [location] [\count] [commands] Set breakpoint. ba [address] [\count] [commands] Set breakpoint at code address. bb [depth] [\count] [commands] Set breakpoint at procedure beginning. bi expr.proc [\count] [commands] Set an instance breakpoint. bi [-c|-C] expr [commands] Set an instance breakpoint. bp [commands] Set procedure breakpoints. bpc [-c|-C] class [commands] Set a class breakpoint. bpo [[class]::]proc [commands] Set breakpoints on overloaded functions. bpt [commands] Set procedure trace breakpoints. bpx [commands] Set procedure exit breakpoints. bt [(depth | proc)] [\count] [commands] Trace procedure. bu [depth] [\count] [commands] Set up-level breakpoint. bx [depth] [\count] [commands] Set breakpoint at procedure exit. bpg [commands] Set paragraph breakpoints. (MPE-only) tpg [commands] Set paragraph trace breakpoints. (MPE-only) txc Toggle the exception stop-on-catch state. txt Toggle the exception stop-on-throw state. View and modify breakpoint status: lb List all breakpoints. lx List exception stop-on-throw and -catch state. db [number | *] Delete one or all breakpoints. dp Delete procedure breakpoints. Dpx Delete procedure exit breakpoints. Dpt Delete procedure trace breakpoints. dpg Delete paragraph [trace] breakpoints.(MPE-only) ab [number | *] Activate one or all breakpoints. sb [number | *] Suspend one or all breakpoints. tb Toggle overall breakpoints state. abc commands Global breakpoint commands. dbc Delete global breakpoint commands. bc number expr Set a breakpoint count. xcc commands Define the stop-on-catch command-list. xtc commands Define the stop-on-throw command-list.
i expr {commands} [{commands}] Conditionally execute commands. (Also: if) { } Group commands. ; Separate commands. Q Quiet breakpoint reporting. "any string" Print string.
Source viewing: L Show current location and its source line. v [location] View source at location in source window. va [address] View address in disassembly window. V [depth] View procedure at depth in source window. top View procedure at top of stack. up [number] View procedure number levels higher in stack. down [number] View procedure number levels lower in stack. +[number] Move forward in sourcefile. -[number] Move backward in sourcefile. /[string] Search forwards in sourcefile for string. ?[string] Search backwards for string. n Repeat previous search. N Repeat previous search in opposite direction. apm old_path [new_path] Add (prefix) path map for source files. dpm [index | *] Delete path map(s) for source files. lpm List path maps in order of precedence. D "dir" Add a directory search path for source files. ld List all directories. lf [string] List all (or matching) files. lsl List all shared libraries. lp [[class]::][string] List all (or matching) procedures. lo [[class]::][string] List all (or matching) overloaded functions. lcl [string] List all (or matching) classes. lct [string] List all (or matching) class templates. ltf [string] List all (or matching) function expansions. lft [string] List all (or matching) function templates.
View and modify data: p expr [\format] Print value of expression using format. p expr?format Print address of expression using format. p -[\format] Print value of prev memory location using format. p +[\format] Print value of next memory location using format. p class:: Print static members of class. l [[class]::][proc[:depth]] List all parameters and locals of proc. t [depth] Trace stack. T [depth] Trace stack and show local variables. tst Toggle stub visibility. (PA-RISC only) lr [string] List all (or matching) registers. lc [string] List all (or matching) commons. (PA-RISC only) lg [string] List all (or matching) globals. ls [string] List all (or matching) special variables. mm [string] Show memory-map of all (or matching) loaded shared -libraries. f ["printf-style-format"] Set address printing format. disp item [\format] Display Cobol data item value using format.(MPE-only) move val to item Move value "val" to cobol data item "item" (MPE-only) pq <<same as p>> Print quietly. Evaluate without printing. ll [string] List all (or matching) labels. lz List all signals. z [number] [i][r][s][Q] Toggle flags (ignore, report, stop, Quiet) for signal. Screen modes: am Activate more (turn on pagination). sm Suspend more (turn off pagination). w number Set size of source window. td Toggle disassembly mode. ts Toggle split-screen mode. fr Display floating point registers. gr Display general registers. tf Toggle float register display precision (PA-RISC only). sr Display special registers. (PA-RISC only) u Update screen. U Refresh source & location windows on screen. +r Scroll floating point registers forward. -r Scroll floating point registers backward.
Assertions: a commands Create a new assertion with a command list. aa (number | *) Activate one or all assertions. da (number | *) Delete one or all assertions. la List all assertions. sa (number | *) Suspend one or all assertions. ta Toggle overall assertions state. x [expr] Exit assertion mode, possibly aborting the assertion command list. Macros: def name [replacement-text] Define a macro name. lm [string] List all (or matching) macros. tm Toggle the macro substitution mechanism. undef (name | *) Remove the macro definition for name or all.
Record and playback: tr [@] Toggle the record [record-all] mechanism. < file Playback from file. << file Playback from file with single stepping. > file Record commands to file. >> file Append commands to file. >@ file Record-all debugger commands & output to file. >>@ file Append all debugger commands & output to file. ">>" is equivalent to ">" for the next four commands. > Show status of current recording file. >@ Show status of current record-all file. >(t | f | c) Turn recording on (t), or off (f), or close the recording file (c). >@(t | f | c) Turn record-all on (t), or off (f), or close the record-all file (c).
Misc: ss file Save (breakpoint, macro, assertion) state. tc Toggle case sensitivity in searches. <carriage-return> Repeat previous command. ~ Repeat previous command. ! [command-line] Execute shell (with or without commands). q Quit debugger. $addr Unary operator, address of object. $sizeof Unary operator, size of object. $in Unary boolean operator, execution in procedure. # [text] A comment. I Print debugger status. M [(t | c) [expr [; expr ...]]] Print or set (text or core) maps. tM Toggle between default and modifiable core maps.
VARIABLES var Search current procedure and globals. class::var Search class for variable. [[class]::]proc:[class::]var Search procedure for variable. [[class]::]proc:depth:[class::]var Search procedure at depth on stack. :var or ::var Search for global variable only. . Shorthand for last thing you looked at. $var Define or use special variable. $result Return value of last cmd line procedure call. $signal Current child process signal number. $lang Current language for expression evaluation. $depth Default stack depth for local variables. $print Display mode for character data. $line Current source line number. $malloc Debugger memory allocation (bytes). $step Instr. count in non-debug before free-run. $cplusplus C++ feature control flags. $regname Hardware registers. $fpa Treat fpa sequence as one instruction.(S300 only) $fpa_reg Address register for fpa sequences. (S300 only)
LOCATIONS line source line & code address (if any) #label " file[:line] " [file:]proc[:proc[...]][:line|#label] " [class]::proc[:line|#label] " proc#line code address (if any) [class]::proc#line " name@shared_lib Address of name in shared library
FORMATS A format has the form [count]formchar[size]. formchar's are: a String at address. (b | B) Byte in decimal (either way). (c | C) (Wide) character. (d | D) (Long) decimal. (e | E) E floating point notation (as double). (f | F) F floating point notation (as double). (g | G) G floating point notation (as double). i Machine instruction (disassembly). (k | K) Formatted structure display (with base classes). n "Normal" format, based on type. (o | O) (Long) octal. p Print name of procedure containing address. (r | R) Print template of object (with base classes). s String from pointer. S Formatted structure display. (t | T) Print type of object (with base classes). (u | U) (Long) unsigned decimal. (w | W) Wide character string (at address). (x | X) (Long) hexadecimal. (z | Z) (Long) binary. Size can be a number or one of the following: b 1 byte (char) s 2 bytes (short) l 4 bytes (long) D 8 bytes (double - floating point formats only) L 16 bytes (long double - floating point only)
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