III. Group the words according to a particular type of morphemic distribution
Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of language units. The role of F. de Saussure and I. A. Beaudoin de Courtenay in the development of linguistic theory. The notion of synchrony and diachrony.
____ Seminar 2 PART I: MORPHEMIC STRUCTURE OF THE WORD ____________________
EXERCISES I. Do the morphemic analysis of the words on the lines of the traditional and distributional classifications.
MODEL: Do the morphemic analysis of the word “inseparable”. On the lines of the traditional classification the word “inseparable” is treated as a three-morpheme word consisting of the root morpheme “-separ-”, the prefix “in-” and the lexical suffix “-able”. On the lines of the distributional analysis the root “-separ-” is a bound, overt, continuous, additive morpheme; the prefix “in-” is a bound, overt, continuous, additive morpheme; the suffix “-able” is a bound, overt, continuous, additive morpheme.
a) unmistakably, children’s (books), disfigured, underspecified, surroundings, presume, kingdom, brotherhood, plentiful, imperishable, unprecedented, oxen, embodiment, outlandish; b) hammer, students’ (papers), sing–sang–singing–singer, really, proficient–deficient–efficient, gooseberry, unreproved, incomparable; c) quiet, perceptions, wheaterina, bell, unbelievably, glassy, uncommunicative, inexplicable, infamy, strenuousness; d) inconceivable, prefigurations, southernism, semidarkness, adventuresses, insurmountable, susceptibility, ineptitude, unfathomable, insufficiency, to prejudge, cranberry.
II. Define the type of the morphemic distribution according to which the given words are grouped.
MODEL: insensible–incapable The morphs “-ible” and “-able” are in complementary distribution, as they have the same meaning but are different in their form which is explained by their different environments.
a) impeccable, indelicate, illiterate, irrelevant; b) undisputable, indisputable; c) published, rimmed; d) seams, seamless, seamy.
III. Group the words according to a particular type of morphemic distribution.
MODEL: worked–bells–tells–fells–telling–spells–spelled–spelt–felled–bell spells–spelled: the allomorphs “-s” and “-ed” are in contrastive distribution (=fells–felled); bell–bells: the allomorph “-s” and zero allomorph are in contrastive distribution; spelt–spelled: the allomorphs “-t” and “-ed” are in non-contrastive distribution; worked–spelled: the allomorphs “-ed [t]” and “-ed [d]” are in complementary distribution, etc.
a) burning–burns–burned–burnt; b) dig–digs–digging–digged–dug–digger; c) light–lit–lighted–lighting–lighter; d) worked–working–worker–workable–workaholic.
IV. Group the words according to a particular type of morphemic distribution:
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