Переведите следующие предложения . Определите функцию причастия II в предложении
1.The house built in this street is eight storeys high. 2. The question discussed at the last meeting is of great importance for our Institute. 3. The book found by the students belongs to our teacher. 4. You have to repair the broken parts of that engine. 5. The part broken by you should be repaired at once. 6. The method of work improved by this worker will increase the output of our plant. 7. The method used depended upon the material selected. 8. The techniques applied must be discussed once more. 9. The results obtained are very good. 10. The substance heated changed its properties. 11. The results of the experiment achieved in the lab must be checked once more. 12. Unless discussed, this new method must not be used. 13. Ice melts when heated. 14. If frozen water becomes ice. 15. When translated, the instructions became perfectly understood. 16. When asked the student answered that he knew the rule very well. 17. This book is much spoken about. 18. When we came to the theatre the performance had already begun .19. My pencil is broken. Причастные обороты
1. Определите форму и функцию причастия в следующих предложениях. Переведите их на русский язык: This is the book so much spoken about. 2. Having realized that she had missed the train the woman began to walk slowly. 3. The method followed by our scientists was not simple. 4, She was walking slowly stopping sometimes to have a short rest. 5. Having found no one at home he went to his neighbours. 6. We came up to the crying girl to ask where her mother was. 7. Being shown this document he said that it belonged to the fifth century of our era. 8. The films being shown are of American production. 9. Having written the translation, I gave it to the teacher. 10. Having been typed the report was handed to the engineer. 11. The house being built in our street will soon be ready. 12. Having been delivered by a famous scientist the lecture was listened to with great attention. 13. They sent the letter to the address mentioned. 14. They showed us a list of goods sold. 15.The small room was a bedroom seldom slept in. 16. The figures referred to by the author were taken from the account of the commission. 17. The decision arrived at was to everyone’s satisfaction. 18. We passed by a small hotel seldom put up at. 2. Переведите следующие предложения. Сравните их: 1.We repaired our room ourselves. We had our room repaired last month. 2. She makes her dresses herself. She has her dresses made here. 3. The workers papered the room. We had our room papered. 4. I want to wash my car. I want (to have) my car washed by Friday. 5. We’ve had our car repaired. We’re having our car repaired now. We’ll have our car repaired in a week. We had our car repaired last week. 3. Переведите на русский язык. Определите время и залог: a) 1. My task having been finished I went to bed. 2. Peter being away, Alexander had to do his work. 3. It being very stormy, they stayed at home. 6. The preparations being completed, they began to climb up the mountains. 7. The moon being bright everything was clearly visible. 8. The game having ended, the crowd went home. 9. It was dark, the sun having set an hour before. 10. The concert being over everyone went away. 12. My brother having taken the key, I could not enter the house. 13. Dinner being over, we went into the garden. 14. The letter having been delayed, the news reached us late. 15. The key having been lost, they couldn’t enter the college. 16. The weather being fine, all the windows were opened. 17. The play being very popular, it was difficult to get tickets. 18. Being an experienced pilot, he brought the plane safely to the airport. 19. Being very busy, she only gave them some instructions and left the laboratory. б) В оборотах, выражающих обстоятельство времени Причастие I от глагола to be – being не употребляется. Так русское предложение: «Будучи в Москве, я посетил много музеев», надо перевести: While in Moscow (while I was in Moscow) I visited many museums. While a boy I liked to play football. Будучи мальчиком, я любил играть в футбол. 4.Переведите следующие предложения: 1. When a child, he never thought he would be the captain of an ocean liner. 2. When in Paris he had to share a room with another art student. 3. When still a student, he read a lot to know much about Great Britain. 5.Замените придаточные предложения причастиями или причастными оборотами и переведите на русский язык: 1. While we were crossing the bridge, we saw Mike, who was talking with an old man. 2. As we were very tired we refused to go for a walk. 3. As the boys had climbed the mountains the summer before, they understood the difficulties. 4. At the conference which is now being held in Moscow, a number of important scientific problems are being discussed. 5. When he crossed the bridge, he saw a small village, which was situated at the foot of a hill. 6. I’ll show you the article, which has been written by my brother. 7. As he had been taught English by a good teacher he knew English well. 8. The moon was invisible as it was hidden by a cloud. 6. Переведите на русский язык: 1. He found the two offices sitting at a table with his notebook in front of them. 2. I heard him being assured that he was wrong. 3. He had his blood pressure checked. 4. You will probably find your sister grown. 5. I consider myself engaged to him. 6. They want it done quickly. 7. They had their window broken yesterday. 8. He’s got his car repaired. 9. Why don’t you have your hair waved? 10. They were heard talking about it. 11. The child was seen descending the hill. 12. The traveller could see his wife looking at him. 13. It being dark, we switched on the light. 14. The train having stopped, we could continue our way. 15. The weather being favourable, we shall start on a skiing trip. 16. The text was not very difficult, many words having been learnt before. 17. The project finished, I submitted it to the Commission. 18. The conditions of the work improved, we could continue our experiments. 19. The research work fulfilled, we decided to publish the results/ 20. My friends living far, I seldom see them. 21. There being no vacant seats, I had to stand during the lecture. 22. There being nothing to do, we went for a walk. 23. We had a good time during the holidays, the weather being fine all the time. 24. The signal given, the train started. Герундий Герундий – неличная форма, в которой сочетаются свойства существительного (может быть подлежащим, прямым дополнением, определением, может употребляться с предлогом, иметь определение, выраженное существительным в притяжательном падеже или притяжательным местоимением) и глагола (может иметь прямое дополнение, определяться наречием, иметь формы времени и залога).
Обратите внимание на перевод герундия в зависимости от формы: 1 I am fond of reading. Я люблю читать. 2. I am not fond of being read to. Я не люблю, когда мне читают. 3.I remember having read the book. Я помню, что читал эту книгу. I remember having been read the letter. Я помню, что мне читали это письмо. Формы герундия совпадают с формами причастия I. В русском языке нет форм, соответствующих формам герундия, поэтому в зависимости от функции, которую герундий выполняет в предложении, он может переводиться на русский язык: 1) существительным; 2) инфинитивом; 3) деепричастием; 4) целым придаточным предложением; 5) глаголом в личной форме. Swimming is a good exercise. Плавание–хорошее физическое упражнение. He likes inviting his friends to his house. Он любит приглашать своих друзей к себе. After concluding the contract, they left Moscow. Заключив контракт, они уехали из Москвы. Instead of meeting them himself he asked his Вместо того, чтобы встретить их самому, он friend to do it. попросил друга сделать это. I don’t remember having read it before. Я не помню, чтобы читал это раньше (предшествующее действие). He likes being invited by his friends. Он любит, когда его приглашают друзья. I remember having been shown this book before. Я помню, что мне показывали эту книгу раньше. She reproached herself for having said it. Она упрекала себя за то, что сказала это. Функции герундия в предложении.
Обратите внимание на то, что после одних глаголов в качестве дополнения употребляется только инфинитив, после других – как инфинитив, так и герундий, после третьих – только герундий. так, например, после глаголов to want, to decide может стоять только инфинитив; после глаголов to begin, to start, to continue, to intend, to like, to prefer, to hate – как инфинитив, так и герундий, а после таких глаголов как to go on, to give up, to enjoy, to excuse, to finish, to forgive, to keep (continue), to mind, to stop (прекращать, переставать) только герундий. He stopped smoking. – Он перестал курить в отличие от: He stopped to smoke. – Он остановился, чтобы покурить. Упражнения 1.Определите форму и функцию герундия в следующих предложениях. Переведите их на русский язык: 1. He finished speaking and sat down. 2. Stop arguing and start working. 3. The children prefer watching TV to reading. 4. Walking is very useful. 5. I had no hope of meeting her here. 6. On seeing her parents the girl laughed. 7. He is thinking of leaving his job and going to America. 8. Did you hear of John’s having been sent abroad? 9. She is looking forward to reading a new book. 10. I don’t enjoy going to the doctors. 11. Grammar is the art of speaking, reading and writing. 12. I prefer going there by air. 13. I remember having seen this film. 14. He likes listening to music. 15. Learning rules without examples is useless. 16. I remember having been shown your project. 17. He likes being listened to. 18. She doesn’t like being asked about it. 19. His way of reciting poems is very expressive. 20. You must prepare your lessons before going to the cinema. 21. I remember reading this book in my childhood. 22. Everybody suddenly stopped smiling. 23. To know English well means studying hard. 24. Ring me up before going to the Institute. 25. He failed entering the Institute. 26. Are you fond of playing chess? 27. Reading is a necessary part of our studies. 28. This student is greatly interested in collecting scientific books. 2.Допишите следующие предложения, употребляя герундий. Переведите их на русский язык: 1. I am tired of … . 2. He left the room without … . 3. At last we succeeded in … . 4. I gave up ….5. He went to the club instead of … . 6. He read the newspaper before … . 7. He has no intention of … . 8. He started … . 9. She enjoys … . 10. Have you finished … . 11. She is very fond of … . 12. Have you finished … . 13. I am proud of … . 14. When I entered the room, the children stopped … . 15. I ought to apologize for … . 16. He began his working day by … . 17. There is no possibility of … . 18. I had my breakfast before … . 19. Last year he spent much time in … . 20. He has begun … . 21. Thank you for … . 22. They have no intention of … . 23. He stopped … . 3.Поставьте глагол, заключенный в скобки, в форме герундия с соответствующим предлогом: 1. I have no intention … (to stay) here any longer. 2. She insisted … (to help) me. 3. Are you fond … (to play chess)? 4. He has had very much experience … (to teach). 5. There is no possibility … (to find ) his address. 6. There is little chance … (to see) her today. 7. We have the pleasure … (to send) you our catalogues. 8. I think … (to go) to the south in summer. 9. He is afraid … (to catch) cold. 10. I’m proud … (to have) such a son. 11. The rain prevented me … (to come). 12. He is engaged … (to write) a book. 13. They had much difficulty … (to find) the house. Герундиальный оборот Герундий в сочетании с существительным в общем или притяжательном падеже или местоимением в притяжательном или объектном падеже образует герундиальный оборот, выполняющий функцию сложного подлежащего, дополнения, определения или обстоятельства. Такие герундиальные обороты переводятся на русский язык придаточным предложением со словами: то, что; что; о том, что. Thank you for your answering my letter. – Спасибо за то, что вы ответили на мое письмо. There was no hope of our getting the tickets – Не было надежды, что мы получим билеты. He insisted on my returning soon. – Он настаивал на том, чтобы я вернулся скоро. Упражнения 1.Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод герундия на русский язык: 1.His being sent to London was quite unexpected to us. 2. I like your being attentive in class. 3. I didn’t know of your having been so deeply impressed by my words. 4. Excuse my interrupting you. 5. He doesn’t like being interrupted. 6.After returning to Moscow he resumed his work. 7. Upon passing his examinations, he was accepted to the Academy. 8. He solved the problem by inventing a new kind of plastic. 9. You won’t get any idea of his progress without comparing the results of the tests. 10. He left the room without saying good-bye. 11. The professor insisted on our comparing the results of the experiments. 12. His illness prevented us from arranging the exhibition. 13. I’m surprised at your having exhibited such a picture. 14. I was afraid of my watch being slow. 15. Do you mind my keeping book till Monday? 16. I heard of your friend’s having accepted our offer. 17. I knew nothing of your having made the report. 18. His asking for help entirely changes the situation. 19. His having taken part in this discussion surprised us greatly. 20. I heard of your friend’s going abroad. 2.Используйте сложные герундиальные обороты в придаточных предложениях по образцу: Например: He wrote that he would arrive soon. - He wrote of his arriving soon. 1. Speak to me before you go home. 2. He insists that he should accept the invitation (to insist on). 3. You must translate the article after you review grammar and vocabulary. 4. Excuse me? I am late (for). 5. We are sure that he has passed the examinations successfully. 6. Do you mind if I take the book? 7. He didn’t know that they had invited us to the party. 8. I was afraid that you would be late. 9. We were sure that the exhibition was a success.
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