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The Importance of Relationships

2019-12-29 217 Обсуждений (0)
The Importance of Relationships 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Although you may like to be alone at times, relationships with others are important to your health.

Healthy relationships fulfill important emotional and physical needs throughout your life time. In fact, the need for relationships runs so deep that some social scientists believe it is basic as your need for food and sleep.

If people are deprived of human company for too long, they may become depressed, lose interest in eating and caring for themselves, and even die. Today, the family and social groups within which a group, for example, usually provides love and guid­ance. Social groups provide a sense of belonging and independ­ence. Often, you learn more about yourself and what you believe when you are a member of a group. It is within the family group, for example, that young children first begin to develop their physical and mental skills and begin to form their opinions about themselves. The family also teaches young children social skills, such as how to cooperate with others and how to behave in different situations, which allow them to get along in other social groups.


Most teenagers consider it important to be part of one or more groups outside their families. These groups may include school groups, religious groups, sport teams, social clubs, political groups, or hobby clubs. The support of groups of people you trust helps to build your confidence and self-esteem, feeling good about yourself and being proud of yourself.

When you are part of a group, many of the things you do become fun. All kinds of activities, like studying for a test, going to a show, or roller-skating, can be more enjoyable when you do them with others. Something that might seem silly doing alone, like dressing up in a costume, can be fun to do with friends.

Right now, some of your most important relationships may be with a small group of close friends. Close friends can give each other confidence and bring out the best in one another. When you are feeling sad or discouraged, it is reassuring to have a friend who will listen to you and help you through the hard time.

There is some dualing of the inner position of senior stu­dents: they are turned to the future, they are thinking about it, planning for the future and they are living actively in the present time.

Psychological peculiarity of the teenager and the youthful age was discovered. Youth is the special eldest school age. It was selected and pointed out unformed because of development of the system and compulsory education.

So, one of the essential changes of the teenager's inner position is origin of the special complex of requirements, which finds expression in desiring to go out of the school limits and to be involved into the adult's life and activities.

On the base of these requirements an ability to learn the aims, which go out of the today limits. But of all the excitements, interests, wishes and desires of the teenager stay intented on the school life problems, which are the lessons, marks and others, we can say that it is a definite violation of the personality's development. It says about the fact that the child is not really transferred to the new age level.

The next moment of the new teenager's inner position is the appearing of the forming requirement. It is the desire for cor­responding not only to the level of the people's demands, but the desire for self demands and self-esteem.

Kosarevskaya Maria,

9 th Form Specialized in Linguistics

Forgotten Heroes

Only the dead have seen

The end of the war.



Sixty years ago the guns of the Great Patriotic War were silenced. Sixty years ago the Great Victory was won. However, people who carried this victory on their shoulders and gave peace to every home, now have to take part in another war.

Long ago, in 1945, most of them were from 18 to 25 years old. All of them were winners and were greeted as heroes. The whole world gave them respect for their great deeds.

They became honourable veterans. For forty six years they were famous and didn't need to complain about their life condi­tions.

But in the recent 90-s everything collapsed. Both the country which they shed their blood for and the regime they trusted, fell. Severe times came.

Fifteen years more have now passed. After many governmental crises they were remembered. By this time many of them have died. Unfortunately, our society remembers them only during holiday celebrations, meetings and memorial days. It is a happy time for them because during the rest of a year most of them suffer from neglect of surrenders' attention. They know that solitude is one of the most horrible ordeals. On the front-line there were brothers-in-arms near them. Now they live lonely lives. Not so many of them are surrounded with the appreciation of their chil­dren and grandchildren.

Veterans, as they themselves say, take part in their "war" with bureaucratic laws, medical and pension problems. Conditions under which they are placed now seem to be an absence of gratitude toward people who, on the one hand, brought us the victory and, on the other hand, have earned great life experience. These people can teach us a lot.

That is why our government must improve their living conditions. We must be thankful for these People (beginning with the capital letter)    for the sacrifices which they gave for the whole world.


Michael Sinjushin, 9 th Form

2019-12-29 217 Обсуждений (0)
The Importance of Relationships 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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