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Exercise II. Put 5 more questions to the text.

2019-12-29 274 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise II. Put 5 more questions to the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Exercise III. Give nouns to the following verbs:

To struggle, to develop, to be born, to limit, to reduce, to collect.


 Exercise IV. Fill in the right preposition:

1. Defectology is closely allied ….a number of related sciences. 2. It …. turn provides unique material for these sciences and for the theory of knowledge. 3. Favorable … the development of old defectology were the legislative acts of the government. 4. Considerable scientific methodological work is being conducted … the teachers of special schools. 5.The journal Defectology has been published ….1969. 6. Abroad instead … the concept of defectology, the more limited concept of the special education is applied, which narrows the field of defectology as a science and which has … a considerable degree a pragmatic tendency.


Exercise V. Retell the text in your own words.

  Text A

Read and translate the text:  


       Speech is the vocalized form of human language. It is based upon the syntactic combination of lexical and names that are drawn from very large (usually about 10,000 different words) . Each spoken word is created out of the phonetic combination of a limited set of vowel and consonant speech sound units. These vocabularies, the syntax which structures them, and their set of speech sound units differ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

creating the existence of many thousands of different types of mutually unintelligible human languages.

Most human speakers are able to communicate in two or more of them hence being polyglots. The vocal abilities that enable humans to produce speech also provide humans with the ability to sing.

    A gestural form of human communication exists for the deaf in the form of sign language. Speech in some cultures has become the basis of a written language, often one that differs in its vocabulary, syntax and phonetics from its associated spoken one, a situation called diglossia. Speech in addition to its use in communication, it is suggested by some psychologists such as Vygotsky is internally used by mental processes to enhance and organize cognition in the form of an interior monologue.

    Speech is researched in terms of the speech production and speech perception of the sounds used in vocal language. Other research topics concern speech repetition, the ability to map heard spoken words into the vocalizations needed to recreated that plays a key role in the vocabulary expansion in children and speech errors. Several academic disciplines study these including acoustics, psychology, speech pathology, linguistics, cognitive science, communication studies, otolaryngology and computer science. Another area of research is how the human brain in its different areas such as the Broca's area and Wernicke's area underlies speech.

     It is controversial how far human speech is unique in that other animals also communicate with vocalizations. While none in the wild have compatibly large vocabularies, research upon the nonverbal abilities of language trained apes such as Washoe and Kanzi raises the possibility that they might have these capabilities. The origins of speech are unknown and subject to much debate and speculation.

Active vocabulary:

Read and learn by heart:

speech- речь                                                         culture- культура

human- человеческий                                          basis- основа

combination- соединение                                    syntax- синтаксис

set- набор ,комплекс                                           phonetics- фонетика

consonant- согласный                                        perception- восприятие, осознание

unit- союз, объединение                                    mental- умственный

sound- звук                                                           internally- внутренне

existence- существвование, жизнь                     repetition- повторение                                                                                                                         


mutually- взаимно, совместно                             role- роль                                                                                  

ability- способность, умение                              expansion- расширение, рост,развитие

enable- давать возможность                                 error- ошибка

gestural- жест                                                       animal- животное

deaf- глухой                                                        wild- дикий

sign- знак                                                             speculation- размышление, предположение



Exercise I. Supply answers to the following questions:

1. What does speech mean?

2. How do you explain the word "poliglot" ?

3. What do you call "diglossia"?

4. What does speech research?

5.What do academic disciplines study?

6. What does human speech communicate with?


Exercise II. Put 6-8 more questions to the text.

Exercise III. Give Russian\ Kazakh equivalents for:

To be vocalized, to be based upon, to be drawn, to be created, to be able to, a gestural form of human, sign language, in addition to, in the form of monologue, to be researched, human brain, to communicate with.


Exercise IV. Make up sentences of your own with the expressions above.

Exercise V. Find in the text English equivalents for:

человеческий язык, синтаксическая комбинация, каждое произносимое слово, ограничивается набором звук, вокальные спрсобности, способность петь, человеческая общительность, язык знаков, письменный язык, используется умственным процессом, речевое повторение, акустика, речевая патология, человеческий ум, общаться с кем-либо.


Exercise VI. Give nouns to the following verbs:

to combinate, to structure, to create, to speak, to gesture, to organize, to product, to repeat, to speculate.                                                 

                                                Text B

 Read and translate the text.

2019-12-29 274 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise II. Put 5 more questions to the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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