Discuss the following features bellow
2. Explain the meanings of the word phrases like hybrid system, local administration, approval parliament, regional assemblies, presidential election, presidential system. Kazakhstan Government Kazakhstan has a hybrid system of government that combines aspects of both parliamentary and presidential systems. The principle of independence and the political system were formulated in the first Constitution of Kazakhstan of January 1993, which was approved by referendum on 30 August 1995. Kazakhstan has a parliamentary system with a president as head of the State. Kazakhstan last presidential election was in January 2006 for a seven-year term. Kazakhstan president serves as commander-in-chief, sets foreign policy, can initiate legislation, and appoints Kazakhstan prime minister, subject to Parliamentary approval. Kazakhstan parliament is the supreme legislative body and consists of two chambers, the Senate (Upper House) and the Mazhilis (Lower House). The 47 members of Kazakhstan Senate are indirectly elected representatives of regional assemblies and appointees of Kazakhstan president. The Mazhilis is composed of 67 elected deputies. Kazakhstan parliament is elected for a four-year term.
Kazakhstan prime minister is the head of the executive branch of government and is appointed by Kazakhstan president, with the approval of Kazakhstan parliament. He chairs the Cabinet, which, as of January 2006, consists of three Deputy Prime Ministers, the Ministers of the 14 State Ministries and the 5 Chairmen of the State Agencies. The heads of the local administrations (Akims of 14 oblasts and 2 cities) are appointed by Kazakhstan president. Since December 1997, the capital of Kazakhstan has been Astana. From 1929 to 1997 the capital of Kazakhstan was the city of Almaty, founded in 1854. While-reading 3.After looking at the headline and the first paragraph, make up some questions you think this article might answer. 4. What kind of article is this? Why would somebody read this? For information? For pleasure or any other reasons? Post-reading 5. Find out information about executive authority in Kazakhstan and then in Great Britain and the USA and share with the class. 6.Make a report to your class on Government of Kazakhstan in comparison with the USA and Great Britain. Define similarities and peculiarities.
Part 1 Ask your partner about his or her attitude to the problems and prospects of political system of Kazakhstan and around the world: judicial branch, legislative power, executive authority and election system. Candidate A: Questions that may be addressed to the partner: 1. What countries have got perfect political system? 2. Can you name countries which have monarchy, theocracy, totalitarian regime? 3. What is the role of the political institutions in social life? What do they include? 4. How do you usually try to follow to political events in your country? 5. What are pros and cons of having democratic political way of development?
Candidate B: Questions that may be addressed to the partner: 1. What kind of information do you have about judicial branch in this state? 2. What is your advice for development of improving the judicial system? 3. Who execute judicial authority in Kazakhstan? 4. If you compare judicial branches of Great Britain, US or Kazakhstan, what is better? 5. Who is responsible for executive authority of the country? Part 2 Candidate A: Give your points of view on the role Parliament and Government for the improvement stable situation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. You may talk on: - the role of legislative power and executive authority in political system of Kazakhstan? - the possible problems, ways of solution on the given field - the level of transparency these subjects in the country - thesignificance of judicial branch in political system of the state - the ways of strengthening the requirements of Constitution
Candidate B: Give your points of view on election system and political parties of Kazakhstanners faceest sucessful ng processs. You may talk on: - the level of transparency of election procedures in Kazakhstan - theactivity of political parties in the state - thetypes of parties which take place in political arena of Great Britain, US and Kazakhstan - the ways to develop the political consciousness of the civilians - the specific features of Kazakhstan election system
Part 3 Share your points of view on the following topic. Role play: Imagine that you are going to be an akim of a town who will decide how a large sum of money that was given him to spend on new issues. Create a dialogue and youshould discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a list of possible new resources for your town and try to come to a decision about the importance of the items. You should try to choose priorities. If it is too difficult for you to order them all, choose the top three. Prepare a list of items. Example list:
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