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Tax-deductible expenses; mixed expenses

2020-03-17 150 Обсуждений (0)
Tax-deductible expenses; mixed expenses 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

The basic principle of the determination of the profits is that all expenses associated with business operations are tax-deductible. If an expense can be regarded as commercially sound then its value is not of importance. However, the deductibility of certain business expenses is subject to restrictions. This concerns mixed expenses, which are business expenses with a private element. Non-deductible expenses include costs connected with pleasure craft used for entertainment purposes and fines.

The limitations on deductibility of expenses are more strict for companies with one or more natural persons holding a substantial interest in the company, who also work(s) for the company. Basically, a natural person has a substantial interest if he holds 5% or more (direct or indirect) of the share-capital of the company. In that case 10% of the company's costs in connection with food, drinks, tobacco, representation including receptions and entertainment, seminars, excursions etc., are not deductible. The company can opt for a fixed amount of NLG 3,200 per substantial interest holder, who also works for the company, to be treated as non-deductible.

The Corporation Tax Act gives an inexhaustive list of deductible and non-deductible expenses. The following expenses are always deductible:

· profit shares paid to directors and other staff as remuneration for employment;

· profit shares paid to creditors other than founders, shareholders or other persons entitled to shares in the corporation;

· profit shares paid in connection with licences, patents, etc., to persons other than founders, shareholders or persons otherwise entitled to shares in the corporation;

· profit shares paid by an insurance company to its policyholders;

· the costs of incorporation and of alterations in the capital.

In the Netherlands no thin capitalization rules exist. Since January 1997 limitations on the deductibility of intercompany interest expenses have been introduced in the Corporate Income Tax Act. The (interest) expenses on intercompany loans are not deductible in basically two types of situations:

(interest) expenses arising from indebtness in the shareholder/susidiary relation, e.g. in connection with dividends, reduction of capital and capital contributions. However, (interest) expenses remain deductible, if the tax payer can demonstrate that both the transaction and the loan were entered into for sound business reasons;

(interest) expenses related to artificial conversion of equity into debt within the group. However, expenses related to these schemes remain deductible, if the tax payer can demonstrate that either both the transaction and the loan were entered into for sound business reasons or that the interest paid is effectively subject to a reasonable level of profits tax in the hands of the recipient.

The following expenses are never deductible:

· profit distributions other than those specifically designated as deductible in the Corporation Tax Act (see above);

· corporation tax, dividend tax and tax on games of chance.



Certain reserves may be formed by making a deduction from the profits. In order to qualify for this deduction the business must keep regular annual accounts. Three reserves are legally permitted, which are the cost equalisation reserve, the replacement reserve and since January 1997 the reserve for financial risks for multinational companies.

The cost equalisation reserve enables recurrent costs to be spread uniformly over a period of time.

A replacement reserve may be created if fixed assets are lost, damaged, or sold, when the payment received exceeds the book value. To be eligible for this reserve there must be plans to replace or repair the assets. The reserve should generally be terminated in the fourth year following the year in which it was formed.

Under certain conditions a reserve may be formed for the special risks involved in operating as an international group. The risks aimed at concern financing and holding activities. One of the main conditions to qualify is that the financing activities must comprise financing of group companies in at least four countries or on two continents. In principle, the entity that forms the reserve may charge to this reserve 80% of its income derived from financing activities before tax. The tax inspector will grant the regime for ten years upon a request filed by the tax payer, in wich the tax payer states the relevant factual circumstances. The Dutch tax inspector can impose additional conditions.


Investment allowance

This scheme allows a certain percentage of the sum invested in fixed assets in a particular year to be deducted when calculating the taxable profits. Investments are divided into nine tranches, where the percentage of the allowance decreases with increase in investment. In 1999 the lowest tranche is applicable to investments between NLG 3,900 and NLG 65,000, and the highest tranche is applicable to investments between NLG 503,000 and NLG 566,000. The corresponding percentages are 27% and 3% respectively. Certain fixed assets are excluded from the investment allowance. If fixed assets for which an investment allowance was obtained in the past are sold within five years of being purchased then the investment allowance is withdrawn either wholly or in part.

Furthermore, there is an investment allowance in respect of investments in energy saving business assets, placed on an Energylist. For investments over NLG 3,900 up to NLG 65,000 the allowance is 52%. The percentage of the allowance declines as the amount of the investment increases. The maximum allowance is 40% of NLG 208 mln.


Education allowance

This scheme allows an additional percentage of the costs of education of employees to be deducted when calculating the taxable profits. The percentage of the allowance varies between 20% and 80%.


2020-03-17 150 Обсуждений (0)
Tax-deductible expenses; mixed expenses 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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