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Answer the following questions.

2019-08-13 452 Обсуждений (0)
Answer the following questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Is having meals an important part of human life? Why?

2. What does a full breakfast commonly begin with?

3. What kind of meat and vegetables are normally eaten for lunch?                                                                

4. What is a) afternoon tea? b) supper?

5. What are the best places to eat well and cheaply in Britain?

6. Why is it hard to answer the question ‘What is American food’?

7. What is the favourite meat in North America?

8. What is a) ‘brunch’? b) a ‘pot luck’ dinner?

9. What did the first fast-food restaurants serve?

10. What is the traditional British fast-food meal?

12. What is a drive-in section in a fast-food restaurant in the USA?

13. What does the size of the tip depend on?

14. What is a ‘doggy-bag’?

15. What is convenience food?






Preparing Food


Types of Food Appliances and Utensils What People Do
Meat and poultry bacon, beef, chicken,    duck, goose, ham, lamb, liver, sausage, mutton, pork, rabbit, turkey, veal, venison Fish and seafood caviar, cod, herring, lobster, oyster, salmon, shrimps, sole, squid, trout, tuna  Vegetables asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, lettuce, onion, pumpkin, spinach cooker food slicer frying pan grinder ladle microwave mincer oven pan   bake dress chop fry heat mince mix peel roast simmer stew slice stir strip stuff

Eating and Drinking

Things to Eat Qualities and Effects of Food Instruments What People Do Place
beefsteak chop clear soup cream dumplings pancakes pastry pickles pie porridge potatoes soup sour-cream   bitter delicious disgusting dry flavourless fresh greasy insipid medium nourishing rare raw savoury sour spicy stale sweet tender tough well-done   cup fork glass knife mug plate saucer spoon       bite chew cut gulp pour sip spread swallow taste   cafeteria   (fast-food) restaurant   coffee shop    

At the Restaurant

People What They Do Menu
customer     waiter waitress call a waiter choose smth make an order pay the bill give a tip write a complaint   lay the table take an order serve bring in (the dishes) bring the bill get a tip starters soups main courses desserts beverages wines

Additional Vocabulary: to be (get) hungry; to be thirsty; to get smth ready; to have a bite; to have a snack; to have a substantial meal; to reserve a table;

the baker’s (bakery); the butcher’s; a cookery-book; convenience food; cuisine; the dairy’s (dairy); the fishmonger’s; garnish; a head of cabbage; home-made food; junk food; a loaf ofbread; a lump of sugar; a piece ofcake; a slice of lemon; a soft drink; a three-course dinner.

Mind the preposition: to eat with a fork (spoon, knife); to go out for a meal; to help oneself to smth; to lay the table for two; to make dishes from scratch; to run out of smth; to take milk in one’s tea (coffee); to taste of smth (coffee, fish, etc); to treat smb to smth;

a recipe for a dish; for the main course (dessert); on the menu; to one’s taste (liking).


                           VOCABULARY PRACTICE

Underline the correct word (word-combination) after checking with the dictionary.

1. A set of instructions for making something from various ingredients is – a prescription - a receipt – a recipe.

2. A small sum given for a service is – a bonus – a gift – a tip.

3. A product or dish of a special kind or of special excellence is fast food – a specialty – a take-away.

4. A non-alcoholic drink is– a soft drink – a starter.

5. The part of a meal served at one time is – a beverage – a course.

6. Edged or cutting tools like forks and knives are – crockery – cutlery – glassware.

7. Mass of indefinite size and shape is – a lump – a piecea slice.

8. A thick creamy dessert is - pizza – pudding – porridge.

9. A long-handled spoon used for taking up and conveying liquids is– a grinder a ladle – a mincer.

10. A cucumber (tomato, pepper, etc) preserved in a vinegar solution is - clear soup – a pickle – sauce.

11. To cook food slowly in water that is boiling very gently is – to bake– to boil – to simmer.


Which of the words (word-combinations) do not belong to the group?

1. bake, boil, fry, heat, roast, serve.

2. cauliflower, dill, lettuce, parsley, pine-apple.

3. beef, chicken, lamb, mutton, pastry, pork, veal.

4. biscuit, bread, bun, cake pie, roll, sour-cream.

5. cod, herring, pike, salmon, trout, tuna, venison.


Ask and answer. What do we call


1 bread, meet, cheese, fish, eggs, sugar, bacon, herring, which can be eaten by people or animals to keep them living and for growth?

2 breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper?

3 a drink or food taken just before a meal to stimulate the appetite?

4 manner of cooking? 

5 one of the several parts of a meal?

6 a plate, a glass, a cup, a teapot, a kettle, a spoon, a fork, a knife, etc?

7 potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, beets, etc?

8 pudding, cake, sweets, pie, jelly, etc?

9 a sauce for adding to a dish (as a salad)?

10 a small sum given for a service (as in a restaurant)?

11 two pieces of buttered bread with cheese or meat between them?

12 unhealthy food?

13 usual time for taking a meal?

14 water, milk, tea, coffee, wine, cola, etc?


(a course; cuisine; dessert; dishes; a dressing; drinks; food; junk food; meals; mealtime; a sandwich; a starter;  a tip; vegetables).



4. Write different foods under the following headings.


Good food    Dangerous food        Disgusting food                 

2019-08-13 452 Обсуждений (0)
Answer the following questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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