My Hobbies and Interests
▪ I enjoy horror movies and books. I love bowling, playing darts, watching ice hockey, swimming. As a kind of home entertainment I prefer my playstaion! I like dancing, being wined and dined, socializing with friends, going out. ▪ Who am I? Well, that's simple, I am keen on arts – music, theatre, museums and I also love to dance and keep myself fit. I like walking in the countryside where I do most of my thinking. ▪ I’m mad about all sports associated with water - sailing, diving, surfing. ▪ Snow skiing in the French Alps is a must annual holiday for me – I am ready to teach a 'first-timer'. I love cooking and entertaining. Going out to the theatre, ballet or opera is another sphere of my interests. ▪ I love socializing, going out for meals, drinking, travelling, or quiet nights in with a good film snuggled up on the couch - preferably not on my own. ▪ My interests are cultivation of flowers, talking over the phone and swimming. ▪ I’m crazy about shopping, fashion, design of wear. ▪ There are many things I would like to deal with. I like reading and watching good films, as well as opera and jazz. I am extremely fond of dancing, painting and art. I like acute senses and beauty of nature, communication and travelling. ▪ I’m interested in cooking, reading and travelling very much. I have visited already some countries, but I hope to visit much more. I adore cars and driving, long walks with my friend and of course, music. ▪ I’m keen on driving. I go to fitness-club and study foreign languages. ▪ I am fond of reading books, sport, travelling. I speak English not very good but I try to do my best. ▪ I love to go to the movies, theatres, concerts, art museums. I enjoy nature and hiking, travelling, sport. I like moonlight walks, candle light dinners. ▪ I like new meetings, wild nature walking, dancing. I like fashion, arts, design, movie, cooking, sports, learning something new. I enjoy Life. ▪ I like lots of things - I like to socialize as it helps me to understand life and other people better, I like travelling as it broadens my outlook, I like people, animals, different types of music, cinema, theatre, watching sporting events. I love spending time with small children and I'm interested in psychology. ▪ I go in for sports (jogging, mountain climbing, shooting), learn languages, love to explore culture and history of other countries, good literature, movies, rock’n’roll, blues. I like all kinds of outdoors. ▪ I am interested in literature, music, sport. I like aeroplanes, sports cars. I like to ride very much. Horses are my real passion! TEXT 6. Read and translate the text. Speak about your working day.
My Working Day I am sure that every person prefers weekends to working days, but they are inevitable in our life. I have my working days from Monday to Friday. And they are practically the same. But in my opinion, everything depends on the person, so I do my best to make them more interesting. My working day starts like this. I usually get up at 7 o’clock. Though I am not a lazy-bone, in autumn and winter it is always difficult for me to wake up early. I hate cold that's why I try to stay in bed as long as possible. Sometimes I lie for a while deciding whether to pretend being fatally ill, but then I give up this idea because only little children practice it and besides, this trick usually doesn't work. But in spring and summer I usually feel full of energy. I think it wouldn't be fair to say that I do my morning exercises regularly. I have a shower, get dressed and brush my hair. Then I go to the kitchen. My mother is an early-bird and I know that breakfast is already on the table. A cup of tea, some ham or cheese sandwiches are enough for me to be full. After breakfast I snatch my bag. Frankly speaking I find my habit of packing the bag in the morning quite irritating, because I always leave something important at home, but I can't make myself do it in the evening. And then I rush for university. Unfortunately I live far from the university. It takes me about forty minutes to get there. Our classes start at 8.30. Usually we have 3 or 4 periods a day and 15-minute breaks between them. And we are lucky to have a large break in the middle of the day which lasts half an hour. During this break we go to the canteen to have a snack. When I don't manage to do all my homework at home the large break is mainly the time when I have an opportunity to finish it. At 15.30 when my classes are over I stay at the university to play volleyball. Our university administration arranged some extra-class activities like concerts, debate clubs and sports competitions. Honestly I’m not an active participant, but I take part in them from time to time. Usually I am back home later than 5 o'clock. On my way home I go to the baker's to buy some bread, biscuits and cakes. In the evenings I am busy doing my homework. At about eight o'clock we usually have supper. I should mention that it is the only time when we can see each other and talk about different things. We share the news and discuss our plans. When late evening comes and I have some free time left, which happens very seldom, I go for a walk with my friends. I rarely sit in front of the TV set, as I prefer meeting friends to watching TV. Besides I'm keen on music. Listening to music makes me feel relaxed. Sometimes it even helps me to do my homework. I am in the habit of doing two things together, for instance, listening to music and at the same time reading a book or writing a composition. At about 11.30 I usually have a bath and then I go to bed. I usually fall asleep at midnight. Generally I try to plan my working day. I think it helps not to waste time and do all the things at a time. And I'd like to say I'm happy to live a busy life. When you are busy life doesn't seem to be boring.
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