Задание 14.7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Past Perfect
1. I was very sorry to hear that he (to leave). 2. When we got to the University, the lecture (to start already). 3. When he came home after work, the family (to start watching TV). 4. He didn’t return to his work until he (to spend all his money). 5. When I met her I understood why David (to refuse to marry her). 6. I didn’t know what to do when I understood that I (to leave my purse at home). 7. He didn’t start whaching TV until he (to walk his dog). 8. She managed to grasp the main idea of the article only after she (to read it twice) 9. She was tired because she (to walk too much) 10. They never started eating until they (to wash their hands). 11. We didn’t meet Lucy because she (to go away the day before). 12. By the end of that year we (to forget our quarrels). 13. Betty didn’t speak until everyone (to stop chattering). 14. They suddenly remembered that they (not to send the parcel to its owner). 15. She returned to the hotel after she (to visit her old friend). 16. He didn’t get anything until he (to pay for it).
Задание 14.8. Раскройте скобки, употребив Past Perfect или Past Indefinite (Simple).
A. 1. He (to sit) in the park until the light (to fade). 2. He (to remember) so well that house, where he (to spend) his youth and first (to meet) Mabel! 3. When he (to rush) into the room he (to see) at once that she (to burn) the letter which he (to hope) so mach to read. 4. As soon as he (to understand) it he (to quiet) down. 5. David (to look up) at his friend and (to see) that he jast (to get) some bad news. 6. ‘Why you (to go) there before I (to come)?’ he asked. You (to promise) to wait for me.’ 7. After the sun (to rise), they (to start) walking slowly towards the lake. 8. What (to happen) here before I (to come)? She asked. Nick (to explain) that he (to want) to play with the dog and they (to break) the vase. After he (to try) to clean the carpet he (to decide) to tell the truth. 9. She (not to remember) the place. Bit suddenly it all (to come back) to her: how they (to be afraid of) their teachers, how they (to quarrel), how they (to share) theur secrets… 10. There (to be) a rule in their house. They never (to start) eating and even (not to sit down) at the table until everyone who (to be able) to do so (to gather) in the dining-room.
B 1. Somebody … (to come) to me last year to have his portrait done. I never (to see) him before, and never (to hear) anything about about him at the time. He (to offer) an extravagant price. I (to refuse) him. There (to be) something in the shape of his fingers that I (to hate). (O. Wilde) 2. It (to be) Spiro who, on discovering that our money yet (not to arrive) from England, (to subside) us, and (to take) it upon himself to go and speak to the bank manager about his lack of organisation. (G. Durrel) 3. The official (to hand) our passports back to Mother, (to bow) and (to leave) us to our gloom. Some moments later Mother, (to glance) at the form the official (to fill in) and (to fill in) and (to stiffen). (G. Durrel)
Задание 14.9. Переведите на английский.
1. После того как вечер закончился и гости разошлись, усталые хозяева приступили к уборке. 2. Не успел я начать подготовку к экзамену, как выяснилось, что формулировки вопросов изменились. 3. Мы не приступали к работе, пока не выяснили все подробности. 4. К началу июня все было готово к переезду. Новый дом был гораздо просторнее и удобнее того, в котором мы жили раньше. Мы закончили переезд к десятому июня и позвали гостей на новоселье. 5. Когда я приехал в город, Дэвид уже уехал в Лондон. Я столь многого ожидал от разговора с ним! 6. Джейн была не голодна, так как она только что позавтракала. 7. Этот режиссер получил приз после того, как снял свой лучший фильм. 8. Не успела эта семья снять дом, как начала искать новый из-за причуд старшего брата. 9. До того как поселиться в нашем городе, он долго путешествовал. Он побывал во многих городах и странах. 10. Наш город был маленьким. После того, как к нам приехала новая семья, все захотели познакомиться с ними. .
Задание 14.10.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён: Present, Past, Future (Simple); Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect. 1. Mike (to eat) ice cream every day. Look, he (to eat) ice cream now. When I (to see) him in the morning,he(to eat)ice cream,too. He (to stay) he (to eatone ice cream already by that time. I think he (to fall) ill if he (to eat) so much ice cream. 2. They (to walk) along the street and (to talk). Suddenly Nick (to stop) and (to say): ”Oh, what shall we do? I (to lose) the key to the door.” If you (not to find) it, ”said Pete,” we (to have) to wait for mother in the street.” 3.When I (to come) to the station yesterday, I (to learn) that my train already (to leave). 4. What he (to do) when you (to see) him yesterday? 5. I (to give) you this book as soon as I (to finish) reading it. 6. When the ship (to cross) the ocean, a great storm (to break) out.
Задание 14.11. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён: Present, Past, Future (Simple); Present, Past Continuouns; Present, Past Perfect.
It was eight o’clock in thr morning and time for me to go to work. I (to look) out of the window. It (to rain) hard. “You (to get) wet through if you (to go) out now,” said my mother. “No, I… ,; I answered, “ I(to take) an umbrella.” We (to have) five umbrellas in the house, but when I when I (to want) to take one, I (to find) that there (to be) not one that I could use: they all (to be) torn or broken. So I (to take) them all and (to carry) them to the umbrella maker, saying that I would call for the umbrellas on my way home in the evening. When I (to go) to have lunch in the afternoon, it still (to rain) very hard. I (to go) to the nearest café, and (to sit) down at a table. A few minutes later a younh woman (to come) in and (to sit) down at the same table with me. When I (to finish) my lunch and (to be) ready to leave. I absentmindedly (to take) her umbrella and (to start) for the exit. She (to stop) me saying that I (to take) her umbrella. I (to return) the umbrella witch many apologies. In the evening I (to go) to the umbrella maker, (to take) my five umbrellas and (to get) on the tram to go home. It so happened that the woman I (to meet) at the café (to ride) in the same tram. When she (to see) me with my five umbrellas, she (to say): “You (to have) a successful day today, (to have not) you?”
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