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Elements of Design. Scale

2015-11-10 671 Обсуждений (0)
Elements of Design. Scale 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

I. Study the following list of words.

English Phonetics Translation
length(n.) [lenθ] длина
width(n.) [widθ] ширина
depth(n.) [depθ] глубина
scale(n.) [‘skeil] масштаб
evoke(v.) [I’vəʊk] вызывать(воспоминания)
grandeur(n.) [‘grændʒə(r)] величина
ceiling(n.) [‘si:lin] потолок
plane(n.) [plæn] плоскость
alter(v.) [ælt] менять
inhabit(v.) [in’hæbit] населять
volume(n.) [‘vDlijʊ:m] объём
enclosure(n.) [in’kləʊʒə] приложение
frame(n.) [fleim] рамка
fabric(n.) [‘fæbrik] ткань


II. Before you read discuss this question:

What do you keep in mind when you speak of scale?


III. Reading tasks

A. Look for more details in the text to answer the questions below.

The size of an object can be measured by the length, width, and depth of its surfaces. We may refer to inches, feet, and yards; square footage; or cubic measurements to indicate volume. Most countries outside the United States and Great Britain use comparable metric measurements to indicate size. When comparing the relative size of two or more objects, we speak of scale.

Often we speak of comparing something to the human scale. Despite idiosyncratic differences among people, there is consensus about a recognizable, constant range of what we expect human size to be. Wemay describe an interior space that has a high-pitched ceiling as having a cathedral ceiling, evoking a sense of space and grandeur that is not on the human scale. Alternatively, we may describe an interior that uses a low ceiling plane as conveying a feeling of comfort for humans occupying that space.

The scale of furnishings, doorways, and windows may also be used to alter a viewer's perception of a space. A designer's strategic use of scale in the architectural elements and interior details may evoke different sensations, ranging from intimate to impersonal.

Scale often compares an object with the space it inhabits. When furnishings seem to fit appropriately in the volume of a space, we may not even be aware of scale as an issue. When the fit is poor, however, we may become unsettled by the disproportion in scale between a form and its enclosure.

Scale may be judged by eye or instinct based on our common expectations. If we are accustomed to sofas ranging in size from 54 to 84 inches, for example, a sofa outside that frame of reference in either direction may be described as small or large in scale. Patterns in fabrics may also be described as small- or large-scale, for instance, a floral pattern with a repeat of 2 inches versus one of 8 inches. Consider the example of a chair upholstered in a rose-patterned fabric that permitted only one rose to fit on the back of the chair; we would describe that pattern as large scale. Even a rose pattern with a repeat of 3 inches (similar in size to a real fully opened rose) would seem relatively large for use on a chair, especially a small-scale chair.

1. How can the size of an object be measured?

2. Do you often speak of comparing something to the human scale?

3. How can designers use scale in the architectural elements?

4. In what way does scale compare an object with the space in inhabits?

5. How may scale be judged by eye or instinct based on our common expectations?


B. Decide whether the following statements True(T) or False(F). If they are false say why.

1. The size of an object can be measured by the length, width, and depth of its surfaces.

2. We may refer to inches, feet, and yards, square footage to indicate size.

3. A designer’s use of scale in the architectural elements doesn’t evoke any sensations.

4. Scale can’t be judged by eye or instinct based on our common expectations.

5. Designers often rely on comparisons to human dimensions when demonstrating scale.


IV. Vocabulary tasks

A. Definitions

Match these terms with their definitions:


scale Measure of length, one – twelfth of a foot.
inch Measure of length, 12 inches unit of length 3 feet or 36 inches.
foot Amount of space(expressed in cubic metres, etc) occupied by a substance, liquid or gas.



V.Complete the sentences

1. The size of an object can be measured by …

2. The scale of furnishings, doorways, and windows may also be used …

3. Patterns in fabrics may also be described as small- or large-scale, for instance …

4. When furnishings seem to fit appropriately in the volume of a space, we may not even be aware of scale as an issue. When the fit is poor…

5. When comparing the relative size of two or more objects, we speak…


VI. Over to you

Scavenger Hunt-Innovations

Use any research technique or a combination of methods to develop a list of new products used to furnish interior spaces. These should be products that are not described in this text but rather those that are truly “not off the press”, so to speak. Feature at least one new product or application each for residential and for contract use, and a new appliance or fixture. Compile a summary of each, including a description and illustration. In your summary, consider the relationship of the product to such factors as aesthetics, green design, universal design, and life-cycle costs.

Your research method may involve visiting showrooms and manufacturing sites, project sites, and trade shows. You may also review catalogues, trade and shelter publications, articles, news briefs, and books. Web sites are other sources of useful information.


Unit 9.

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Elements of Design. Scale 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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