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Put the jumbled sentences in the logical order to sum up the information given in the text.

2019-08-13 233 Обсуждений (0)
Put the jumbled sentences in the logical order to sum up the information given in the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. It is connected with hatred, jealousy, and disregard of all rules.

2. There are quite enough real causes of trouble already and we needn’t add to them.

3. I think that sport never creates good will between the nations.

4. Sport is competitive and sportsmen do their utmost to win.

5. Sport is one of the main reasons for international rivalry.

6. Competitions usually lead to hatred.

7. The most important thing is not the behaviour of players but the attitude of spectators.

8. Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play.

9. People want to see their team on top and the other side humiliated.

10. When the question of prestige arises, the most savage combative instincts are aroused.


Use the following words and expressions to speak on the problem touched upon in the text. Add connectives and some more words if necessary.


1. To be amazed, sport, to create, good will.

2. International competitions, to lead, hatred.

3. Sport, competitive.

4. To do one’s utmost, sportsmen.

5. The question of prestige, to arise, to arouse, savage, combative instincts.

6. Attitude, spectators, to be significant.

7. Feelings of rivalry, to arouse, to play, according to rules.

8. People, to intervene, to influence, game.

9. Sport, to have nothing to do, fair play.

10. Sport, to cause, international rivalry.

11. Enough, real causes, trouble, to add.





Key words and expressions: to like, to find strange, to promote, male-dominated, experience, relaxed atmosphere, obvious difficulties, cultural differences.

Pre-reading tasks

Look at the title of the text and the key words and guess what the text is about.

Look through the text to see if your guess was right. Is the heading misleading?

Made in Japan, Sold on Britain

54,400 Japanese live in Britain. How do they find life here?


4.400 Japanese live in Britain: 12,000 are business people, 5,800 are students, most of the rest are their families. The Japanese like Britain. They find it strange, but they like it.

Masami Sato, one of only 70 office ladies' – junior women managers - in Britain, is happy. She says, most things are better here than in Tokyo -there are so many parks and green fields'.

As an office lady, she cannot be promoted above her present junior managerial position, but she thinks the UK is less male-dominated than Japan. She is in London as part of a scheme to give office ladies overseas experience (they are allowed to go to 10 cities considered safe - none of them are in the United States), and she does not want to go back to Tokyo when the time comes next year.

When I go back to Japan, I have to live with my family', she says. There are few amusements and we can't be relaxed because all Japanese are very busy'.

The Japanese appreciate the space, the more relaxed atmosphere and the longer holidays, but they also experience some difficulties: the most obvious is the language beerier was very hard at first. I used to sit hours at the parties not understanding a single word. But the children become absolutely bilingual. Mr Kojima has lived in Wales for two years, and still has problems. “The language is very difficult, but the staff are very experienced at explaining to the Japanese”, he says “I can understand the explanations, but I can't understand when they talk to each other”.

Besides the language, there are also cultural differences which can make life difficult. Banker Kaoru says the British like arguments, the Japanese don't. They dislike raising the opposite opinion. In Japan everyone respects the opinion of the majority'.


Post-reading tasks


Now that you have read the text choose the title of the text from the ones given below or offer your variant and motivate your choice.

a) Life in the UK is not a bed of roses.

b) East or West home is best.

c) The problems of immigrants.


Choose the synonyms to the given words according to the context. Reproduce the sentence from the text with the synonym chosen.


junior         a) older    b) higher in rank с) superior d) lower in rank

obvious       a) credible b) evident    c) permanent d) solvable

to appreciate a) to value b) to evaluate c) to apprehend    d) to adore

to respect    a) to despise b) to look up c) to approve d) to assess

Complete the following sentences.

1. The majority of Japanese living in Britain ... .

2. As an 'office-lady' Masami Sato cannot be promoted but ... .

3. The aim of the program is... .

4. The advantages of living in Great Britain are ... .

5. The difficulties the Japanese living in the UK might come across are ... .

6. They also face cultural difficulties such as ... .

7. Language barrier … .


Join 2 sentences using the connectors given so as to form a compound sentence.

1. More than 54 400 Japanese live in the UK. They like it. (And)

2. Masami Sato a junior manage is happy. Most things are better in this country. (Because)

3. She is quite satisfied with her position. She cannot be promoted. (Although)

4. At home she cannot be relaxed. All Japanese are busy. (Because)

5. The Japanese have problems in sociolizing. They enjoy the relaxed atmosphere. (Despite)



Key words and expressions: to drop an atomic bomb, to test, to explode, to survive, to cause destruction, serious damage, to kill and injure, casualties, unnecessary attack, remembrance.

Pre-reading tasks

2019-08-13 233 Обсуждений (0)
Put the jumbled sentences in the logical order to sum up the information given in the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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