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Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных предложений.

2019-11-20 223 Обсуждений (0)
Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных предложений. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Для того чтобы правильно выполнить контрольную работу, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса.

1) Present Continuous в значении будущего.

2) Past Simple.

3) Present Perfect.

4) Future Simple.

5) Модальные глаголы: са n , may , must .

6) Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

7) Производные от some , any , n о .


1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Continuous или Future Simple :

1) I (not come) to the plant tomorrow. 2) I think Tina (go) on business to Italy next week.        3) _____ you (have) talks the day after tomorrow? 4) Maybe, I (stay) at home next Sunday. 5) The representatives of Simpson and Co. (not arrive) tonight. 6) Do you think you (sign) the contract next Friday? 7) Who (leave) for London this afternoon? 8) When you (meet) Mr. Bell? 9) He (not work) today. 10) I am sure their manager (come) to our office tomorrow.


2. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

1) The Managing Director told us about the change of his plans. 2) My boss phoned me yesterday. 3) We were on a business trip last month. 4) They have just discussed the terms of the contract. 5) The secretary has sent the documents by air mail. 6) In June we will produce two new models. 7) They will accept our offer. 8) The hotel was very expensive. 9) They had a meeting the day before yesterday. 10) The plane for Moscow left on time.


Выберите правильную форму глагола. Подчеркните выбранные слова.

1) Yesterday I phoned / I’ve phoned the bank about my credit. 2) I work / have worked here since the end of the last year. 3) Your taxi has just arrived / just arrived. 4) We’re enjoying our trip. We have made / made a lot of useful contacts. 5) I’ve seen / saw Hugh Hopper a few days ago. 6) We were / have been to an interesting seminar last week. 7) During the previous talks they agreed / have agreed to lower the prices. 8) Have you looked / did you look through the latest catalogue yet? 9) I’m afraid Patricia left / has left the office an hour ago. 10) I’m afraid Patricia isn’t here – she left / has left the office.


4. Составьте предложения с модальными глаголами:

Образец : you/ to/ write/ а letter/ can/ Mr. Dunn/ now?- Can you write a letter to Mr. Dunn now?


1) look through/ every/ the secretary/ morning/ must/ the mail.

2) now/ with/I/ make/ can’t/ Mr. Green/ an appointment.

3) they/ the talks/ must/ at l1/ begin.

4) the room/I/ leave/ may?

5) show/ our/ can/ Mr. Blake/ you/ quotation?

6) he/ must/ the office/ go/ to/ day/ every?

7) study/ catalogue/ may/ this/I?

8) send/ mustn’t / the contract/ you/ today.

9) discuss/I/ now/ can’t/ the matter.

10) invite/ the businessmen/ you/ to/ may/ the conference room.


5. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени:

1. От прилагательных: old, expensive, good, cheap, modern, bad.

2. От наречий: late, carefully, slowly, badly, long, early.


Заполните пропуски, употребляя местоимения: somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, everybody. Подчеркните выбранные слова .

1) She said something but I didn’t understand it. 2) Is there _____ you’d like to clarify? 3) I’m afraid there is _____ wrong with your order. 4) Will _____ help me with these documents?       5) _____ must go to the airport to meet Mr. White. 6) There is ______ interesting for us in this catalogue. Don't take it. 7) Would you like ______ to drink? 8) It was rather late, there was _____ in the office. 9) Have you heard ______ about their equipment? 10) ______ liked the visit to the plant, it was very interesting.


Перепишите предложения, употребив правильные предлоги. Подчеркните выбранные слова .

1) We are interested _____ receiving offers _____ British companies. 2) Their telephone equipment is ______ high quality. It meets the requirements _____ their customers. 3) Can I speak ______ Mr. Petrov, please? - Yes, I’m putting you ______ . 4) We agree to accept payment ______ collection. 5) Our machines are ______ great demand ______ this price. 6) He was 10 minutes late ______ the meeting. 7) We can agree ______ this discount. 8) We can’t agree ______ the Sellers that their price is attractive. 9) Three months ago Rosimport received an enquiry ______ compressors ______ their customers _____. 10) Is it convenient _____ you to have talks ______ them?


Прочтите текст. Переведите абзац № 2 письменно.



1. Boris Petrov is an engineer of a Russian foreign-trade organization. He often goes on business to different European, Asian and African countries. His оorganization does business with lots of foreign firms.

2. Last month he was in Great Britain. He went there to sign а contract for the purchase of some equipment. The talks were very difficult. Petrov and the British businessmen discussed prices, terms of delivery, terms of shipment and other business matters. The supplier agreed to reduce the price.

3. During his trip Petrov visited different plants where he saw the equipment in operation. He also attended a 3-day conference on financial management and met consultants from law firms. Boris was lucky with the weather. It was warm and it didn’t rain. He was pleased with the trip.


Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных предложений.

1) Его компания торгует со многими зарубежными фирмами. 2) Он ездил туда подписать контракт на покупку оборудования. 3) Петров посетил различные заводы, где он видел оборудование в эксплуатации. 4) Ему повезло с погодой. 5) Он встретился с консультантами юридических фирм.


10. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1) Where does Petrov often go on business? 2) Who was in Great Britain last month? 3) Did he go there to have talks or for his holiday? 4) Did Petrov visit different plants? 5) What kind of conference did he attend?

2019-11-20 223 Обсуждений (0)
Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных предложений. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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