Civilization - cultural paradigm
12 Civilization - cultural paradigm - generally theoretical product finding centuries. Here all history of humanity is thought as assembly specific, regarding close-mouthed civilizations (them comprised from 5 before 21), each of which passes the stages of appearance, of growth, break and breakdowns dying from naturally - occurring catastrophes, of military damages or into conflicts. In last pattern guilty turns out to be creative elite which, appear not on height before next "annuls mirabilis" problem, turn into in reigning minority, and govern political elite preferring the authority force. The main load of population, aloof from power and property – it "into proletariat" which in union with barbarian periphery or "exterior proletariat" comes forward on the struggle of anti govern minority which conducts to civilization killing. The theory of civilizations comprises strong alternative euro centrism, opens the perspective of the rapprochement of East and West on the pathways of their spiritual enrichment and turnovers. By the nucleus of every civilization comes forward spiritual culture into entire her infrequency, and progress - the spiritual improving of persons attended with waiver of absolutization material values and by the revival of harmony between man and nature in the spirit of the best triumphs of the nations of East and West. In the field geopolitics civilization approach brings by pore untrivial results. Concord of formation and civilization approaches in east-west comparison up to now is not easy problem and only partly is allowed with the help of third newest paradigm suggested by in 70 years school the world of-system analysis. Is agreeing Wallerstain, in XVI c. In Europe derived change the world of-systems: The world of-empire based on political wield power, complied place world to-economics based on commerce. The center of force shift from Seville (empire Gabsburgov) to Amsterdam. This was victory the capitalist world of-economics (KME) which from that time comes forward as modern world-system (SMS) and round which formed concentration rings world periphery. Nucleus-center KME obtained ding main load commercial arrived, constantly conducts struggle for monopoly, and state comes forward by the instrument of this struggle, by determinative into and exterior expansion. By specificity economic, and signifies and political hegemony world-system analysis considers the evidence of next signs: · Development begins in agro industrial bead, maximum hegemony converges at stage of the commerce, deprivation hegemony is bound with entry to banking-financial term; · Any hegemony will arrange its political - economic protection under the slogans of "elicited commerce" and "global liberalism"; · Power - predominant force predominates in naval connections; · It is conventional, as this was evidenced above, hegemony gains strength through world wars which last approximately during 30 years old. Remarkably also what every willing victor began with what took itself in partner’s previous predominant force (Great Britain - Holland, USA - Great Britain). Is agree to geopolitical forecast the world of-system analysis (and it predictive possibilities evident), history dismissed KME else 70-80 years old. By the end onset follow to consider 1974 year. Its peak USA as modern predominant force already survive, and with the second half 70 years began their decline. Willing predominant force already must set cooperate connectedness with USA, but here is who by him will - this meanwhile stays under question, though much speaks in favor of the candidacy of Japan or China.
1.4 Victory modern world - of economics over "world - by empire" Today is considered by fact victory the modern world of - economics soviet “world by - empire” which hereto in propagandistic purposes assessed as "empire of evil". With absolute predictive optimism Marxism derives difficult parting. But also make a bit of a noise on all world communication F. Fukuyama about the "end of history" and final and irreversible the triumph of liberally-democratic orders all over the world after the fashion USA of and Europe very assailable for criticism. In the epoch of Risk, of unresolved global problems to speak of some final decisions essentially with discrete care. It is all the more, what fourth portion of humanity continues socialist experiment and does this very circumspectly and solid. In order to repeat sad experience the soviet “world of-empire” to milliards nation is in prospect to originate its Gorbachev, express political will or to lend acquiescence on the decay of self country, what directly demand in the west as price for "exit from totalitarianism". Is thought, what hearings about the final death of Marxian socialism greatly are exaggerated, what only history will read, was whether this valid blind alley or outstripping its time, and that is why and tragic, social experience. In any case can be take advantage of the strong sides of all three approaches, in order to arrange material remembering about high-purity euro centrist sin Marxism, about into euro centrist dominant the peace of – systems review, it "capital centrism", about balancing of potency civilization approach for chance common in its diversification world. Last especially important, for nobody will not become to deny that world of politics differently supervise and is seen from New York, of London, of Paris and Berlin, and distinctions this grow during gaze from Beijing, Divide, of Cairo, Tokyo of or Moscow which national political cultures of – tradition have not yet grew of common met language which tongue of west christian civilization is away off not alone. Larger "advance" West in the development of political forms and theoretical understanding this development by the facilities of political science - incontestable triumph europium, from which follow to distinguish euro centrism. Today nobody from the serious explorers of West does not deny necessities to include in political immune-assay and synthesis rub the quarters of the population of world (East), all ethno cultural the regions of earth with their history and political culture. However acquisition scientific truth here interface with uneasy procedures comparisons, the since political life of East and West must be defined, as certain integrity, whereas earlier if and were attracted the materials of East, then only in order better to understand the self history of West and self problems. In order to compare, necessary class (indicators), searches which inevitably resulted in well studied history and the theories of west political culture. To sally namely this circumstance - to the application of the developed tongue (of classes) European christian civilization - in many is obligated by its existence euro centrism. In other words, application of self mature and influential political culture contemporaneity, not to mention direct uncritical borrowings in institutional bead, pregnant involuntary euro centrism, by losses in national political make, by breakages national traditions and even their by deprivation. This wonderfully understand of political scientist West which are agree with what the political life of East maybe adequately is understood only in terms of the political culture of East which asia centrism has not for less than right furs existence, than euro centrism, though, from our point of view, "both worse". By pore in the west are made successful attempts comprehend no self political experience through "neutral" notions of naturally - occurring and fine articles ("entrance, exit, encoding, information, feedback and so on, but in the long run all that by wrap the delusion of neutrality, because, strictly speaking, neither one of these notions cannot be neutral, since carries European values in hidden air. As work overcoming barricade euro centrism and containing the very complete kit of criterions and maneuvers for comparative political science, essential to call and to recommend translated into Russian language book M. Dugan and D. Pelosi.
Conclusion However intuitively explicit, what political truth maybe procured in comparison, during condition which is compared of phenomenon, in comparable measure studied, of notion one thing current, and signifies fairly abstract. Today manages to read that modern rate of studied the political cultures of West and East lets to done their comparison. And not trouble, what of distinction between them evident, similarity it will be necessary seek. In the center of the political life of all countries today undoubtedly reside the problems of democracy. However this does not signify that self democracy acquired for all countries and the nations of world implication first common to all mankind political value. In the east up to now democracies prefer "order", namely those variants authoritarian. Related to this follow to say that world really realizes the incompetence of the negative detecting of the democracy as of exemption from despotism what ours was called " worship persons", from oppressive control on the part of govern elite, of all-powerful nomenclature, as well as the narrowness of the self understanding of the democracy of as little as disengagement of political choice (these essential, but the deficient minimum of democracy) irrelative to the purposes of self democracy. As soon as we move away from the question of the "negative" detecting of democracy and approach to positive its sense which politics of _ this rule of game, in basis which are put value orientation. But next essential to acknowledge that in politics rushes into the problems of ideals, and signifies of deideologization political bead - not above than convenient for what - that (for that, who does not want intelligibility in detecting of perspectives) political myth. Read very attentively in ideas modern French political scientist: "Today in the countries of "third world" chief consists in that, in order to find pathway between openness with reference to world market (which essential, because she enables competition) and by protection personal and collective originality from devaluation and alien ideological constructs".
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