VI. Внимательно прочитайте текст. К каждому абзацу подберите наиболее подходящий заголовок (A-Н). Один заголовок лишний
26. If you want your message to come across loud and clear, don't mutter or mumble. And wait until the call is over before you light a cigarette, sip some coffee or take a bite out of a sandwich. 27. Conversation is a two-way process, so make sure you give your caller a chance to have their say and try not to interrupt while they're speaking. Remember to ask questions as well as answering them, and try to show real interest in what your caller says. 28. If you have a flat, monotonous voice, you may give the impression that you are bored by what your caller is saying. Worse still, you may come across as a boring person! Put some colour in your voice and you will sound more interested, lively and enthusiastic. 29. Ignore those papers lying on your desk and don't be tempted to flick through the newspaper, however intriguing the headlines. Your caller will be able to tell if you're distracted and you will be considered rude. Just concentrate on one thing at a time. 30. What if you pick up the phone and realise that the caller is the last person on earth you want to speak to? Just try smiling! There's scientific evidence that the act of smiling actually makes you feel better! So by making yourself look cheerful, you will come over in a more friendly way, and you may well find the conversation goes better than expected. 31. You may need to look some information up or perhaps the doorbell will go just at that point. Instead of making the other person wait - suggest you ring them back. 32. If you have a tricky situation to deal with, an immediate phone call could be the best way to sort things out. The telephone gives you instant communication. So, don't delay - pick up that phone and deal with the problem promptly! 33. If you have an important call, keep a pen and paper nearby so you can jot down notes if necessary. Don't be afraid to double-check any points which aren't clear. It's also a good idea to summarise the things you think you've agreed before you hang up.
A. Don’t let you true feelings show. B. Don’t postpone difficult calls. C. Do try to avoid misunderstanding. D. Do speak with expression. E. Do speak as clearly as possible. F. Do give the call your full attention. G. Do establish good communication. H. Do plan what you are going to say. I. Don’t keep your caller hanging on.
VII. Выберите правильный ответ 34. The ______ of the magazine was very conventional. a) outline b) scheme c) plan d) layout 35. We need to ______ and decide where we want to be in five years. a) look ahead b) look through c) stand down d) go by 36. The machine uses much less fuel than the previous one. It is far more ______ . a) sparing b) economic c) effective d) economical 37. After collecting all of the necessary information managers have to ______ the various actions they could take to sort out a problem. a) occur b) direct c) identify d) put 38. The purpose of job ______ programmes is to increase workers’ motivation. a) incident b) enrichment c) hygiene d) maintenance 39. The invoice still hasn’t been paid. It’s now two weeks ______ . a) updated b) outdated c) overdue d) overpriced 40. This company, like most other internationally-known fashion designers, has, for a long time, had problems with ______ selling poor quality merchandise. a) fashion b) counterfeiters c) copy-cat products d) fake goods 41. The frequency of ______ aircraft is related to inefficiency of medical assistance provided in flight. a) overbooking b) strike c) check in d) diversion 42. The best form of advertising is free ______ which occurs when satisfied customers recommend products to their friends. a) point-of-sale b) subliminal c) word-of-mouth d) hoarding VIII. В каждом предложении найдите одно слово с ошибкой в правописании. Напишите это слово правильно. 43. One adman presumably figured, if outragous advertising worked for the likes of Benetton, it could work to revive the image of the Volkswagen Golf. 44. Michael Bloomberg sindicates radio programming, publishes a consumer financial magazine and maintains a Web site that he says gets 45.000 visitors a day. 45. Mr. Humphries’ employers wanted him to confirm to the company’s new image of casual clothing such as T-shirts or sweat shirts and threatened to dismiss him if he didn’t accept their new dress code. 46. Footage from the film, supplied by Warner Brothers, is combined through use of extrordinary computer technology with footage of Ford Puma.
IX. Образуйте словосочетания, подобрав к каждому слову из колонки А одно подходящее слово из колонки B.
TEST 14 I. Выберите правильную форму (герундий или инфинитив): 1. I am sorry for behaving / to behave so badly. 2. Sorry, I didn’t mean sounding / to sound angry. 3. Our further investments want reconsidering / to reconsider. 4. Our Sales Director is very sociable. He likes meeting / to meet new people. 5. Could you take this message to Ann? I meant to let her have it this morning, but I forgot giving / to give it to her. II. Выберите правильную форму (причастие, герундий или инфинитив): 6. Inflation ______ by rising of prices brought decrease of people’s living standard. a) followed b) been followed c) following d) to being followed 7.I noticed the finance manager ______ with our chief accountant. a) spoke b) speaking c) having been spoken d) being spoken 8. The chief accountant is considered ______ annual report. a) to be completed b) is completing c) being completed d) to have completed 9. We believe it is worth ______ a programme to give students experience of working in commerce and industry. a) organizing b) to organize c) organize d) being organized 10. He made me ______ his instructions in order to understand everything. a) to repeat b) repeating c) repeat d) to be repeated 11. I’ve arranged with the senior manager ______ for the next month negotiations. a) the documents preparing b) preparing the documents c) prepare the documents d) the documents to be prepared III. Выберите правильный вариант, обращая внимание на подчеркнутое слово: 12. It is ______ to visit the department where the job will be based and to meet the potential colleagues. a) worth b) useless c) important d) no use 13. The idea was new for him and he ______ knowing anything about the plan. a) suggested b) denied c) imagined d) decided 14. In future we ______ to set up a number of different fund raising projects. a) suggest b) make c) hope d) postpone 15. After adopting the new regulations by EU we can’t ______ considering this issue any longer. a) let b) fail c) afford d) postpone 16. He couldn’t find a job in his native town, so I ______ his coming to New York. a) suggested b) intended c) postponed d) offered
IV. Выберите наиболее подходящий перевод следующих предложений (причастные и инфинитивные обороты): 17. European consumers being exposed to hundreds of commercial messages a day, ignore the vast majority of them. а) Европейские потребители, подвергнутые сотням коммерческим сообщениям в день… b) Поскольку европейские потребители подвергаются сотням коммерческих сообщений в день, они… c) Поскольку европейские потребители были подвергнуты сотням коммерческих сообщений в день, они… 18. The only conclusion for CEO to make was to restrict the influence of the Board. a) Единственный вывод, который мог сделать управляющий, это ограничить… b) Единственное ограничение для управляющего, это вывод, что… c) К единственному выводу мог придти только управляющий… 19. To anticipate a little, the deal gives the companies a drugs research and development budget more than twice the size of their closest rivals. a) Достаточно сказать, что сделка дает… b) Забегая несколько вперед, следует сказать, что сделка дает… c) Не стоит и говорить, что сделка дает… 20. The agreement having been concluded we solved a number of issues. a) После заключения соглашения мы решили ряд вопросов. b) Мы заключили соглашение и решили ряд вопросов. c) Если мы заключим соглашение, то решим ряд вопросов. 21. When growth stops or slows down the economy is said to be in recession. a) Когда рост останавливает или замедляет экономику, то происходит спад. b) Когда рост остановит или замедлит экономику, то говорят, что будет спад. c) Когда рост останавливается или замедляется, говорят, что в экономике наступает спад. 22. He was noticed discussing major problems of the project with Board of Directors members. a) Обсуждая основные вопросы, он заметил… b) Он отметил, что обсуждал основные проблемы… c) Заметили, что он обсуждал основные проблемы…
V. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов (a, b, c), который наиболее точно передает идею исходного предложения: 23. If he felt depressed, he would go for a long walk. a) Whenever he felt depressed, he would go for a long walk. b) In case he feels depressed, he went for a long walk. c) If it had been for the fact he felt depressed, he would have gone for a long walk. 24. I think mental job is preferable to physical. a) My friend would rather I did physical job than mental. b) I wish I could do a mental job. c) I would rather work mentally than physically. 25. He is the most likely person who succeeds in solving the problem. a) If anyone succeeds in solving the problem, it will probably be him. b) He wouldn’t be good in solving the problem if he didn’t succeed in it. c) Unless he succeeds in solving the problem he won’t be the best.
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