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Ex.21. Translate the conversation and act it out with your partner

2015-12-15 599 Обсуждений (0)
Ex.21. Translate the conversation and act it out with your partner 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

A.: Здравствуйте, это отдел кадров, чем могу помочь?

В.: Здравствуйте, могу я поговорить с Джеймсом Гудвилом?

А.: А кто его спрашивает?

В.: Меня зовут Майкл Маккинли. Я представитель корпорации «Форд».

А.: Боюсь, его сейчас нет в офисе. Вы не могли бы перезвонить позже? Он

вернется через час.

В.: А вы не могли бы передать ему, что я звонил. Попросите его позвонить

мне, как только он придет, это срочно.

А.: Конечно, можно я запишу ваш номер?

В.: 961 – 322 – 16.

А.: Давайте, я вам прочитаю номер: 961 – 322 – 16. Правильно?

В.: Да, спасибо.

А.: До свиданья.

В.: До свиданья, спасибо за помощь.


Ex.22. Role play.

1.You are at your local airport, but you have left your passport on your desk. Phone your colleague to explain the problem and ask him/her to bring your passport to the airport as soon as possible.

Points to consider:

Flight - departs in 4 hours

Where to meet - Check-in desk 5, Terminal 1

Where your passport is – next to your computer


2.You are going to travel to London for a meeting next week and you want to book a hotel room. Phone the hotel Holiday Inn to make a reservation. Pay by credit card.

Points to consider:

Number of nights – 2

Room – standard single, non-smoking

Credit card details – number 2356 981 7856 0853, expiry date - August 17, 2016


3.You bought a lap-top computer from an on-line retailer, but when it was delivered it was faulty. After receiving no response to your emails, call the company to discuss the situation.

Points to consider:

Express your dissatisfaction

Explain nature of problem

Demand refund

Ex.23. Read the text.

One of the most important skills anyone can hold in daily life is the ability to negotiate. In general terms, a negotiation is a resolution of conflict. We enter negotiations in order to start or continue a relationship and resolve an issue. In the world of business, negotiating skills are used for a variety of reasons, such as to negotiate a salary or a promotion, to secure a sale, or to form a new partnership. As they often say in business, everything is negotiable. Here are a few examples of different types of negotiations in the business world:

  • Manager and Clerk: Negotiating a promotion
  • Employer and Potential Employee: Negotiating job benefits
  • Business Partner A and B: Making decisions about investments
  • Company A and Company B: Negotiating a merger
  • Customer and Client: Making a Sale

Preparing to Negotiate

Lack of preparation in a negotiation almost always sets a person up for failure. First and foremost, each party must clearly define their own goals and objectives. Secondly, each party must anticipate the goals of the opposition. This may require doing some background research. Finally, each party must come up with various alternatives to their main objectives.

Here are some preparatory questions to ask yourself before beginning talks with the other party:

  • What is my main objective?
  • What are all of the alternatives I can think of?
  • Why do I deserve to have my goals met?
  • What will my opponent's counterproposal likely consist of?
  • How can I respond to this counterproposal?
  • When would I like to have this issue resolved?
  • What is my bottom-line?
  • What market research/homework do I need to do to back up my cause?
  • What is my bargaining power compared to my opponent's?
  • What do I know about the principles of negotiating?

Ex.24. Find in the text words with the following meaning. Write them out.

1. to think of something that will or might happen in the future

2. a choice or option

3. to discuss something formally in order to make an agreement

4. the act of combining two or more businesses into one business

5. to find an answer or a solution to something, to settle or solve something

6. something that people are talking about, thinking about; an important subject or topic

7. lack of success

8. able to be discussed and changed before an agreement or a decision is made

9. a person or group taking one side of a question, dispute or contest

10.the final result or outcome, the most important thing to consider

11.something bought or sold at a good price; an agreement in which people or groups say they will give or do something in exchange for something else

12.a return proposal made by one who has rejected a proposal


Ex.25. Translate the sentences using the words in the box.

to negotiate negotiable to resolve to anticipate alternative merger issue party failure counterproposal bottom-line bargain

1. Обе стороны конфликта подписали соглашение.

2. Для того, чтобы разрешить проблему, необходимо провести переговоры со всеми сторонами, заинтересованными в слиянии компаний.

3. Каждая сторона, участвующая переговорах, должна четко определить свои главные цели и альтернативу им, если будет невозможно их достичь.

4. Чтобы избежать провала на переговорах, необходимо к ним заранее хорошо подготовиться.

5. Цены поднялись выше, чем ожидало правительство.

6. На переговорах противоположная сторона вышла со встречным предложением. Их оппоненты приняли его. Это была по-настоящему выгодная сделка.

7. Каков окончательный итог переговоров? Был ли решен основной вопрос?


2015-12-15 599 Обсуждений (0)
Ex.21. Translate the conversation and act it out with your partner 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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